Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Weekly MMM - Set List for Malchut and Shavuot Primer

Set list for Malchut and Shavuot Primer week


dear subconscious and superconscious knowers of the realms of Malchut...her hidden ways,...the mysterious things she says...let us explore the unexplorable...the unknowable beckons to be known , but then hides , lest she is discovered by one who knows not the depth of her beauty ...who respects not her hidden charms.....perhaps poetry will entice her to show her sublime and pristine face --even if for a minute [a minute that is worth a lifetime]


**she sees no one but the object of her longing

**she has no other care than to be there for him

**and she cries at midnight for the one she loves and all those who cry with her will never leave her side

**she waits for him to show her who he is and why he is who he is

**she makes him come alive she is his will she will not let go until he shows his true colors **she is willing to wait till the end of time for him to shine and when he does

**she hides herself in the shadows and no one can know that it is her who has made him **she celebrates every new word that he says

**and at a time and place that is hidden away from the eyes of the human race she shows to those souls of purity and grace her royal face and they crown her queen over one and all over everything and the day will come when her light will shine and the light will light up all the darkness of this dark exiled night


**she is prayer

**she is prayer that is infused with faithfulness

**she is faithful prayer that reflects your life

**she is reflective faithful prayer that is found in the hidden resources of your being

**she is hidden reflective faithful prayer reminding you of your humbleness

**she is humble , hidden , reflective , faithful prayer that attracts the love of the Beloved one

**she is beloved ,humble , hidden , reflective , faithful prayer that reproduces the essence of her desired prayer

**she is reproductive , beloved ,humble , hidden , reflective , faithful prayer that inspires countless others to pray in this way and transform this World into a Heavenly Kingdom here on Earth


Dear receivers---dear believers yourself to receive....receptivity enchanted receptivity.....endless receptivity....receive it all...receive in such a way that anyone always has something worthy to say ....receive until your cup is overflowing.....receive until your receptivity is showing to everyone you see---they want to give you all they know--all they have---and soon enough ---your cup truly is overflowing and you become the one who is sharing and healing and completing anyone and everyone who can't resist receiving from you....


Receive what comes to you…it is all sent from the highest places….not even a trace of mistaken identity can possibly be interspersed in the mix…it's all meant to fix your very being---beyond what the normal eye is used to see---all you have to do is to radically receive this Divine offering ---and believe -----believe that this is your home---this is where you belong ---don't think for a minute that these happenings are meant for another-----this is your personalized bread and butter---all of these becomings sent to you --- because you and only you are the only true harvester of all these sacred gifts….accept all that comes your way……accept them with grace…when you face them and their intertwined challenges---the ones that anyone with eyes can see ---as well as the ones that are hidden from the likes of you and me ----because when all is said and done ---even if you fall and fall again---you've got no choice –but to follow their inner call---their under the surface call---their soft and sweetened call –when all is said and done….have fun in the process and may it be pleasing to you-- you radical receivers


harvesters of the endless flow-----

see-ers of the endless gifts that never stop coming----

though at the time---we can be partially blinded by the difficulty ---

by the seeming impossibility of it all----

until a bit of hindsight kicks in

and lets us see that it is His benevolent gifts

that have been sent to us in a customized and personalized way ----

the gifts that have been and are presently and constantly coming our way---always in the very best way for us---

and the key is to see that often it is precisely the difficulty

that has been sent to you and me that creates a vessel \ Kli –

that allows you and me to grow

to become today a brand new you and me ---

that we didn't know about yesterday-----

so dear and sweet walkers down this life's avenue----

take a minute or two---- to review all the blessing that is constantly coming to you-----

and harvest the fruits of your yesterdays ---

and open up the shefa\ abundance of today---

to see that all that is sent to you is exactly what is meant for you---

and is always coming to you in the best possible ways-----

holy sparks --- soul completions ----- without end----

believe in them and see them at all times as being the very best thing for you ----and you will become a constant sacred harvester ----

nothing less------- regardless of the apparent negative nature of things-----

your harvesting will bring nothing but blessing


seekers of the peace--- keepers of the calm----

survivors of the ongoing storms ----

acceptance…radical acceptance seems to be the call of the wild---

in these wild times---

and the lines of adaptation that pervade our nation

and our collective imaginations----

evoke a deep abiding need to be free---

to let go of the angst that dominates our inner beings-----

so perhaps we need to reframe the way we see---

perhaps we need to accept things –radically---

just the way they are---

Divine wisdom custom sent---

let the resistance go

and trust the fact that what has come your way

is what is meant to be

so try to be appreciators of just the way things are------

and acceptors of what life throws at you—

the good and the better and everything in between..

the simple and the involved

---and become knowers that all the problems will be solved-----

and try to be thank you say-ers –--

every night and every day-ers---

accepting all that comes your way----

as being sent from the One above with endless love


brave children of vision…..

intenders to live by the decision that you have made -----

don't let it slip away--- it is your unique voice---

you have no choice but to follow it's call ---

no matter where it leads you ----

and all the distractions and abstractions and reactions

that you get from inside and out---

are only a test to see

if you will carry out your holy 'yiud' ---

your unique melody and tune---

which sooner or later

in this incarnation or the next— will be carried out-----

follow the holy sparks –

guiding you from beyond the stars

to do what you must do---

and listen to the voice that comes to you ----

and let go of control and go with it---

it's the only reason that you are here---

so do not fear dear one--- your time has come—

and it may not come again too soon……..

we are all rooting for you


under the surface explorers……

inner space wanderers-----

knowers that life

in all of it's multidimensional manifestations

is revealing only one part

and hiding a million more……

even the darkness----

especially the darkness----

holds inside of it---

on the other side of it---

the most sublime light …..

