Friday, June 14, 2019

Weekly MMM - 18 Wealth-Generating Tools

Mystical Musical Meditations in Jerusalem


1. SEE WEALTH AS A MEANS - See your present and potential wealth as a means and not an end in and of itself, such as hoarding money with the sole intention of status-seeking, power or money-lust.

2. SEE YOUR WEALTH AS BELONGING ULTIMATELY TO G-D - See the wealth as being a borrowed deposit from Heaven and therefore as a sort of a Divine test, to see if you use the wealth to free you up from those burdens and necessities that life demands of all of us, such as maintaining mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing. IT'S ALL IN ORDER TO ENABLE YOU TO DO THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE, such as following your personal mission in life and contributing towards 'Tikun Olam'!

3. BE A CAREFUL CONDUIT WHEN GENERATING TO YOURSELF WEALTH - If you want to activate all of your powers of the psyche or personality to draw wealth down to yourself, such as is popular in many "New Age' strategies, be sure to see the potential wealth as being a Divine gift to be used as a means to achieve 'Tachlis', for the highest purpose;


a. Be aware of when the luxury turns into necessity...

b. Be aware when the wealth is causing you to forget what you're meant to do in life...

c. Be aware when you begin becoming a slave to wealth, as opposed to becoming a masterful channeler of wealth...

d. Be aware when you begin to cut corners, cheat and even steal from other people, even if it's in the most subtle ways...

5. BE APPRECIATIVE - Be happy and even ecstatic with your lot in life. As we often mention, G-d reflects our actions and attitudes. He is referred to as 'Our Shadow'. He happily bestows all kinds of shefa, including wealth, to an appreciative person. Our Sages say, "Who is the wealthy, one who is happy with their lot."

6. BE REPRODUCTIVE WITH WEALTH - Be a person who is constantly involved in creating ways and strategies that will enable the wealth received to expand and reproduce itself for the benefit of the multitudes. Hand in hand with this dynamic, be a reproductive benefitter of the multitudes with all forms of 'shefa' you receive; Torah, healing, happiness, goodness and life itself.

7. RACEHORSING - Set up all of your possibillities (racehorses])at the starting line of any particular phase or life challenge that you are presently dealing with. Let all of the possibillities compete equally, whichever one[s] display the most success, and take that as a sign from ABOVE, that that's the one to invest all of your efforts into.

8. MUSHROOMING - Say yes to anything and everything that has the possibillity of bringing in wealth (like 'Racehorseing' above) but this tool doesn't neccessaritly have any agenda or conditions or followup, it's just pure, unadulterated expansionism.

9. MERITING THE MULTITUDES - Have the intention that whatever type of wealth that you want to draw down---it should be channeled [all or part] for the benefit of many people [the more the merrier]

10. ABOVE NATURE LIVING - Live in a way that you are not bound by nature's constrictions in general, and specifically with regard to wealth-generating. For example, if you decide that all of your effort will be directed at upping the level of spirituality and Torah, etc. And that based on this, you have trust that Hashem will take care of your material needs and can reduce significantly your level of effort in this area, then you are drawing down a measure for measure Divine Providence, which will respond in kind. The same is true for your level of trust in the fact that your increasing Shabbos observance and Charity observance and Mitzvah observance will help facillitate the wealth, even though you won't want to make the money yourself,  your motivation for upping your spirituality level.

11. CO-CREATING WEALTH - Declare or create the reality of you generating a significant increase in the wealth that you will receive, then with 100% intent, belief and acceptance of the reality that Hashem will make it happen for you in His own time and way (in line with what He feels you are ready for)  then just sit back and watch the miracles manifest.

12. GIVING GENERATES RECEIVING - Increase the level of your giving, be a real giver, especially with regard to money...and know that Hashem will want to give you more and more, since you are giving it to His beloved children.

13. BECOME G-D'S BUSINESS PARTNER - Make a deal with the Creator. You do your share and He will do His, to make it a worthwhile deal for Hashem, to make it a win win for Him, you have got to do something that He would really want, like helping Him in a tangible Way in perfecting His World. A variation of this would be fusing with G-d, such as whatever you do in terms of making money. Fuse all of your faculties with the Infinite One's corresponding faculties, meaning infinite faculties.

14. HAPPY WITH YOUR LOT - Whatever comes your way in terms of wealth, be happy with it, see it as the best thing in the world. Nothing is too small or insignificant, All that comes your way is a free Divine gift from Above. Express this gratitude and appreciation as much as you can and who knows, you may just receive more than you could imagine!

15. ETERNAL WEALTH - Focus on acquiring those areas of spiritual wealthy that last forever, the things that you can 'take with you when you go.'. Ultimately, these spiritual wealth forms are the roots and the keys to the material wealth that you will receive surely as well.

16. BE STRAIGHT - Be upright and righteous in all of your monetary dealings, and this in turn will draw from others the desire to do the same to you and from Hashem. This will, in His eyes, make you look like a worthy recipient of His wealth that He wants to give you.

17. MANNA - Recite daily the Torah's section dealing with the manna that fell from heaven daily for 40 years for the Jewish people, and to the extent that you are able, internalize the Manna wealth income lessons, such as having enough faith in what you have now, and not to worry about how you're going to make money tomorow.

18. UPPING THE LEVEL OF BITACHON (DIVINE TRUST) - Identify the proportion of how much you feel YOU need to make money manifest, in contrast to much you feel that you can let go and trust that HASHEM will make the money happen. Reduce it to a percentage like 30/70 or 40/60 and then work on doing whatever you can to up the trust level.

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