‘’I will take you from among the nations and gather you out
of all the countries and bring you into your own land. I will sprinkle on you
clean water …..I will give you a new heart, and I will place in you a new
spirit; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and will
give you a heart of flesh… I will put my spirit within you... and you will be
my people, and I will be your G-d." [Ezekiel
‘’Our truth is strong enough, but it is so overpowering that
we are still unable to explain it in a clear language…..In our inwardness, we
understand our ideas, and in the course of time our speech will also emerge
from it’s hard exile in which it is confined…..Only a people that has finished
what it started can descend from the stage of history , when it’s vision has
already been fully disclosed to the world……out of the inner depths the Jewish
people will yet sound the same call that was issued by the rock from which it
was hewn….’’ [R. Avraham Yitzchak Kook ztz’l]
The historical destiny of our people is at hand….We
are a ‘Nation of Priests’, a ‘Chosen People’, ‘A Light unto the Nations’……We
are living in a period of time where the great majority of our people do not
begin to see, understand or know it’s own greatness and glory…….Most of us
cannot see that there is anything special or unique that distinguishes us
from other peoples or world outlooks…..
So the question that comes up is, how to approach a topic
that is so broad, so sensitive, so crucial…..How can
we hope to do justice to perhaps the most important question that exists for
our people and for the whole world? The answer is that we cannot!!! It’s
clearly beyond our capabilities, but HASHEM CAN ---THROUGH US!!! So, in
that spirit , we march forward…..
Perhaps we could draw specific topics from the following
categories….maybe we can find our way on this journey when we map out the the
path as follows;
Perhaps we could begin to impact the restoration of Jewish
Glory ;
1. through tapping in to the Torah
2. through tapping in to the Creativity dimension
3. through tapping in to Time
dimensions such as post-life, past life and Messianic life
4. through tapping in to the Mystical dimension
5. through tapping in to the Transcendent
6. through tapping in to the full
time G-d connection
7. through tapping in to the Healing dimension
8. through tapping in to living in an Extraordinary
9. through tapping in to the Interpersonal dimension
10. through tapping in to the Observance dimension
In any case, we will begin with the essential topic at hand,
with a few meditations:
Allow yourself to step into the future…..see yourself as a
proud member of a nation of people who understand
deeply both the glory and the responsibility of being a part
of a Chosen Nation---a nation of global light conveyors….Experience the love
inside of yourself that you are very inspired to share with all of
humanity…experience yourself filled up with light—a light that stretches out
from one end of the world top the other-----a light that is overflowing---a
light that is experienced as wisdom and G-dliness and love and transcendence
and healing ---a light that you are driven to share with everyone---a light
that you know is received by one and all both directly and consciously and also
indirectly and subconsciously
Allow yourself to step into the future…..Experience your
heart…Experience how your heart is overflowing with love…feel how deeply you
feel ---how sensitive you are ---how compassionate you are---how loving you
are….Feel how soft your heart feels---how sympathetic and empathetic you are
towards everyone that you encounter….experience the deepest love emanating from
inside of you….experience how you want to reach out and share love with
everyone that you see, especially with those who you are closest to…Experience
how you have become a natural wellspring of love and how everyone you meet
Is inspired by you to share love freely with everyone
else…experience how much you love Hashem and this love is so powerful that it
is almost too painful to bear…….
Allow yourself to step into the future…..Experience the
feeling of being able to see with the light of the Ohr HaGanuz [the Hidden
Light]….Experience being able to see and fathom expanse more than you ever have
before…..see from one end of the world to the other….See the totality of your
life from beginning to end…see the totality of history from beginning to
end…..experience the unity of all things—the interconnectedness and
interinclusion of all aspects of reality…see how all that happens and happened
and will happen is all from Hashem and all for the best….See how
time is really an illusion and relative and how all endings
are actually new beginnings…See how the world is completely filled up
with infinite and eternity—something beyond your ability to fathom, but
something that you know is true….see how all is One …..
Allow yourself to step into the future…..Experience how all
that there is ----is Hashem---even all that you choose and have chosen and
accomplish is really only Hashem working through you ---See how there is a
grand unification at work---a unification of heaven and Earth----a unification
of male and female---a unification of higher and lower dimensions---a
unification of all possible opposites….see how there is absolutely nothing that
you can accomplish without the total help of Hashem…see how the entire world is
plugged into this consciousness…see how this is the most spectacular and
pleasurable sensation of living that could possibly live…Feel how all of
humanity thirsts for and is consumed by this drive—the drive to be at one with
Hashem, to know Hashem –to let go to Hashem –to be embraced by hashem in every
possible way…..
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