Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Toldot - 5784



[**'…the voice is the voice of Jacob….' Dear friends---I am seeing a pattern in this week's theme of tapping in to the voice of Jacob in all of us----and that is the fact that this inner voice is compelling---so much so that if we truly tap into it---it is irresistible----IRRESISTIBLE…..**]

Dear one and only ----you are the only one who can truly say what no one else can ever say…..your words are the only way that we can receive the message of life that has been granted to no one else –not now or ever------nobody else—can feel what you feel—…no artist can ever paint the portrait of life just like you do….and when you do…it comes through in crystal clear clarity---daring to reveal to all who want to hear ---an eternal revelation—a taste of the rarest emotional sensations…a love light that lights up the most loveless night ……and when you found your voice… one else had any choice but to sit up and lend an ear---they've heard nothing like that around here……find your voice, speak your peace…speak from the depths …speak from the sub consciousness of your being….give us all a peek into the all powerful life force that lights up your being and ours as well …..speak your peace ---because you have to---no one else can say it like you do….it's what you've come here for----so tap into it---and I'm certain that there will a lot more where that comes from…..


**She found her voice

the words broke through

the barriers of her fears

the blockades of years

came tumbling down

like a dam

crashed by a battering ram

she declared this IS who I am

**She found her voice

and the words came forth like a waterfall

revealing all that she saw

the polished and the raw

she sat in awe

she never knew

where all these

inner wellsprings

came from

**She found her voice

she had no choice

but to speak it out to others

and this is how she discovered

new neural pathways

electric sound waves

neural swirl, lines of thought

she never dreamed how much she's got

** She found her voice

and the more she spoke

the more she wrote

the more the world

spoke to her

at first with great demure

timid and mild

not wreck-less or wild

until she opened her eyes

and she stood up

and enticed the messages

from far and near

to present themselves crystal clear


**deep inside

she hides

and no one knows

she dares not show anyone

even herself

**and she knows

that when she will find

the right one

she will reveal

a love so fragile

a love so real

a love so beautiful

a love so vulnerable

a love so perplexing

a love so liberating

a love so powerful

that anyone who will witness this love

will be stunned

will be healed

will begin to reveal

to themselves

their own hidden places

and these reservoirs

will spread like wild fire

and love will be found every where


*and she speaks in emotions

and her emotions

can make a emotionless man feel again

*and she speaks in compassion

and her compassion

can melt away the hardest hearts

*and she speaks in silence

and her silence

can wake up the deepest sleeper

* and she speaks in love

and her love

can convince the hater to see things differently

*and she speaks in Gdliness

and her Gdliness

can open up the door for the denier to believe

*and she speaks in aliveness

and her aliveness

can cause the dead to rise to life

*and she speaks in hope

and her hope

can show the despairing the light at the end of the endless night


He is speaking to you all the time.

Can you hear His subtle messages He sends to you through the people in your life?

Are you listening to Him speaking to you through the beatings of your heart, informing you when to stop and when to start?

Are you listening to Him taking care of all that you need, despite what the world would lead you to believe?

Can you hear Him whispering to you that you don’t have to pay attention to the worries that occupy people’s minds, such as whether you are liked or not or whether life will treat you right?

Can you hear Him listening to your prayer when you’re saying it from the bottom of your heart?

Can you hear Him joining you in singing a holy word when you sing it as deeply and long as you can?

Are you listening to Him offering His hand to help lift you up into the Garden of Eden when you show Him that nothing will stand in your way, not even the revolving sword?

Are you listening to Him echoing your own cries of pain in all that troubles you?

Can you hear Him whisper to you that all that you resonate with in life is a part of your soul to be reclaimed and reintegrated?

Can you hear Him speaking to you through the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore and everything else that exists because He is all that exists?

Can you hear Him speaking to you through the Divine wisdom that He shares with you when you try to fathom the depth of His holy word?


