Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Weekly MMM - Set list mindfulness - Parsha Baalotcha



Dear embracers of the quiet mind….dear chasers of the mind-space that defies the need to chase…..dear face to facers with our inner divine face looking at us right between the eyes----guiding us to be perfectly allright with the consciousness that is presenting itself to us at any given time of night or day –and guiding us to pay attention to the way things are unfolding within us and without us , inside of us and all around us—a potpourri of volition and intuition and totally detached submission to the influx from beyond of outlandish splashes of consciousness and sensory melodies and magnificent symphonies of consciousness and wholer knowings of mindful consciousness than we ever have seen before…..may these poetic offerings usher us in to a more complete consciousness than we ever experienced before


and when we begin to see

a wholer way

when we start to piece together

the night with the day

when we see how the past

births the present

and the present

gives rise to the future

then we will begin to know

that all that we come across

that every thing that we go through

is only a small part of a story

designed for me and you

and there's really not that much to do

but to embrace and believe

with a knowing , with a flowing

this ever growing and unfolding

wonder-filled reality full of grace

and mystery bridging us to eternity


Consciousness in tune with intensity

penetrating the density

coming at it from all sides

never averting your eyes

from the main prize to realize

that there is nothing so pure

as the one who feels secure

in their feet leading them

to where their soul wants them to go

and to show you

that you can let it go

no more fear anymore

secure in the knowing

that what the Divine voice

is showing me is exactly the thing

I need to see can't you see?

and the art seething

through the pores of my skin

through thick and thin

with images and memories

fading into obscurity

just to reassure me

that You still are here with me

now and through eternity

receptivity spreads her majestic wings over me

inside of me

protecting me

enveloping me inspecting me

if i'm the one who i hope to be

when I cut the chord

and begin to free fall

through unchartered territory

only and inevitably

to land in the arms

of your benevolent harmony

before I set out again

into the endless mystery

just like I knew

it would be

when You are here with me


***an instant in time
a speck on the globe
a passing thought
a fleeting glance
a distant past impression
a faraway sound
a subtle sensation
a blurred intuition

***all of these come and go
and before you know
they're replaced by others
melting into one another

***unless you know

that they are sent especially for you
at this time in this place in this way
from On High no one else will do

***then all the quietest sounds
will reverberate ever-more
with ever-greater depth

***and all the faintest sights
will light up the endless night
of your many lives

***and you will thus live forever
and never die
because you've discovered
the secret of eternal life


***when you see that you are
invisible and transparent

***when you feel you have nothing of your own
except what you receive from others from Gd

***when you allow
yourself to be completely filled up
by each and every person you meet
and by each and every experience you engage

***When your empty cup becomes filled constantly
perpetually just by virtue of your existence
of who you are

***then life for you and for all those you touch
will be an overflowing wellspring

***that's how you, my faceless friend
the humblest of my companions
are crowned on High with royalty
and with sublime majestic grace


**G-d mirrors us
we go high
we go low
so too does He go
we do many
we do few
He does too

**our life's visible movie
manifesting our visible inner voice
is really G-d's invisible mirroring
of our own life choices

**think good it'll be good
as it should
when I can see
that the reflection of me
is what I constantly see
in my day to day reality

**and the relationships I've built
reflect the lackings I've filled
by the people who've filled
my inner needs
and our planted seeds
and our good deeds
we've done for each other
our mutual love for one another

**and life
and people
and G-d
is our reflection
and the reflection shows
us who we are and what we know


Dear purveyors of the ways of mindfulness…dear sayers of words of consciousness….the time has arrived to fly into the dimensions of the unknown---to explore the mindfulness of not knowing…..life provides us with periodic stops and starts ---we are challenged to invest body, mind and heart ----even when we don't even know where we are or who we are or why we are---we still know that the not knowing itself will lead us to a new kind of knowing—--a constant source of growing ---self transformation into becoming a new kind of me—in seeing a new kind of seeing---nothing in Heaven and Earth is more breathlessly freeing than knowing this---that not knowing is the password into a mindfulness that we have been driven to discover-----in this and past lifetimes ---and ultimately the raisha d'la ityada---will uncover the essence of knowing—the knowing that will pervade the Earth like the Sea covers the dry land


******Just when I think I know myself

Just when I think I'm on it

Just when I think I know what I want

Just when I think that I know what direction to take

Just when I think I know what battles to wage

Just when I think I know where I come from

********I come up up short

I become humbled

I lose my bearings

I discover the as yet undiscovered me

and when this door closes up

another door of mystery opens in it's wake

and another a new neural pathway has opened up

a pathway called-'Who am I'?