and He saw it after He Created it

and saw that it is very good……………

and the associative thoughts

and the peripheral vision

and the sounds

inside the sounds

all call out to you----

if you let yourself hear

the subtle call coming through ------

and all of life waits for you ----

to open up your eyes

and see beneath the disguise ----

and ohh—

to dive deep inside your endless mind ----

which is hardwired with the soul ---

which has all the answers to all that you don't yet know---

and it's the spice of life -----

it's the reason and the essence for being alive


dear brothers and sisters of the collective subconscious.....Sinai calls to us every day [if we would or could only listen]....and it's voice is growing louder and louder in intensity.....listen my beloved ones....the call is to all of us --but also to each one of us individually......feel your soul receiving the call....some poetry may open things up a bit


***the mountain

of fire

of light

of humbleness

***the silence

of Creation

of consciousness

of eternity

***the wedding canopy

of G-d and man

of Heaven and Earth

of Angels and Souls

***the oneness

of multiplicity

of purpose

of sensation

***the wisdom

of the heart

of the mind

of life

***the will

of the Creator

of the Creation

of the nation

***the redemption

of the blind

of every kind

of all mankind


**awaiting the word

the word

spoken to all of


but rarely heard

**awaiting the word

the word


what we can see

what we can be

if we

could only hear

the word

**awaiting the word

the word

lights us up

in electric pageantry

in ceremonious imagery

lit up

just like

we're meant to be


***Hashem looked into

the Torah and

Created the World

We dare to try to fathom

the life -changing implications

of having the key

to all reality

***the World is a place

of hiddenness

G-d hides

we seek


**Infinity hides

finiteness masks

the endlessness

we pause and wonder

if we could somehow

penetrate the mystery

**people come and go

searching high and low

for what it all means

we search for signs

revelation hides

all we're left with

is the question ,


**a ladder planted on earth

reaches up to the highest heights

those in the know

know how to navigate

the endless light

**Hashem looked into

the Torah and

Created the World

**maybe if we knew

how to open the Torah

we could navigate

His Ancient words

and we could now penetrate

His mystery

**as will all of creation

when this time comes into being


***** I extend to You my hand

take me where you will take me

across the seven Seas

take me to the Heavens and back

show me the inner sanctum

lead me into the Promised land

where You go I will follow

what You say I will do

I know that my life is all about I and Thou

You will show me how

I will do and You will show me how

when You call I'll come running

*****even the Angels of Peace

have no permission to be here

in this holiest place

in this Divine embrace

in the embrace of life

in the embrace of trust

in the core desire of my Soul

there is no other place

I ever want to go

*****and we learned the recipe

a long time ago

when you placed the crowns

on our heads

and in our heads

you taught us how

to step inside of Paradise

here on Earth never to know dying again

never to experience crying again

*****I extend to You my essence

sight unseen

I know that never will there be

such an opportunity for such bliss again

and all You ask is to take Your Hand

sight unseen

***please give me the vision to see

where all this leads

please give me the courage

to close my eyes and leap

please give me the wisdom

to know that You will set me free


Dear followers of the light…..the light inside us lighting up the light outside of us….the light of Torah….Torah is mamash light ….mamash! just like you and I are light…so too is this Divine guidebook ---light....pure light….so before I call it a night , allow me to share some poetic light


***take me there
show me where
I don't care
about anything else
so please take me there

*** light up my way now
the path eludes me somehow
show me the what and how
so that I too can know how
to light up my way now

***the past holds every clue
the future leads me into the new
this path is only for those chosen few
who knows if I belong
only the One Above
can provide me a clue

***take me back home
back to where I come from
to the place above the sun
bring me home
to that special place
that I can call my own
to a place that I've always known
to a place that I've been shown
to a place that is waiting for me
waiting for my light to be sown



and we can always receive

that holy special

magic light

that feels so right

that goes up in our minds

That sacred insight

that lightning flash

in the middle

of a dark cold night

That goes up in our minds

that shining light

that's so pristine

that subtle light

which contains everything

that hushed up

flushed out light

which contains

The beginning

and the middle

and the end

that goes up in our minds

Everything is in the sights

of that That creative light

nothing can hide

from that luminescent light

that goes up into our minds

and the power that is submitted

and the love that is emitted

from that rarified light

in an explosive display

in the sweetest way

all night and all day

that's the way

this light goes up into our minds

and just when we think

that this illusive light

disappears and goes away

all we have to do

is to hold on tight

to the belief

that it's always there

so have no worries

and have no cares

that light is everywhere

and then that sacred light

goes back up in our minds


listen to a whole new voice opening inside of you

quiet and subtle at first but growing in intensity

a birthing

the birth screams of Mashiach happening deep inside you

listen to the darkness all the darknesses of your life

calling you from a distance at first but steadily coming closer

growing bolder

you've always kept them at a distance but something has shifted

you can now see right through them when you don't take your eyes off of them

even for a second that's when you become friends

that's when the angels in charge of your pain and suffering

surrender to you and they have no choice but to yield to your penetrating stare

and the walls of illusion and delusion and dissolution and confusion

come tumbling down just because you know

that underneath

that pain that hurt

there lies a light

from Above

a light that keeps

everything in existence

and the Angel of death

revealed to Moses

the supernal ways

these secrets

the Ketoret the holy spices

the sublime combinations

of goodness and badness

meshed together in sacred light

and dashed away the darkness

of the endless exile night

and the messianic light

is being born

inside of us

and the birth pangs

distract us

but the promise of a better day

of a higher way

of an endless voice

guides us

listen to the lion

inside of you

now in the time of

messianic birthing

and let the roar

encourage you

to say never more

will I take my eyes away from

the golden gate

that is open to one and all

just walk on through that door

**the price of admission

is submission

to His Mysterious ways

the secret code is believing

believing is seeing

and seeing is believing

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