Sunday, August 25, 2019

Weekly MMM - Ratzon in Our LIves

Mystical Musical Meditations in Jerusalem




The Approximate translation for 'Ratzon' in English, is 'Will' ---ie...a person's primal desire, but the concept contains so much more. The root letters---Ra TZ oN, when rearranged, spell out the word TZ iN oR, which is a channel. Thus Ratzon's conceptual meaning also includes a primal channel. 

Add to this meaning, that of the Sefirotic source of Ratzon---'Keter'--the crown, the highest Sefirah or Divine based character traits; Just as a crown on a King's head is a part of the King, yet something separate and above him, and it also represents the King's rulership over all of his subjects, so too does Ratzon represent a channel, bridging the Divine Will which is both within the person's grasp, and beyond them----together with a person's own will.......and that very Will is the ruler, soul or main internal motivator of the rest of the person's persona or character traits.


When a person connects to their Ratzon or Will, they connect to their essential self-----------which bridges the Divine Will inside of themself, with their own unique individual will, and in turn connects that profound Will with all the rest of who they are as a person. When I'm 'Ratzon-ing'---I'm truly All-of Me-ing'!


When I'm Ratzon-ing, I'm doing my part in Tikun Olam---Rectifying the world---by doing my part in helping to fix the effect of the fallout of Adam and Eve from their Paradise state in the Garden of Eden. [Kabbalah teaches us that Adam and Eve's body\soul were the composite of all of humanity]. We are taught that Adam [and perhaps Eve as well] was frustrated in his Garden reality. He didn't just want to exist in that pristine state. He, the choicest of all G-d's created beings, was willing to plunge himself into the world of darkness and unclarity in order to work his way back up to Paradise----thereby activating and expressing all of his human faculties and power---total All of Me self expression, or so he thought----but he left out the most imortant part---a self expression that's dictated by and fused with the Divine!----- Adam's Ratzon or total self expression fused with, or an expression of, the Divine Ratzon!


For many years, I had a mastermind partner. He coached me through all of my challenges and dilemmas in life and I coached him in turn. The most important question that he always asked me, in order to set me straight and solve 90% or more of my problems, was 'Yitzchak, What do you want?' If I could only connect with my very illusive Will, all the rest would follow----G-d's Will for me, the tikun of my actualization of my personal calling---the inner motivation of all of my human faculties, the Divine Providential realm would also kick in, whereby people in my life and all the other other elements of nature and the 'Universe' would enable my will to manifest. Certainly the dillemma that my mastermind partner addressed himself to, would be solved in the most profound way!


A. FUSING MY WILL WITH HIS WILL---------For obvious reasons, this will be the most important of the applications that we'll discuss. Here's a meditation that you can do to help open up this realm--------------In your mind's eyes picture yourself in your 'zone'; that aspect of your life, where you find yourself to be higher, more plugged in and more powerful than other people---your'strong suit'---Experience this in all of it's aspects---how you feel while in your zone, how others relate to you, your ease of STOP....

go back to square one----now infuse every aspect that you just visualized, as being enabled by, and infinitely enpowered by Hashem. Afterwards, practice doing this type of fusing in real life...

Another fusion meditation you can do, is to view everything in your world; people, thoughts, being PUPPETS, Divinely sent to guide you to fulfill your Calling-------the only difference between normal PUPPET SHOW reality and FUSION, is that in 'fusion', YOU ARE A PUPPET TOO---and turn yourself into being an agent of Hashem's Will---constantly being guided to fulfill and fuse with HIS Will.


1. FROM THE PAST---------------Analyze the 10 most significant experiences of your life, and the common denominator that they all seem to be pointing to, regarding your life's Calling

2. FROM THE PRESENT-------Make a list of the highlights of your life [daily, weekly and\or longer term] and assess which of them that you most resonate with---and try to discover the one constant theme that constantly comes up, and it's connection to your Calling in life

3. FROM THE FUTURE----------If you had no limitations in what you could become and accomplish in life, not money, not intellect, not spiritual capacities, not interpersonal capacities...etc...what would you ultimately like to become and to accomplish?

C. DAY TO DAY RATZONING 24\7 --- R.R.R. [which stands for Raising your Ratzon Resonation level]-----------on a scale of 1-10, [10 being the highest], grade the Ratzon level of your upcoming daily activities and challenges, then work on upgrading....HOW?

1. First of all--Make a plan that will give you peace of mind and help you to feel as if you've

nearly completed the task. All that's left to do, is to mechanically walk through the steps of your plan---check your Ratzon level---you'll probably find it's gone up a point or two....

2. Next---ask yourself if you are doing the activity with -'all of yourself'-----ie...lower soul, higher soul, your inspired side...etc...Ask Hashem to send you ways to satisfy the entirety of personality. You can take pen and paper and let the ideas come to you as if you're being dictated to....grade yourself, and if your score hasn't climbed to a 9 or a 10, KEEP DOING THE EXERCISE UNTIL IT DOES!

D. RATZON SPARKS RESONATING----The basic idea of gathering or raising the Holy Sparks, is that our lives are filled with detached bits and pieces of our soul. We are constantly being sent from ON HIGH, our lost soul parts, in order to recover them and reintegrate them into ourselves---thereby making ourselves more whole people. These sparks present themselves to us in many different ways---through our conversations, either directed or not directed at us---through thoughts coming into our minds at all times, either connected or not connected to the content of the book we are presently reading, to the prayer that we're presently praying or the challenge that we're presently coping with. The way to tell that it's really our very own soul-sparks, is to feel the resonation or Ratzon or desire that is awakened in our mind. Practice going through your day 'Sparks-ing', by gauging the resonation level you feel with your incoming thoughts----look at those that are more powerful, and see inside of yourself, how this thought or stimulus fills some essential lacking in your life---then embrace it and integrate it.



a. Co-Create With Hashem--------Declare your desired projected reality of your ideal self with absolute faith and clear intention


a. Yearn for and envision a projected future way of being or personal accomplishment, which is beyond your present level or capacities. Then place yourself into that future reality, and describe it as if you're giving a GRADUATION SPEECH---and then tell exactly how you got there

b. Find a partner or coach [human or Divine] to coach you on a daily or weekly basis, and use your 'graduation speech' as a roadmap to achieve what you want to achieve

c. Now add the finishing masterful touch of the CoCreation steps that we brought above, in order to fuse G-d into the process of actualizing your goal

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