Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weekly MMM - Emulating the Creator's Creativity

Mystical Musical Meditations in Jerusalem

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Emulating The Creator’s Creativity

The Creator hid His infinity, leaving a void that was filled with all that exists in Creation.

Create in a way that you constrict yourself, or alternatively, you take advantage of an already existing constriction in such a way that a ‘void ‘ is created. It's a void that demands to be filled somehow.  Allow this void to be filled. Nnotice the new expansions and innovations that have come into being

For example, when you are in a tight situation, focus on how things are insufferable and intolerable and must change. Allow the change\ birth process to come on its own.

The Creator set into motion the rest of the 6-day creation process by first Creating a Primal all-encompassing Power Point that gave rise automatically to the rest of the Creation process. In a similar way, all of Torah is rooted in the very first part of it and all of our Holidays are rooted in primal extraordinary historic acts.

Create a new plan or roadmap in a way that you go so deep, so essence-filled, so fully self-expressed and so inspired that anyone else who experiences your creative plan will feel that it is an offer that just can’t be refused. It will be an offer they’ll jump out of bed in the morning for, an offer that they will be happy to offer their most effective services for free of charge, an offer that will free you up to invest all of your energy in the actual creative idea and render the actualization and executing of the plan effortless for you with the help of others.

For example, when you come up with an epic idea like "movie wisdom" as a keyword or a domain name, for a site analyzing the best movie themes and lessons in the light of Torah/ Kabbalistic wisdom... who wouldn’t want to volunteer their best efforts?

The Creator created in 4 different ways, paralleling the 4 worlds, the lower the world the more separated from His fused input.

Create in an Atzilut\Emanating way by responding to the lacking or tension by fusing with Hashem. Meaning, open yourself up to Hashem’s activation of all of your own actions and speech and feelings and thoughts throughout the entire creative process.

Create in a Beriayah\Creating way by posing the challenge to Hashem and allowing the resolution to come to you, meaning a something from the realm of Nothingness.

Create in a Yetzirah\Forming way by responding to the challenge using your associative mind, meaning allow any and every idea that somehow relates to the topic to come to the surface, and then process and analyze them all to discover what is the essential point or answer

Create in an Asiyah\Doing way by bringing all possible resolutions to a natural completion and conclusion, meaning they are ao clear that you can immediately act upon them. And you do so!

In summary, Atzilut Creativity is done by fusing G-d’s doing it through you. Beriyah’s creativity is done by thinking out of the box. Yetzirah’s Creativity is done by allowing as many associative ideas as possible come to you. Asiyah Creativity is done by closure and taking action.

The Creator envisioned a few ultimate future goals such as the chosen People and the Torah and Shabbat, and then Created all else in order to enable these goals to ultimately manifest.

Create by envisioning the ultimate end-goal that you want to happen in the end, and then focus and direct all of your efforts and energies towards manifesting this vision.

For example, Ratzon Counseling, which is a type of creative coaching approach whereby a person begins the process by creating a graduation speech. That's their Ratzon or Willed-goal elaborated, that they will make when all is completed, and then they come back to the beginning of the road-map and work their way to the end, one step at a time.

The Creator created the Universe with a built-in mechanism and dynamic whereby everything is constantly improving towards an ultimate state of goodness and perfection.
Create by seeing that all that you create will bring you and your creation to a better, purer and more perfected state. For example, an outlook that everything is getting better all the time.

The Creator planted into the Creation a dynamic whereby all light, goodness, positivity, etc. can only come into being when they are preceded by [and generated by] darkness, evil and negativity.

Create by seeing that all the difficulties and negativities that happen to you in the process are only there to prompt you and empower you to produce an even greater and more positive and light filled outcome.

For example, choose an outlook that the descent is always for the sake of the ascent.

The Creator creates according to a Sefirotic scheme. Every Divine creative process has a beginning, middle and end. Every Divine process is balanced, harmonized and aligned toward achieving a synthesizing effect. Every process inter-includes aspects of all other processes.

Create in a way that you are always seeing the end of the process no matter where you are in the process. Create in a way that you make sure that the creative process is balanced, harmonized, aligned and centered. Create in a way that every step that you take is fully expressed. Create in a way that every aspect of the creation draws into itself every other aspect.

For example, use one or two-word Sefirotic definitions to check the level of your creative process andto see if you are incorporating these traits fully and in a balanced way. Here are the definitions; belief, pleasure, will, wisdom, packaging, knowing, saying yes, saying no, bridging, overcoming, empowering, full-self-expressing, receiving.

The Creator creates in a way that is conducive to his essence, which is Infinite, so everything that he touches and creates partakes of his infinite and eternal power and sustenance.

Create in a way that your creative outcome\product will have staying power and will never grow old, will even outlast you into future generations.

For example, improve the level of your present creative process by adding expanse to it. Expand in the realm of time by foreseeing its level of staying power. Expand in the realm of soul, expand in the realm of soul by fusing Hashem’s presence to your own to move beyond your present capacities.

The Creator creates in the most complete and holistic way possible. Just as He relates to others based on their past, present and future all at once, so, too, does He create in such a way.

Create in a way that you constantly strive to see and actualize in a whole and complete way, in a way that takes into account all possibilities at all phases of the process, meaning conception, growth and completion.

For example, examine every aspect of your creative process to see if you are relating to all possibilities in an Allness way. If not, readjust.

The Creator creates in a way that constantly promotes Chesed, meaning giving, loving and goodness. This is the foundation of all that Hashem does and creates. Those who encounter Hashem in the deepest experiential ways report that the primary feeling that they experience is chesed, which is love, giving and goodness.
Create in a way that expresses your love. giving and goodness. Project the best possible ways that your creative process and end-product can do good to others and can express your love and full-hearted giving.

For example, examine a creative process that you are presently occupied with. Notice how much love and giving is part and parcel of the process and add a generous, unconditional measure of love and giving to the process.

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