***And I walk down that path

and take a look around;

I see freedom I see endless possibility

I see a reconnecting to my roots

I see me as others see me

I see me as G-d sees me

I see me in the past , present and future

I see new sides of me

[unchartered territory]

I see that not knowing myself

leads to a whole new and brilliant knowing


***from the unknowing eternity

of the infinite silence

***from the illusive graspability

of the unknowable silence

***from the impossible precipice

that can never be reached

***from the unending darkness

of the other side

***from the inescapable birthing

into a whole new existence

***from the intangible

wisdom that I cannot fathom

***from the insatiable desire

to know what I cannot know;

I reach out to you-- the All Knowing One

and together with everyone

we seek to know You even if it's the only thing

that we will ever do for the rest of time


I want to share with you my beloved mystery child

my bright-eyed & bushy-tailed

lover of the unknown and wild

I am an explorer at heart

I cannot teach you anything

unless I first become the student

I cannot yet express my essence to you

for I truly don't know who you are

so instead, I will speak to my inner self

to my heart to my soul

and hope that the words that inspire me

touch upon the essence of humanity

and thereby inspire you too

Maybe the truest thing

I can say about me my true legacy

is that life for me

is simply a mystery

so I actually have no clue who I am---or you

and from this place I can best share with you

the essence of who

I am and maybe be able to touch upon who you are too


I don't know who you REALLY are

I don't know who I REALLY am

I don't know what is waiting for me today

I don't know why Gd does what He does

I don't know what happened before this lifetime

I don't know what will happen after this lifetime

I don't know the deeper meanings of what I learn

I don't know why, when, where , who and what

I don't know why things happen exactly the way they do

I do know one thing--not knowing ---drives me to want to know


in all ways


[based on our Sages teachings]

The world will be filled with KNOWING

When you have KNOWING you are missing nothing

When you don't have KNOWING--what do you have?

Mashiach is the embodiment of KNOWING

Consciousness is KNOWING

We are driven to return to the Garden of Eden's pure KNOWING

The Torah opening up for one and all is a Torah of KNOWING

All humanity will only want one thing--- KNOWING Gd

The purpose of KNOWING is to know that I don't really Know


invisible what they can't see they can't touch


there's no way in for those who seek to inflict harm


the unfathomable dimension

--the source of all transformation and re-birth

and the palmaliya shel maala remains intact

the interconnected Divine network

connecting all the dots remains secure

but there is one condition

that the sacred mystery be left alone

be left in it's holy state of AIN

of nothingness of interinclusion

with all yet at the same time

far removed way beyond

and when the retreat back to

not knowing is held in place is kept in reverence

then we make room for The One Above and for ourselves

to walk together down this magic pathway that we call LIFE


Dear secret agents of life's hidden reservoirs…inner volcanic outpourings spewing waves of fire from the mountain tops of consciousness –all the way down to the shores of articulation ----with no sensible explanations why ---and your eyes are two shining question marks and life's hidden intonations implode in your imagination—from sea to shining sea of the person you're trying to be….and don't believe me---go see for yourself ---how life can sometimes drag you off of her dust-filed shelves –and send you on the ride of your life ---intertwined with the elixir of life…mindfulness—sometimes comes to us from inside …sometimes from outside…sometimes it just unfolds itself slowly but surely …..maybe some poems can invite these hidden resorvoirs to reveal themselves to us


****Co-Create with The Holy One
and watch your co-creation come into being

***plant a seed
plant a desired scenario and watch it unfold

****watch with anticipation
watch with resignation watch with bated breath
watch and know that what you wanted to happen
will unfold

****and there's a coming together
of what you want to be just watch and see

****there's a spectacle
that dazzles the mind and it works every time
on this you can be sure just watch and see cuz seeing is believing
and believing enables seeing

***and even if you think that what is unfolding
is not what you had in mind think again realize
The Creator The Divine Instigator
knows that the vision that you thought you had in mind
is only veil-ing your deepest vision
you knew it all the time He always makes it happen
in His own way in His own time


the elixir of life the sweetness of knowing
expresses itself in the aura
surrounding your being showing yourself to the world
daring to show your inner transparency
just because you know that this 'knowing'
is your destiny 'and your legacy

Don't worry let the words flow freely
they really take on a life of their own
you do not own them nor do they own you
they are just passing through
through a vessel they feel they know
through a being of light that lights up life
with the gift of knowing


Emergence out of the blue
living a life that you were meant to live
a vivid vision struggling to be born
like a baby hawk waiting to soar the skies
effortlessly gracefully
it was meant to be new dimensions
approached with the most cautious intentions
as he takes flight
awaiting to be born since the beginning of time
and the time has come for him
so open the gates and let him in

emergence nothing can hold him back now
he has been waiting for lifetimes and more
to open this locked door
and set them free
and allow them to be
the beings they were meant to be
since the beginning of time
and this time they will all succeed
and he and they
emerge from a world of potential
from a world of dreams
and now it seems that no deterrence
can stand in the way
of their bold emergence