***And my senses implode inside me like a million stars

Bursting in a super-nova spectacle

When I finally hear the voice

That allows me to be

Who I’m meant to be

That sets me free

That shows me how to see

***I can now see the inspiration

That lies beneath the surface

That’s been waiting for a thousand years

For that golden gate to finally open

And unleash the charging thundering herd Inside of me

That has been waiting

And anticipating For so long……

***And someone special told me

“Say what your soul sings to you”

And I take a chance

And I see what my soul has to say

And I can wait no longer

And the words never stop coming

All night and all day,

In a torrent of liquid flow

I know not from where they come

I know not where they will go


****and those rare moments

when the words pour out of you

faster than you can imagine

and you have to say your peace

and you are on the verge of tears

and you cannot stop absolutely not

because it is for these rare moments

that you have been waiting all your life

you were created for this

and all the connections are made

and all of the mind's referential processes

and associative intensiveness

have been waiting for these rare moments

****and the love comes pouring out of you too

like the ancient desert dried up river bed

that fills up in all of it's ancient glory

with the winter flood

it is the most glorious sight

and when we are gifted with a visit

of one of these rare moments

we must not lose a drop

because--who knows? perhaps it is this

that we and the Universe and everyone we know have been waiting for


***showing yourself to the one you love

daring to show your inner transparency

just because you know

that this is the only way

to reveal your destiny and your legacy

***Don't worry

let the words flow freely

they really take on a life of their own

you do not own them

nor do they own you

they are just passing through

***and when you do reveal the darker side

of you of who you are,

though it may seem unseemly,

it will set you free

and the one to whom you reveal

will ultimately feel

that they too can reveal who they really are to you

and truth will pervade

all that the two of you say and do


[**Our Patriarchal , Matriarchal tradition—a tradition of 'the Voice is the voice of Yaakov'---expresses itself over the millennial in the deepest and most life encompassing , mystery embracing, G-d connecting poetry—the Psalms, the metaphors, the prayers—have never stopped coming and gracing our holy people---it has been said we are nation of philosophers [and of course so much more] ---but I believe that we are poets of life and the divine---reaching inside deeper all the time…….in that spirit—please try to be open to accept this poetry of this thing mysterious thing called poetry**]

Dear purvey-ors of the mystery ……dear artistic say-ers of what comes to you out of no-where……dear blind trusters that G-d is the Poet and you are simply the pen……..dear holy rollers -----giving up all control to the whims of fate---satiating yourselves with the divine given plate of spiritual nourishment that is set before you……...let go of the "Ani" and let you’re inner ''Ain'' roam free in the protected native lands of the tribes of Poetry…..surely here you will encounter like-minded beings seeking the same adventures that you always have been seeking…..come join us in the sacred circle of poetry---and warm yourself by the campfire embers reincarnating into sublime flames that warm the endless stories that you are driven to tell-- again and again----synthesizing themselves deep within your soul----stripping away that layer of clothing that you usually cover yourselves up with ----but not now-----because massive magnificent myriads of Angels who have been created by your poetic words---descend into our gathering -----and their very presence bespeaks color and light and everything nice ----and so the masters of poetry carry on deep into the night


*****light the midnight lantern
of your mesmerizing articulation……

*****let go of the me
and see whole new ways to be
who you are being guided to be
---In absolute freedom and your beauty
will shine
for anyone with eyes in their head to see…

*****and the beauty you will see
will open doors of Divine reality
---you don't have to believe me---
just let the poetry entice you
and sugar and spice you
and do everything nice for you
---and guide you
to channel down
that which is beyond you
to animate
that which is inside of you


****And I want to thank you
for reaching out
I want to thank you
for igniting in me a spark
A holy spark Hidden in an ember
an ember waiting
to be fanned Into a flame
a flame burning with poetry,
Burning with creativity
Burning with sublime secrets

*****Lighting up all that lies
deep within
Deep within the recesses of my spirit
deep within the primordial memories
of lifetimes that have come
and lifetimes that had gone
a long long time ago

*****yet they beckon to me here
at the edge of consciousness
and still a still small voice calls out inside

*****and sometimes
I see You there smiling
sending me greetings
of mysterious majestic miracles
and massive magnificent myriads
of love light and bliss

****and I receive your poetry
and what else can I do
except to put it into
my pipe and smoke it
until the deepest message
comes through


****surely the thirst
that you have felt
for so long –
is what brings you here
to this sacred song fest…

****and the promise of expansiveness
enlists your heart
to join us here
with the full time meditators….

****surely the sweet fragrant smoke
of expanded consciousness
seeping out of these oriental dens
of the seekers of altered mindfulness states
is what sways you
to come into
this inner circle camp-fire
we all sit around

