Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Vayeitzei - 5784



Dear Biblical investigators….dear lovers of the timeless analogies…dear seekers of the ancient situations that fascinate our imaginations and test our resolve to transform our life's tribulations to realizations of the Divine Hand working it's way through us , into us and all around us---and in response to our seeming unique , individual challenges -----there's only one way to reframe-----that at the heart of it all---we are being called upon to learn the lessons—or to keep going through more school of hard knocks sessions until we start seeing beyond the seeming
happenstance---and realize that it's all customized intentions designed to grab our attention that there is no one or no thing else guiding our lives ---aside from the One who is turning day into night …what an awesome sight for the ones who open their eyes to truly see….


Yaakov -- dreamed a dream
He saw a ladder
stretching from Earth up to Heaven
with Angels going up and down
A Prophetic dream
An analogy interpreted many ways
Each way teaching life changing
life guiding lessons;

about the lengths of our exiles

about how our prayers are arousing the heavenly realms
to deliver to us abundance and salvation

about our lost Sparks \ soul parts
redeemed to us by the One Above
in exchange for our love

about how we have
an important essential drive
to bridge Heaven and Earth
[* Seek out all types of EARTH situations
and infuse them with HEAVEN situations
such as G-dliness and Infinity and Eternity
When you think thoughts
contemplate their Divine source
When you take action
contemplate the Divine response
When you speak to someone
Speak in a way
that would find favcr
in the Eyes of Gd


*He woke up He asked,
Is Hashem “B’Makom Haze” (in this PLACE)?

*I didn’t know
G-d was found
in a place where a person’s
heart was hard as the stones
That I laid my head upon

*I didn’t know
that we can have the ladder
that was planted in the ground
and reaches the highest heights

*I didn't know
that the earthly mundane things
that the , nighttime times in my life,
can be elevated to the highest heights

*I didn't know
that from from the smallest baby steps
we can reach to the highest heights

*I didn’t know
that G-d was found
in the midstof confusion
in the thickness of delusion
in the blackness of despair

*but now I know
from this Place
that G-d is truly found


***a ladder

planted on earth

reaches up

to the highest heights

***those in the know

know how to see Heaven

on Earth

***those in the know

know how to see

holiness in the mundane

***those in the know

know how to navigate

the endless light

***those in the know

know how to see Gd speaking

in all that happens

day and night

***those in the know know how to penetrate the mystery


*Could it be
That he passed the holy place
That I passed the holy place
That you passed the holy place?!

*The bridge
between upper Jerusalem and lower Jerusalem
The bridge
Between the heaven and earth
The bridge
Where all the abundance comes down to our world
The bridge
Where All the people are climbing up to Gan Eden
The bridge
That opens us up to the parallel worlds
The Bridge
That we walk through in our lives to get to the other side

*Could it be ? How could it be?
how could we not see?!

*The whole world interincluded
All the souls interincluded
all of history interincluded
into the Rock
the foundation Rock
into the rock of THE PLACE

*and the entire human race
waits breathlessly
for us to be
in that Place
in that sacred Space
from now
till the end of time
and beyond


*****at the center of it all

in the apex of connection

is found the sacred space

the holy place

the focus of the human race

*****thousands of years

millions of tears

have brought us here

never to fear again

we've come home to her

for good

*****where Heaven meets Earth

where our true selves emerge

where all souls

and all prayers


****/and we cast our lot with You

what else can we do

If I forget thee

let my right arm wither

for you are my heart

you are my sister

my one and only

to you I give

all my love

in you

I am one

with The One Above


[**perhaps the deepest lesson we can learn from the challenges of Yaakov and Eisav and all of his experiences ---is that he was able to meet up with the paradoxes of life and come out whole**]

Dear highers and lowers and fasters and slowers and stoppers and goers and hiders and show-ers And knowers and not knowers….paradox is the password…it's the only way to get from here to there---in a world where attaching to one side alone will paralyze you…will stifle you ..will minimize you…but when you set in motion paradoxical notions—then the mountains and the oceans will go to bat for you…will show where it's at for you …will point you in a direction that's based on your inner predilection –though it may make no sense to your linear minded friends---but it's really the only way to find your way home…let's hope these poems help us to find our way home