Dear feelers of the deepness….dear seers of the endlessness….dear breathers of consciousness….surely the thirst that you have felt for so long –is what brings you here to this sacred song fest…and the promise of expansiveness enlists your heart to join us here with the full time meditators….surely the sweet fragrant smoke of expanded consciousness seeping out of these oriental dens of the seekers of altered mindfulness states is what sways you to come into this inner circle camp-fire we all sit around …and the sage advice that we all seek is to know the depth of everything…is to touch the inner light of all we see…is to dwell in the sacred spaces inhabited by traces of our endless souls …and everybody knows that a piece of infinity contains all of infinity …and these poetic soliloquies –regardless of who is listening to me ---will hopefully help you and me to see a small glimpse of the deepness which we can see reality


a single point expands to touch every parallel point in the entire universe

a single minute reveals deep inside itself all the single minutes that make up eternity

a single heart filled sharing penetrates all the hearts in the world that somehow have experienced what this heart speaker shares a single ray of hope lights up all despair everywhere and creates a cosmic bouquet whose heavenly aroma sweetens up infinitely all the hopeless down and outers to hope for salvation

a single person can serve as the extension of the Divine plan and go where no man or woman has ever gone before in transforming the entire world into a heavenly kingdom forever

a single thought in between the lines in between the raindrops holds the key to turning reality into eternal bliss

a single 'I love you' can do what no other words could ever do and turn all the me-s and you-s into lovers too


**** he allows in the deeper feelings once in a while the reds and blues take on a deeper hue

****he allows his mind to fill up a little more than ever before a door opens and he can begin to see the voices and he can begin to understand that all of his choices are perfect and life is compassionate and the sweetness hovers over him

****and he falls into a dream and he sees that what he sees becomes his reality and what he hears is right here and where he wants to go surrounds him immediately and the masters of wisdom that come into his mind come and sit down by his side and reassure him that all will be just fine

***and he turns around and sees an ancient eye peeking through the sky staring him in his eye and he knows that the love he lives and the life he loves will continue to be eternally


seeing life so deeply that nouns turn into verbs

that things turn into seeings

that people turn into ways of being

that ugly bodies turn into soul-full beauty

that people's magical eyes are all I see

that ideas become transcendent kingdoms

that sweet sounds turn into symphonies

that childrens' wonder-filled glances become art masterpieces

that your responses to my inner sharings turn into pure love


inside of a holy concept

there is found endless depth

we can study it

we can analyze it

or we can immerse our entire being inside it

swim inside it

and immerse it completely inside of us

till we are saturated with it

then we are fused with the concept

then we are one with the concept

then all that we see and feel

is this concept

and all that this concept sees is we

and the same applies for a holy love-filled relationship


I would like to humbly submit this;

We need to find a sacred space

a sacred time

a sacred inner place

a safe place

a soft place

a loving place

a power place

and when we find it

we need to slip inside

and allow ourselves to see

what we've never before seen

and to be what we never before dreamed

we could be

we need to hold onto it for dear life

because it's the light of our life

and jump in to it as often as possible

and explore that space because it holds inside all that is precious in our past

and present and future

and the first note I sing or play in my mmm ritual

is my sacred space

and there I am safe

and there I am Me

and there is no place

I'd rather be


Dear speakers of the expansiveness of mind….dear mindfulness reapers of the fullness of the spoken word ---words that have been waiting to be spoken since this way since the beginning of time…it's not just about poetry and rhyme ---it's about penetrating the mind and finding the perfect combination of heart, soul, silence and timing that express essence ---that bespeak core ---and so much more ---that open doors of allness---and scores of pristine Angelic beings ---opening up our eyes to see what human beings have never before seen…..may these poetic selections draw your full attention to the power of speech to open up your mind----all of the time


speak in silence
speak in sacred song
speak to me from the collective subconscious
that lies hidden inside you
from time immemorial...