****and it is the sage advice
that we all seek
to know the depth of everything…
to touch the inner light of all we see…
to dwell in the sacred spaces
inhabited by traces of our endless souls …

****and everybody knows
that a piece of infinity
contains all of infinity
…and these poetic soliloquies
–regardless of who is listening
---will hopefully help you and me to see
a small glimpse of the deepness
with which we can see reality


~when me as being the do-er
of what I do disappears
there is no pain there is no fear

~and when the see-er no longer sees
that they are the ones seeing
cuz there is a deeper inner feeling
at the center of my being

~when the sense of being alive
has no return to sender address
nevertheless life is at it's best
when it's not compressed
into being about me
into center-ing it around my identity

~that's when we become
euphorically free
because right now,
there is no we ~and there is no I
Enjoy the sublime view
it's in endless supply and the life force inside
is keeping perfect time spectacular rhyme
it happens every time
I let go of the I


you have cast your magical spell on me…
I have learned how to hear your Intrinsic melody…
please speak to me…
speak to my sensitivity…speak to the child inside of me….
I have made myself ready
to receive the gifts that you send to me…

I am prepared to go on the journey
that you want to take me on …the dawn has come
and my eyes are closed
and I can now see the souls
who will be guiding me…
I am your most dedicated student …

teach me and I will follow thee
to the ends of consciousness ..
to the edge of the I and thou
----to discover somehow
the messages that need to come through me…
that can help some fortunate souls
to get themselves free


**the poetry

demands to come pouring out

waterfall-ing free-fall-ing

personal all-ing

going with my call-ing

** the poetry

demands to be expressed

when you run across a piece of life

that would remain forever neglected

if you suppress it

if you don't address it

if you don't caress it

**the poetry

must be articulated

in order to sweeten up the dull and the drab

the harsh and the sad the good and the bad

**the poetry

--- you must let it show you

which way to go what it leads you to know

what you are meant to say

**the poetry

just take pen in hand

and let your fingers do the walking

let your fingers do the talking


When he put his pen to paper;

*The ideas

The associations Were free flowing and endless

*He built the vessels

that were able to contain

The lights of consciousness

The Lights Of dreams

The Light of lights

to fill those vessels

*He spoke to us of connection

He spoke to us of disconnection

He spoke to us of harmony

where the disconnection

and the connection

interweave together

in a fine blend

sending the reader

into harmonious bliss

all of this and so much more......

*He painted the pictures

of the deepest gloom

followed by the brightest hope

and a hush filled every room

as the readers learned the life lessons

of how to cope

*He told the stories of the grimmest fears

followed by the most courageous transformations

and everyone drew inspiration

*He laid bare his soul

and the deeper he would go

the more he would touch the soul

of everyone who saw

the wonder of it all

in their own lives

*and he had no choice but to keep on writing


***Hear me fellow channelers of your inner voice

coming to you as a reflective Divine gift

from the One Above

***You who are given the inner voice

You have no choice

But to lay out your articulation

in exchange for your appreciation

and recognition

that it's not you

who are doing the composition—

it is rather the recognition

that the you are the pen

–G-d is the writer…

you are the instrument

–G-d is the musician…..

you are the mouth

and G-d is the poet speaking through you….


Dear fans of the underdog….singers of the pervasive song of humanity---you know the one I refer to….it's the one where the main character gets sucked up into the overwhelm----unable to cope with the darkness that temporarily blinds…..and then ---with sheer will power and Divine grace---the tide is turned ---and the lowly one becomes everyone's hero ---because they were able to speak up in the face of impossible odds---and with their true self---full of vulnerability and transparency and naivete----they shine through ---the voice of truth…..even in the face of impossible odds….Yaakov –our patriarch was a Tam---he was the embodiment of holy naivete…and when the violence of the hand of his nemesis brother threatened to strike ---he would dive deep inside and his inner voice would banish the enemy---and we all have to fight that fight…it's our legacy ….I hope that some of this poetry can put you on a path that you are meant to be on


*Yaakov Avinu was born a Tam
Yaakov Ish Tam
A holy and simple
receiver of G-d's abundance
without needing to second guess
what others and life
really means