**and the higher soul


with the lower soul

in a harmonious flow

and the more they

simultaneously grow

the more they each

get to know

when to control

and when to let go
**and our body and soul

will only have only

one thing

that they'll want

to know,

"Please reveal to us

Your supernal glow"

not too high not too low

It'll be the greatest show

nothing else comes close

this--- we will all know''

**and just as the sea

comes to rest

at the shore

and just as

the lion and the lamb

cuddle up

on the garden floor

so too will

my brightest side

light up

my darkest side

forever more

and so too will the tree

of knowing

and the tree of life

unlock all the doors
**and when we slip

into Paradise

forever and a day

there will be

only one thing

left to say,

"All praise be

to the One

who set us free for all of eternity"


**we are a people

born into families

of ancient roots

seeking constantly to be born
**Atik Yomin

the oldest thing

gives rise

to brand new

**We live in a land

that's old and new

paradoxical sunrise

breath-taking view
**every family

has a martyred legacy

giving us the courage

to become a whole new entity
**primordial stirrings

stream through our blood

and the end is

planted in the beginning
**a people so weather-worn

so been there-done that



willing to start

again and again
**archetypal memories

prophetic history

leading us to


rise up and be

the light

to the world

that we are

destined to be

**and the holy tongue

the DNA of reality

planted in the

texture of all that is

reframes itself

into re-creating

all that comes into being

**and the ancient

and the new

presents itself to me and you if we allow it to


**they invoke polarity;
a oneness
with their differences
fully intact
a constant tension
that keeps them
coming back
for more

**they invoke polarity;
it brings out their essence
it brings out their desire
it lights them on fire
it digresses them
it obsesses them
it enmeshes them
in each other

**they invoke polarity;

She says A

He says B

She says "Hey, I get what you say'

He says ''Now I see the way you see''

And they've been doing this thing all the time

And even when they're speaking completely different things

They are making the most exquisite rhyme

All the time

And personally- I think It's a sure sign

Of some amazing times

We are all stepping into

When 1 and 1 isn't really two

But rather a whole new way

To view

the things we do


***life comes from nothingness

nothingness comes from everythingness

everythingness seeks oneness

and reverts to nothingness

from which comes a life

of paradoxical striving

an unlikely unifying

an impossible re-defining

of the many into one

***she closed her eyes

and saw static and light

and let it all play itself out

in all of it's chaotic glory

until with the passage of time

a whole new story

presented itself to her

a quiet calm

informed her

where she

and all else

comes from

a supreme journey

back to the one

***Creation waits on the Pre-creation

like a worker waits for his long awaited vacation

like a song waits for singer full of inspiration

and the enlightened one sees

that the Heavens and the Earth

and the mountains and the seas

all await of course

their primordial force

their pre-creation source

to complete them

to free them

to lead them

back to the one


*after feeling utter revulsion
he looks on with fascination
pondering what is the secret of
this Land of Paradox

*and the depressed ones
are the first ones to step forward
to do the dance of ecstasy
reaching out a helping hand to all those who
are trying to make their way through the maze of
this Land of Paradox

*and the spies
can't seem to rise to this historic opportunity
opening up locked doors
for their posterity to enter into
the Land of Paradox

*and her people

have walked for thousands of miles
to kiss the dust at their feet
and walk barefoot on the sand of
this Land of Paradox

inhabits our minds the prophetic past
providing the signs which reveal how to step up to
and live now in the present
and pave the way for Heaven sent Messianic consciousness here in
The Land of Paradox

*and the deepest intensity
and the deepest insecurity you can see it
in the eyes of everyone you see
just before unheard of miracles
beyond people's ability to understand here in
The Land of Paradox

*and the right wingers
rub shoulders with' the left wingers
2 Jews 3 opinions the masses in their minions
every race and persuasion vying for leverage
here in this Nation and even the secular agree with the orthodox
that life is quite unique here in
The land of Paradox

*Over here
life is a self reflected mirror
there are no excuses there are no disguises
the Land must be earned but don't be overly concerned
if we're going to make it here or not
because all good things can be gotten
when you know that we are constantly knocking
on G-d's front door no less and no more here in
The Land of Paradox


