Thursday, June 6, 2019

Weekly MMM - Creating

Mystical Musical Meditations in Jerusalem

"And G-d said, let us make man in his Image and after His Likeness... And G-d Created Man in His Image..." Parsha Bereshit verses 26 & 27

There’s a voice inside, a voice of creativity, a voice that beckons to be expressed. This voice is rooted and planted inside of us by the Creator of the Universe, the Creator creates it within us. We are created in His Image. The inner drive to manifest our Divine Image is one of its most essential ways, to create like the Creator.

There is no limit to the creative energy that we can plug into in every aspect of our lives. Creativity plays a central role in every aspect of our lives, and when properly harnessed it can transform our lives from being a living spiritual and material prison to being a an endless exploration of delightful creative ways of living.

Therefore we begin an exploration into the roots of creating. We study the Creator’s principles of creating, to learn from the Master how to create. We then synthesize these principles into a creation formula, or series of formulas. We then take the formulas and apply them to our lives. Every aspect of our lives requires our creativity.

The life applications of creating are, by definition, as numerous and varied as life itself. Some realms that we may explore are the creative ways of healing, interpersonal zing, learning and attracting abundance, influencing, solutionizing, manifesting, bonding and artistically expressing, all to connect to Torah and to Hashem in our lives.

The roots of the creating process are drawn from the Divine Creation Process itself. Our exploration involves understanding how the wisdom of the Divine Creation processes can be utilized in our own creative processes. Before I bring some examples of these root creative processes that we can begin to meditate on, I want to bring what I believe to be a very important principle –the necessary initial step in any creative process;

A RESPONSE TO A LACK OR NEED - The Creator created the Creation in all of His many-varied ways as a RESPONSE TO THE NEED to have a relationship with his Created Beings. We learn that the greater, clearer and more profound the need, the greater, clearer and more profound will be the creative response. 

First, focus on how various creative activities in your life are in response to their specific needs. Try to identify that need and see if it’s in sync with your creative response and see how you can improve the response/need/power. 

Next, focus on your favorite creative activity and reexamine your need to see if you are truly connected to it in a true and profound way. Then, once you’ve truly connected to what you want and need, allow answers & directions from Above to come into your mind and resonate with the directions that suit you best.

My suggestion is this - for each of the Divine creative processes that we bring, in an as yet unexplained list now, and also in the future B’H, in a more explicit way, is to begin to approach these terms with the above RESPONSE /NEED FORMULA.

Here are a few of the Divine Creation processes we will begin to work on:

1. THE ‘TZIMTZUM’ / CONSTRICTION-EXPANSION PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of constricting in order to expand

2. THE MICROCOSMIC PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of relating to all that’s outside of us as actually being inside of us

3. THE 4 SUPERNAL WORLDS - tapping into the creative dynamic of responding to needs based on fusing with Hashem, thinking out of the box, associating new ideas with older ones, the art of ‘doing’ and ‘closing’

4. THE TIKUN PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamics of encapsulating creative energy, making order out of chaos, collecting the lost parts of your soul (sparks-ing) and restoring order, sanity, flow, healing and harmony into life.

5. THE DIVINE HIDE AND SEEK PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of revealing G-d in all aspects of life and a world where, by definition, He is hidden (the word Olam/World means hidden)

6. THE UNIFICATION OF MALE AND FEMALE PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of reuniting, on the inside and outside, the male and female paradigms that comprise the total human experience

7. THE SEFIROTIC PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of awakening and harmonizing all the processes and structures that make up our lives

8. THE RETURN TO THE GARDEN PROCESS - tapping into the creative dynamic of returning to a state of bliss uniting the ultimate expression of ourselves with the ultimate self-nullification to G-d

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