*and he was thrust
into the World of lies and deception
and was tested by those
whose word was not what they meant
and not what they felt

*and to make a long story short
Yaakov came up shining pretty much....
despite being immersed
in this world of treachery
where things are not as they seem to be

*He did it for us his posterity
to be able to see through the lies
if we want to truly see

*if not ...well .... ..
.that's pretty much the story
that most of us suffer through
in this reality

*and I truly want to be a devotee
of holy naiveté
to be able to say
what I mean
and mean what I say
I don't want it to be any other way

*and I pray
that my holy naiveté
will draw into my life
people that feel
and act the same way

*even though I know
it's probably not going to be that way

*but I believe
that the more that I pray
the more I will see
how it will truly
come to be


*'The voice is the voice of Jacob
The hands are the hands of Esau'

*our legacy
if you open your heart
to really see
is to speak
from the essence of our totality

*and when you do
then the hand of any man
that threatens you
will be subdued
will melt away
in the morning dew
will let you go on doing
what only you can do

*to speak your deepest truths
and pray your deepest prayers
until all the slayers
of the righteous
and the holy ones
will burn up in the unsheathed sun
and their wicked deeds
will be done

*and all the holy voices
of history will flourish eternally
just as it was always meant to be


***All of me I give to all of You

All of You --you give to all of me

endless inheritance conceived in allness

***Yaakov our choicest of Patriarchs

based on the events and intentions

of his life

paved for us a way into endlessness

endless G-d fusion into mundaneness

on our part

endless inheritance of benevolent G-d providence

on G-d's part

a reflection from I to Thou

and Thou to I

***Shabbos in it's essence

is a fusion of holiness

of G-dliness

into mundaneness

holy, G-dly sleeping

holy , G-dly eating

***and G-d sees us

making Him the focus

the desire the purpose

of all we do on Shabbos

and by extension in life and in response

gives us

an endless inheritance an inheritance of endlessness


~~~~here in the land of submission

we are given permission to let it all go