Dear parental bearers of the holy spirit---the spirit that allows you to let the appropriate child's name roll off of your tongue—and the Holy One----takes the name and sets it into motion ----fashioning it into a procession of life events….a face among a myriad of faces----tracing it's providential comings and goings back to it's name-----and the minute that the name came into being----the soul became free to tread on to her path of destiny---and the World with all of it's potpourri of interconnections and preconceptions----shifts into a specific direction ----whose only intention was to paint a masterpiece that would be framed by this person's name ---and from that point on---nothing will ever remain the same ----and the masters of the Good Name can detect by the way the name rolls off of their tongues ---what is to be this one's fate---what is to be the song that will be sung



**and when the words rolled across his tongue

and reverberated upon his lips

he knew whether it was going to be this

that he prayed for

or something else altogether

*inspiration at the corners of our eyes

interpretations based on our ability to see the signs

to hear the sighs

inundating our lives

**intuition a premonition

an inherent predilection

a succinct and clear prediction

of what is unfolding

right in front of our eyes


Our Matriarchs
Leah and Rachel
gave names to their children
--the Tribes of Israel
based on their current relationship
with Yaakov upon conception

whisper to someone their name
when they are deep asleep
their soul hears their name
and they awaken

the vortex of the
complexity and and diversity of life
converges in our name

the slightest change
of a name reframes
all of our fate
now and forever

what's in a name?
a combination of letters
that hold all of the light
and all of the life
that we connect to
our entire lives

so why name
the all important
Tribes of Israel
with names
a couple's connection
at the time of conception?

perhaps it's all about intention

all conception
is about one's intention....

perhaps all intention bonds with
conception to transform
a potential vision
into a holy manifestation

perhaps we can now see how
the Holy tribes of Israel
were conceived
with the holiest intentions


**the words unravel
a deeper level
profound insights
hidden in the recesses
of the subconscious mind

***and we speak
our way into consciousness
our words
our flashes of brilliance
our conceptual conceptions
tap into the wave-lengths
of timeless soul-ing
of an unmistakable knowing

***and the greatest
of the seers and sages
across the spectrum
of time and the ages
see how the words spoken
reveal the story of our lives

**and he knew
that when he told her
all that he's going through
her words of prayer
would pull him through

**and she knew
that his holy words
created holy vessels
and angel's wings
and could turn anything
into G-dly beings



what's in a name?

a combination of letters

that hold all of the light

and all of the life

that we connect to

our entire lives


so why name

the all important Tribes of Israel

with names depicting

a couple's connection

at the time of conception?

perhaps it's all about intention

perhaps all conception

is about one's intention....

perhaps all intention

bonds with conception

to transform a potential vision

into a holy manifestation

perhaps we can now see

how the Holy tribes of Israel

were conceived

with the holiest intentions


[**Jacob woke up and realized –how awesome is this Place…and he didn't ever know – that from that moment--- it will be his legacy for himself and all of us for the duration of The Long Exile Night ----to show us how to survive and thrive in the Night –in the 'Arvit' prayer conscious **]

Dear children of the night…..lost and found explorers just trying to get it right this time….fallen heroes caught up in the slipstream-----no ---things are not as they seem to the naked eye---unless you can see beyond this setback, beyond this discouragement---and instead—take courage in the light at the edge of the dawn…yes I know it is cold and dark----but look at the eyes of those who see things otherwise….and besides all that ---it is our legacy---

the path has been paved for us back in the days of old ---when the light bearers braved the storms of deception and lies—for us their precious progeny-------all we have to do is walk on through and trust in the promising words of the chosen few---- in the life resurrection of the perpetual dew----that is showing us how weave our way through the misleading words that so many lost beings are saying----but we've been that way---and we know that it's not as they say--------we will find that the day follows the night ---it has always been that way---and it always will be….


It's the darkness that reveals the light...

It's the hiding that prompts the revelation.....

It's the chaotic scatteredness that manifests the unity...

It's the aimlessness that inspires the direction ....

It's the mortality that gives birth to the true living...

It's the G-dlessness that discovers the G-dliness.....

It's the depression that leads to the ecstacy.....

