Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Weekly MMM - Acceptance Meditations

Mystical Musical Mediatations in Jerusalem


I find more and more as time goes by, that the first line of defense, of healing, in any and all situations is to simply accept what is happening. Accepting, radically accepting that all that I experience within and without is perfect as is. It is being sent to me from ABOVE, for a good reason. It may be a lesson, a fixing, a healing, etc. When I accept, I disengage the inner struggle, and I allow the healing and the guidance to come to me.

These short meditations, most from me and a few from a radical acceptance healer named Tara Brach, are designed to open us up to different aspects of Acceptance Healing;


Sit quietly without moving at all. Be aware of your body, every twitch, every sensation. Allow the body to communicate to you whatever it wants to. Be aware that your body is a whole wonderful creation with amazing wisdom and alignment and harmony. Allow your mind to fill up with the awareness of your body.


Allow whatever comes to mind to come and watch it as you would watch a movie. The easy, the difficult, the good, the bad, take it all in. without any judgement, embrace it all. Realize it’s all perfect as is. Realize it is all coming to help you and nurture you and guide you. But at this point. just allow it to be. Just be aware.


Allow yourself to accept all that is happening to you, without trying to change a thing. That will come later, all in good time, Let go and let G-d, and watch what is happening with compassion upon yourself and others. Actively watch everything and allow everything and know that all that happens is the very best thing that can happen.


Ask, in your inner struggle, "What do I need?" Listen for the answer[s]. Allow yourself to give to yourself whatever it is that you need.

I LOVE______

Say out loud, ‘I LOVE_______’ and fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind. Hear yourself saying it.


Say out loud. "Open your heart, soften your heart." Allow yourself to feel compassion for yourself and everyone else. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and others. Allow yourself to feel any and all feelings.


Know with absolute certainty and clarity that the salvation you need in order to be liberated from your very difficult situation is coming to you with greater and greater intensity all the time. Sometimes it shows up all at once. Realize that what is constantly coming to you is beyond nature, beyond logic and absolutely miraculous. Know that the more that you keep your eyes open for the miracles to come flooding in to your life, the more they will actually come.


Project a desired outcome in your life or work with what you are already dealing with.

Get yourself out of G-d’s way by surrendering totally all control of when and how your desired outcome will come about.

Inject large doses of Bitachon (see below).

Enter your surrendering process.


Whatever difficult situation you find yourself in, have one hundred percent surety and clarity that just as Hashem helped you make it through in the past in similar situations, so too will He do this for you now.

It would be helpful for you to recall a number of these past situations that Hashem helped you through, and then to project this trust into your present situation.


Realize that the constant worry and anxiety that we carry with us all the time in our thoughts, most often does not help us to cope properly.

Therefore, simply place the burden of worry into Hashem’s hand.

Let Him deal with your control needs and your approval needs.


Realize that everyone in your life is a  puppet, sent to you from ABOVE to help guide you in one way or another towards becoming what you are meant to become. Therefore, experience these people in your mind’s eye and the emotional short circuit feeling that they produce. Next, see them as being puppets and ask of Hashem what their message is and then detach emotionally from negativity that you experience from them.


Take any hard or impossible situation in your life and contemplate all the efforts and strategies that you have done so far to cope.

When you get to a point when you find yourself and your efforts unable and helpless to cope any further, then in a very emotional way, toss up your problem to Hashem by saying: “I CAN’T DO IT HASHEM, PLEASE DO IT FOR ME.” Carry on with other problems in this way.


Repeat over and over with closed eyes, the words, "Perfect As-Is." 
Allow all of the challenges, burdens, problems and obstacles, etc. to come to mind. See them all as being perfect just the way they are. Take note of all insights, feelings and resonations that come to mind as a result of seeing everything from the perspective that all is perfect as is. Take note of those problem areas that still bother you, and go on to the next "Hashleich" step.


One by one, bring to mind those aspects of your life that still bother you. Experience the pain that you feel, specifically the pain that comes as a result of needing to have too much control of these areas. Usually we want to make sure to take care of it properly, and experience pain involved in our need to receive approval from others in the troubling area that you are working with.

Now, simply toss up to Hashem this control, approval, worries. Visualize these worries going up on a cloud to Hashem. Trust that Hashem will worry about them for you and alert you to take action at the right time and place, and in the right way. Carry on in this way with other problems. Take note of those problems that still bother you, and go on to the next step.

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