~~~~all the voices are in harmony

all the choices are in synchronicity

all the love is shared freely

all the smiles are given effortlessly

~~~~ and you and me can finally see

at the dawn's rising

a realizing of all we have been dreaming

of constantly wanting, needing and yearning

for it be otherwise


**we walk around at all hours of night and day

driven by needs one need or another

one lacking or another

they never go away

they never stop coming

a parade of lackings

all shouting at us

to attend to them

before the other ones

a conglomeration of heart-breaks

a pervasion of heart aches

an invasion for Heavens sakes

**and suddenly in the midst of all the noise

a barely perceptible voice

and we all had no choice

but to listen

and this is what we heard

**'and it was evening and it was morning on the 6th day...'

and then the voice went on to say

that the Heavens and the Earth

and all that was lacking was complete

and that all the chaos

and all the lackings

and all the pain

would never come back again

**and all we had to do

is to step up to that door and walk on through

all that we need to do is to step up to that door and walk on through


Dear volunteers….dear sincere hearts….your time has come to step up and show that you will be true----His grace will shine through you….all you've got to do –is to get out of the way-----and walk in His ways ---and He will do the rest-----let the words that you say-----come through you like a clearing-house ----let your voice and spirit be in a state of effortlessness---the less of you that comes through the more of a divine messenger will you be -----the world is depending upon you----let Him lead you every step of the way--- sight unseen ---let Him lead you down the avenue---and in this state of fusion—open your mouth and let the words come out ---the words that speak the essence of the I and Thou….you need not think of how to do it---you will know it somehow


***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to be true

I want to show the holiness in all that I do

***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to be compassionate

I want to discover inside of me that which is Infinite

***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to be good to all

I want to feel the heart of all those who call

***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to love the humble one

I want to embrace the distant one

***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to see into the heart

I want to help those whose life is too hard

*** I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to be close to all who seek me

I want to see from the beginning to the end of reality

***I want to walk in Your Ways

I want to be faithful to one and all

I want to make peace even when it seems impossible


***** I extend to You my hand

take me where you will

take me across the seven Seas

take me to the Heavens and back

show me the inner sanctum

lead me into the Promised land

where You go I will follow

what You say I will do

I know that my life is all about I and Thou

You will show me how

I will do and You will show me how

when You call I'll come running to you

*****even the Angels of Peace

have no permission to be here

in this holiest place

in this Divine embrace

in the embrace of life

in the embrace of trust

in the core desire of my Soul

there is no other place

I ever want to go

*****and we learned the recipe

a long time ago

when you placed the crowns

on our heads

and in our heads

you taught us how

to step inside of Paradise

here on Earth

never to know dying again

never to experience crying again

*****I extend to You my essence sight unseen

I know that never will there be such an opportunity

for such bliss again

and all You ask

is to take Your Hand sight unseen

***please give me the vision

to see where all this leads

please give me the courage

to close my eyes and leap

please give me the wisdom

to know that You will set me free for all of Eternity


***speak to me from your allness

speak to me from your silence

speak to me from your heart

speak to me of things you've seen

speak to me of hopes

that you've hidden away

***speak to me until the words unravel

speak to me from a deeper level

speak to me of your profound insights

speak to me of your hidden desires

speak to me from the recesses of your subconscious

***speak your way into consciousness

speak to me words and flashes of brilliance

speak to me of as of yet undiscovered dimensions

speak to me in wave-lengths of timeless soul-ing

speak to me of your unmistakable knowings


***A messenger is a devoted conveyor

is not the primary player

they're just a sayer

of what they're told to say

it's always been that way

***and upon deeper contemplation

I think that the essential situation

of all of us free willed beings

becomes apparent to all

who are truly seeing

that our senses

and our essences

and even all that we are feeling

are just expressions of a Higher Power

navigating His Way day by day

and hour by hour

through us

within us and without us

and all around us

***and we are the conscious

or unconscious messengers

of the unfolding of the greatest story

that ever was told or ever will be

the story of reality

the story of history our story and His story


*when she allows her deep feeling self

to come to the surface

no one can witness

this spectacular display

and stay complacent

and this master soul speaker

speaks to the heart and soul

of those who seek her

*when she reaches deep inside

she taps a resonation

smoothness becomes her indication

and this new language

fills her up with sweet intoxication

and guides her to share

an articulation

that only the rarest soul-speaker can share

*when she searches

deep in the recesses of her being

she starts seeing

all the many human beings

who are all part and parcel

of her own human being

and that's why the words she conveys

and the way she says them

is the absolute sweetest thing

that they have ever heard or seen

and this magic soul speaker

takes them to places

they've never been

*and her words become a song

and her song becomes a dance

and this enchanting dance

tantalizes hypnotizes mesmerizes

and anyone who truly sees her

realizes that they too have access

to this endlessness

to this endless bliss


*** *The soul sings always

she knows not

of higher of lower

of ready of not ready

and when we listen closely

than we can sing along

a never ending song

*** *The soul sees primal light

at all hours of day and night

she allows in unfiltered infinite love

and when we see what she sees

at the very least

we'll always be able to see

a glimpse of ecstasy

*** *The soul is always engaged in holy discourse

and the messages she constantly shares

and when we speak from the soul

we can reveal the deepest secrets

of why we are where we are