It's the hate that unleashes the love…….

It’s the limitation that enables the expression of Infinity…

It’s the no-saying that liberates the yes saying….

It’s the containment that forces out the birthing…

It’s the constriction that that emanates the creation….

It’s the confusion that enlightens the clarity….

It’s the loneliness that discovers the bonding….

It’s the natural that unleashes the supernatural…..

It’s the lacking that brings on the completion…..

It’s the conformity that causes to emerge the uniqueness…..

It’s the imperfection that arouses the perfection…..

It’s the multiplicity that elucidates the oneness….

It’s the opposite that reveals the sameness….


***If you know how to walk

in between the rain-drops

If you know how to see all the dark

--as really being light

If you know how to feel the fear

--as being the key to unlock it all

If you know how to touch

the untouchable place inside

If you know how to hear goodness

in between the lines of life's dark messages

If you know how to taste the bitterness

as actually being sweetness

**Then you will be able

to always dwell

in the inner sanctum

reserved for the chosen few

where all is light

where all is right


***listen to a whole new voice

opening inside of you

quiet and subtle at first

but growing in intensity

a birthing

the birth screams of Mashiach

happening deep inside you

***listen to the darkness

all the darknesses of your life

calling you

from a distance at first

but steadily coming closer

growing bolder

you've always kept them at a distance

but something has shifted

you can now see right through them

when you don't take your eyes off of them

even for a second

***that's when you become friends

that's when the angels

in charge of your pain and suffering

surrender to you

and they have no choice

but to yield to your penetrating stare

and the walls

of illusion

and delusion

and dissolution

and confusion

come tumbling down

just because you know

that underneath

that pain

that hurt

there lies a light from Above

a light that keeps everything in existence


***and the Angel of death

revealed to Moses

the supernal ways

these secrets

the Ketoret

the holy spices

the sublime combinations

of goodness and badness

meshed together in sacred light

and dashed away the darkness

of the endless exile night

***and the messianic light

is being born inside of us

and the birth pangs distract us

but the promise of a better day

of a higher way

of an endless voice

guides us listen

to the lion inside of you

now in the time of messianic birthing

and let the roar encourage you

to say never more

will I take my eyes away

from the golden gate

that is open to one and all

just walk on through that door

***the price of admission

is submission

to His Mysterious ways

the secret code

is believing

believing is seeing

and seeing is believing

***and upon looking inside

I see a familiar sight

the story of my life

a sight to behold

solid gold

something I know

something that lights up my way

but like so many other days

I just look away

because it's easier that way

***but on this particular day

I stare it straight in the face

and I am transported

to a brand new place

to a brand new way

and all I hear all day long

is the sweetest song

–urging me to look inside

–always look inside

until I find my way

my one and only way


*******inside of the darkness is light

********a light that has been patiently waiting to shine since the beginning of time

************and this light will guide us all to see that what seems to be wrong is ultimately right

***********is actually the very best thing we could ever hope to have

**********and He saw all that He Created was good

*******but when He saw this darkness light

He saw that it was very good

and that everything comes out

to be just like it should


Dear fans of the underdog….singers of the pervasive song of humanity---you know the one I refer to….it's the one where the main character gets sucked up into the overwhelm----unable to cope with the darkness that temporarily blinds…..and then ---with sheer will power and Divine grace---the tide is turned ---and the lowly one becomes everyone's hero ---because they were able to speak up in the face of impossible odds---and with their true self---full of vulnerability and transparency and naivete----they shine through ---the voice of truth…..even in the face of impossible odds….Yaakov –our patriarch was a Tam---he was the embodiment of holy naivete…and when the violence of the hand of his nemesis brother threatened to strike ---he would dive deep inside and his inner voice would banish the enemy---and we all have to fight that fight…it's our legacy ….I hope that some of this poetry can put you on a path that you are meant to be on


*Yaakov Avinu was born a Tam Yaakov Ish Tam

A holy and simple receiver of G-d's abundance

without needing to second guess

what others and life really means

*and he was thrust

into the World of lies and deception

and was tested by those

whose word was not what they meant

and not what they felt

*and to make a long story short

Yaakov came up shining pretty much....

despite being immersed

in this world of treachery

where things are not as they seem to be

*He did it for us his posterity

to be able to see through the lies

if we want to truly see

*if not ...well .... ..