speak of things that were
speak of things that will be
speak of all that is here and now
that which is immediately apparent
as well as that
inner voice
bespeaks the ineffable

speak from the heart
speak from the soul
speak from the knowing place
that sacred space
of clarity
and lucidity


the words unravel
a deeper level
profound insights
hidden in the
recesses of the subconscious

and we speak
our way into consciousness
our words
our flashes of brilliance
our conceptual conceptions
tap into the wave-lengths
of timeless soul-ing
of an unmistakable knowing

and even the greatest
of sages
across the spectrum
of time and the ages
begin to tell the age old story
of passion and glory
of a birthing
of destiny their words
take on a life of it's own
and their disciples
come to alert them
to the fact that the night is gone
the endlessly re-told story has captured their
sage imagination with ever new inspiration

the story never ends
it is the universal tale
of slavery and freedom
of darkness and light
and we must speak it out with all of our might
until we get it right until our annual

of our story ushers us in to
the land of eternal consciousness
until our words
transform our selves
into becoming truly
free human beings


mutually agreed on
words wrapped up in a grand package

what about those languages
that most people don't know
like the language of snow
from it's incipient stage of flakes
until it stakes
it's frosted claim
of silent whiteness
of blinding brightness
suggestive righteousness

what about the language
of the abstract
the mystical reenact
of a higher world manifestation
a complete persona's revelation
speaking to us constantly
if we'd only open up our eyes to see
the transcendent reality
of a providential vantage point
a totally different language could anoint
our consciousness
intimately embracing us

what about the foreign languages
of the worlds of animals , plants and minerals
without any intervals
twenty -four-seven
a taste of a different kind of heaven
the morning birds praying at dawn
the wind-swept bulrushes chattering on and on
the silent majesty song of the Himalayan mountains
daring you to sing along
you don't need a visa to enter into their language sanctuary
you just need to be a bit extra-ordinary
a bit of a visionary
if you want to hear see
the foreign languages
that surround thee


Have you ever tried to speak
at the speed that your thoughts race?
I'll bet you can't keep up
I'll bet you can't keep the pace

d'ya wanna know why?
said the spider to the fly
it's the secret of life
it's as sharp as a knife

it's as clear as a bell
I'll whisper it to you
if you promise not to tell

Because our Soul
is hooked into our mind
all day long all the time

so our mind it's never still
it never gets it's fill

and our mind is intertwined
in a way that's most sublime
in a way that defies space and time

with the words that we make heard
that somehow reflect our thoughts allure
and our thoughts are married
with the our words
for better or worse
never to depart
till death do us part

And the secret is this
it's the key to true bliss
when you let go to oscillate
at the speed of light
then you can speak
the speed of mind any old time

..and the endless flow
of Thought-speak glow
will let you know
anything you'd like to know


Dear speakers of the expansiveness of mind….dear mindfulness reapers of the fullness of the spoken word ---words that have been waiting to be spoken since this way since the beginning of time…it's not just about poetry and rhyme ---it's about penetrating the mind and finding the perfect combination of heart, soul, silence and timing that express essence ---that bespeak core ---and so much more ---that open doors of allness---and scores of pristine Angelic beings ---opening up our eyes to see what human beings have never before seen…..may these poetic selections draw your full attention to the power of speech to open up your mind----all of the time


speak in silence
speak in sacred song
speak to me from the collective subconscious
that lies hidden inside you
from time immemorial...

speak of things that were
speak of things that will be
speak of all that is here and now
that which is immediately apparent
as well as that
inner voice
bespeaks the ineffable

speak from the heart
speak from the soul
speak from the knowing place
that sacred space
of clarity
and lucidity


**and when the words
rolled across his tongue
and reverberated
upon his lips
he knew
whether it was going to be this
that he prayed for
or something else

a language
we need
to get through our day
to see underneath the words
that people say
a language that points us the way
at least that's the gut feeling
I have discovered
when I peeled back the layers
and stopped listening
to the nay sayers

there are no graduation
but I have a reason to believe
that this is the mechanism
that will conceive
a future illumination
a future education
a world-wide dedication
to it's mastery
to it's majesty
come with me
if you dare


**when they first met
she knew who he was
just by the way

that he spoke his words

**and he knew
that the way
that she spoke
restored sanity
to his chaotic world

**and she knew
that the answers
he spoke
in response to her questions
would transform her life
from trouble and strife
to calmness and peace

**and he knew
that when he told her
all that he's going through
her words of prayer
would pull him through

**and she knew
that his holy words
created holy vessels
and angel's wings
and could turn anything
into G-dly beings


**He tastes her words

He breathes in her name

He drinks in her sighs

His heart longs to engage her in heart dialogue....

**His words wait to be assessed,

at the gates of the elders of the heart tribes...

they inform him that

he can speak

if i has someone

who will speak back to him...

**He then dares to reach out to her and he says,

''please, dearest flower ,

flower of love---water love,

speak to me from the heart,

speak to me of the love of water and fire too,

speak to me of passion

my eyes seek to see you in the light of the dawn

my heart longs to know you

in a way that only hearts can know

speak to me of the night

speak to me in silence

speak to me in sacred song

speak to me from the mystery

that lies hidden inside you

from time immemorial..."


and when he and she
decided to show each other
their inner transparency
that became the moment
that they discovered
true intimacy
that is the moment
that they set themselves free

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