and where we can go from here

*** *The soul is at one with the Holy One

at all times in all ways

and when we turn our attention completely

to the ratzo vshov

to the to and fro oscillation

of the soul's divine illumination

then we will see clearly

that every situation

that life sends our way

is the best possible place that we can be


*** listen to your voice

whispering to you in between the lines

the lines of wasted words

not allowing to be heard

the ever-so-subtle messages

of the Divine fusing with your voice

in between the lines

***listen to your voice

begging you to speak out

what's really on your mind

not that actor in you reading the lines

while this true voice of mine

just gets drowned out

time after time

***listen to your voice

that overflowing resonation

that channeled inspiration

that heart and soul articulation

struggling to teach you the truth

of who you are

and what you must do

if you only could move aside

and let the One Above

speak through you


*'The voice is the voice of Jacob

The hands are the hands of Esau'

*our legacy if you open your heart to really see

is to speak from the essence of your totality

*and when you do

then the hand of any man that threatens you

will be subdued

will melt away in the morning dew

will let you go on doing

what only you can do

*to speak your deepest truths

and pray your deepest prayers

until all the slayers

of the righteous and the holy ones

will burn up in the unsheathed sun

and their wicked deeds will be done

*and all the holy voices of history

will flourish eternally

just as it was always meant to be


***channelers of that divine emanation…

enchanters of that sublime articulation….

planters of that seminal incantation……

light the midnight lantern

of your mesmerizing articulation……

***let go of the me

and see whole new ways to be

who you are being guided to be

***In absolute freedom

and your beauty will shine for anyone

with eyes in their head to see

and the beauty you will see

will open doors of Divine reality

you don't have to believe me

***just let the poetry entice you

and sugar and spice you

and do everything nice for you

and guide you

to channel down

that which is beyond you

to animate that which is inside of you


~when me as being the do-er of what I do disappears

there is no pain there is no fear

~and when the see-er no longer sees that they are the ones seeing

cuz there is a deeper inner feeling at the center of my being

~when the sense of being alive has no return to sender address

nevertheless life is at it's best when it's not compressed

into being about me into center-ing it around my identity

~that's when we become euphorically free because right now, there is no we

~and there is no I Enjoy the sublime view it's in endless supply

and the life force inside is keeping perfect time

spectacular rhyme

it happens every time

I let go of the I


[**The Patriarch was tested with the opposite of his trait of love---to insure that the love he was bestowing to humanity was real and truthful and resilient….we are all ---on a global level subjected to so much fear and pain and uncertainty---people seeing and presenting only their side and not the whole picture---and truth gets swallowed up in the process….truth lies in seeing both sides and accepting that the other side also speaks a side of truth too **]

Dear primal truth seekers-------refusers to fall asleepers------- inevitable breakthrough believers------cut to the chase helpless screamers…..the time has come for your light to shine -----wake up wake up….wake up the rest of us ----who don't realize the opportunity that is at hand--------the golden chance to leap into our own promised lands--------stand up and herald the truth in all of it's pristine glory ----it's the great escape out of here---out of the deceptions and lies that are so pervasive in our lives ----- …..Scream your truth ----you children of the dream-----because you ain't seen nothing yet---don't settle for anything less----the truth is the seal of the One Above------if you want to be in His Presence---you must speak and feel and think his Seal---the Seal of Truth ------- may the words of these poems soothe the transitions we all are going through ----smooth the transformations----soften the integrations--- from the World of lies to the world of Truth-----let truth be the only articulation that you speak---the only noise that you think ---we have no choice---so open up your lovely voice and speak only truth----start today---it will show you a whole new way


** *speak in silence
speak in sacred song
speak to me
from the collective subconscious
that lies hidden inside you
from time immemorial...

***speak of things that were
speak of things that will be
speak of all that is here and now
that which is immediately apparent
as well as that inner voice
which bespeaks the ineffable truth

***speak from the heart
speak from the soul speak
from the knowing place
that sacred space
of clarity
and lucidity

****speak from the depths
speak from the bottom
of the deep blue Sea
speak of things that were
Speak of things that will come to be


***How does a person get back;

that which is disconnected

that which is uncontented

that which is unrelented

***How does a person re-embrace

How does a person re-compensate

How does a person re-integrate

that long lost part of their being?

*** How do we get it back?

How do we get back

the life force in our lives

How do we get back

the expression in our eyes

How do we get back

the synchronizing of our mind

***I'm not entirely sure

but this I do know

Our hearts and our minds will open

When we know the truth

about who we are:

***The truth

The whole truth

and nothing but the truth

so help me Gd

***Without any alternative agenda

Without any slip sliding pretending

Without one thing coming out of our mouths

and quite another inside our hearts

***and when we do get

to that knowing , glowing , flowing truth

when it saturates us

and infatuates us through and through

when it's what we think

and say and do

When we Feng shui

mind body and life

When we have a flow going

all the time

when what's coming out

is what's coming in

and what's coming in

is what's coming out

***Then and only then

we will begin to walk that path

back home again


deep inside
there resides
a sanctuary of purity

an indestructible power point
a transcendent alignment
a defiant invincibiilty

a knowing place
a reservoir of truth
a future world perspective
an all is perfect as is being

an interconnected interinclusivity
a face that we know we can be
a life that is completely free
an inability to do anything bad

and when we touch this sacred reality
we unleash a host of Angelic beings
that show us
whole new ways of seeing
that give us a taste of eternity
and usher us
in to a sanctuary of purity

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