.that's pretty much the story

that most of us suffer through

in this reality

*and I truly want to be a devotee

of holy naiveté

to be able to say

what I mean

and mean what I say

I don't want it to be any other way

*and I pray

that my holy naiveté

will draw into my life

people that feel

and act the same way

*even though I know

it's probably not going to be that way

*but I believe

that the more that I pray

the more I will see

how it will truly come to be


*'The voice is the voice of Jacob

The hands are the hands of Esau'

*our legacy

if you open your heart to really see

is to speak from the essence of our totality

*and when you do

then the hand of any man

that threatens you will be subdued

will melt away in the morning dew

will let you go on doing what only you can do

*to speak your deepest truths

and pray your deepest prayers

until all the slayers of the righteous

and the holy ones

will burn up in the unsheathed sun

and their wicked deeds will be done

*and all the holy voices

of history will flourish eternally

just as it was always meant to be


***All of me I give to all of You

All of You --you give to all of me

endless inheritance conceived in allness

***Yaakov our choicest of Patriarchs

based on the events and intentions

of his life

paved for us a way into endlessness

endless G-d fusion into mundaneness

on our part

endless inheritance of benevolent G-d providence

on G-d's part

a reflection from I to Thou

and Thou to I

***Shabbos in it's essence

is a fusion of holiness

of G-dliness

into mundaneness

holy, G-dly sleeping

holy , G-dly eating

***and G-d sees us

making Him the focus

the desire the purpose

of all we do on Shabbos

and by extension in life

and in response

gives us

an endless inheritance

an inheritance of endlessness


~~~~here in the land of submission

we are given permission to let it all go

~~~~all the voices are in harmony

all the choices are in synchronicity

all the love is shared freely

all the smiles are given effortlessly

~~~~ and you and me can finally see

at the dawn's rising

a realizing of all we have been dreaming

of constantly wanting, needing and yearning

for it be otherwise


**we walk around at all hours of night and day

driven by needs one need or another

one lacking or another

they never go away

they never stop coming

a parade of lackings

all shouting at us

to attend to them

before the other ones

a conglomeration of heart-breaks

a pervasion of heart aches

an invasion for Heavens sakes

**and suddenly in the midst of all the noise

a barely perceptible voice

and we all had no choice

but to listen

and this is what we heard

**'and it was evening and it was morning on the 6th day...'

and then the voice went on to say

that the Heavens and the Earth

and all that was lacking was complete

and that all the chaos

and all the lackings

and all the pain

would never come back again

**and all we had to do

is to step up to that door and walk on through

all that we need to do is to step up to that door and walk on through


On Friday afternoon

the Worlds begin to ascend

and don't stop until the end of Shabbat

We can enter into that ascent

if we receive

if we believe

if we perceive

that the atmosphere

around here

is getting more and more



in this climb

from the many-ness

to the oneness

from the noise of confusion

to the joy of divine fusion

and when the sun

begins to sink

that's when we begin to think

that all that we've done

and everything we've seen

in the week that's now gone

was not really

anything that we've done

but rather what was done

to us

through us

by The Holy One

and so too will it be

for the week to come

and our extra dose of Soul

helps us to know

that everywhere we go

we can rest assuredly

that the One

the source of purity

will lead us everlastingly

into the place that's meant

for only

you and me

Shabbat Shalom


[*for chodesh kisleiv—the month of miracles*]

Dear magic , mystical meditative, musical miracle makers---the miracles are now at hand -here in the Holy Land and across all of time and space ---every day they increase incrementally---with each new light that we see---with each new day that goes by—believe it and you will see it ----the extraordinary realms are knocking upon your door----open up and let them in---the incomprehensible and the impossible are reaching out their hands to become your best friends…….and when you allow your "I" to disappear---it will become absolutely clear to you that here on the edge of the ordinary---on the border of the extraordinary----you can see the distant lights on the horizon----there dwells in in that magic place the citizens of the miraculous---no passports are required to get in-----there is only one thing you have to know---that the heart and soul of miracle living –is when you are truly giving yourself over completely to the Ain Od Milvado---to know and to see that there is no one else but His Majesty


***she looks at him right between the eyes

***she knows that he has seen something in a way that he rarely sees otherwise

***she knows that he is inspired –and he goes on to tell her that he can't find the right words to describe it---but what he does know is that his life has changed somehow----even if it's ever so slightly

***and she notices that his gait is lighter…..his eyes are brighter….his words oscillate a bit faster

***a story is told of a man who's very touch of anything –turns it into gold….well---her man was a bit like that ---and in time—she could see that all that came his way –in life---came almost effortlessly

***and he began to swim in the Sea of a new way of seeing----and things came to him miraculously----and with the passing of time-----he realized that everything was miraculous….everything was Divine benevolence revealed

***and miraculous living was his new home ……..she knew it would happen to him one day soon


****let’s learn how to live in an extraordinary way….

***let’s reach out beyond our present levels—beyond what the world considers standard or normal or in the stream of things—into a level of THE BEYOND…..

***let’s learn how to fuse ourselves with G-d 24/7….

***let’s learn how to see and live life like Abraham and Sarah did,and dare to live according to our values, even when we find ourselves alone in the world….

***let’s learn how to think with our Soul and not just with our mind…..

***let’s learn how to co-create and manifest miracles in our lives as much as possible….

***let’s learn how to receive Divine answers at will….

***let’s learn how to grow to the limits of our own potentials and beyond…

***let’s learn how to make the impossible become possible…

***let’s learn how to defy nature and live in a super-natural way…


**** the more we believe, the more that we and the world become redeemed

**** the more we believe, the more that miracles become a part of our daily reality

**** the more we believe, the more that wholeness becomes the dominant feature in our lives

**** the more we believe, the more that spiritual and monetary wealth become commonplace for us

**** the more we believe, the more that we sense higher consciousness

**** the more we believe, the more that Divine providence surrounds us

**** the more we believe, the more that we are safeguarded from the lies and deception of this world

**** the more we believe, the more that oneness slowly but surely replaces scatteredness

**** the more we believe, the more that life takes on an aura of holiness


***on the edge

you will find the way

to another place

to another day

***on the edge

of the ocean

a virgin land

beckons to be explored

***on the edge

of consciousness

a voice long forgotten

leaves an impression

of days gone by

*** on the edge

of sleep

you can fly

you can traverse

time and space

***on the edge

of love

you can still choose

to lose yourself

in love

or to walk

the tight-rope

of wait and see

***on the edge

of birth

the last vestiges

of the womb cocoon

whisper to you

to never forget

what you learned here


***impossible--it can't be done

you should've know that from the start

***impossible--scolds every last vestige of sanity and practicality left inside of you

***but you see those irresistible eyes

and you hear that beckoning voice

somewhere deep inside

in the way you used to think

deep in the way you used to go

immersed in things you used to know

***so you cast all caution to the wind

and you decide to jump on in

like your brothers and sisters did

once upon a time

in another space and time

without reason or rhyme

just because they had to

there was no turning back

but really they're all with you

here and now

their courage melts your fear

as you wipe the sweat off of your brow

***you can feel all of them

in every breath you take

in the decision that you make

***and you awaken a bit confused

did you win or did you lose

you look around and find yourself

on the other side

still breathing

still alive

impossible --it can't be done

they told you with certainty

but you put your trust in THE ONE

and now you find yourself

in a brand new way of being

a brand new way of seeing


cause and effect

keeps it all in check

as long as we choose to see

that this is the only way to be

but if you want

to set yourself free

and try out

a whole new way to be

then allow yourself to see

that at the core of reality

is that there is nothing else

but Gd

in His Divine Majesty

Ain Od Milvado

there is nothing else

you need to know

except that Gd

is running the entire show

not just the highs and lows

not just the fast and slows

not just the stops and goes

not just cuz I say so

but truth be told to thee

I exclaim rather boldly

There really is nothing else

but His Majesty

and to the extent

that you allow yourself

to see

to that extent

all of your reality

will be nothing

short of miraculous actuality

stupendous factuality

not speculative surreality

don't believe me

open up your own eyes to see

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