Mystical Musical Meditation in Jerusalem |
‘’And now , if you will hearken to my voice and keep my covenant, you will be to me a special people of all the nations, for all the earth is mine. And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation; these are the words that you shall say to the children of Israel ‘’ [Exodus 19:5-6]
I've been wondering for years how to present the subject of Jewish essence for years---- of that which distinguishes our people from other peoples---our souls from other souls [I usually come up short and unsatisfied in my attempts to get down to the bottom of this hottest of topics].....
We live in a time where this subject is perhaps the most threatening of all subjects----The great majority of our people would much rather hear about how we are the same as all people, rather than different--- The modern state of Israel's theme or motto is to be 'a nation like all other nations'....this sentiment is backed up by facts on the ground---mass assimilation---mass intermarriage---it's hard to find a Jewish home that doesn't include a non-Jew [ according to Halachic definitions] as a primary member of the immediate or extended family....The experience on the ground, also seems to testify that we are no different than others---in fact, it's often been pointed out that we seem to come up short in a number of areas--such as character traits and spirituality--when being compared to a non-Jew....
It's been stated that the most threatening and confusing factor facing our people's survival today, is the inability to distinguish between the essence of a Jew and non-Jew..... 'Cultural' and 'Historical' and 'Nationalistic' distinctions, though often somewhat convincing, go only so far in testifying to our being 'The Chosen People', 'A light to the Nations', 'A nation of Priests' 'A Holy People'...Sure, it's true we have been the most oppressed of peoples and have come through it surviving and thriving, but to be the world's Holy ones, enlightened ones and chosen many non-observant people truly believe this or experience this?....and how many observant people are so clear about these distinctions, that they could convince a non-Jew or a non-observant Jew about the shining truth of these principles [and in too many cases nowadays, even convince themselves]....
So, friends , if there would be some way to plug into these truths ,in a way that's clear for all to see, that would probably impact our people and the world for that matter, more than anyone could imagine...Far be it from me to hold the key to be the sole messenger of this vital issue---but then again, I'm not free to absolve myself from trying---maybe I have a way of expression, an insight based on my unique life experiences that may get click in a unique way for some truth seekers-----
So in light of these considerations, I send to you a few different types of Jewish essence meditations, based on various sources--mostly Mystical Judaism sources. My approach , for obvious reasons, will not be a comparative approach---comparing them and us---but rather a 'possibility' approach---ie...opening up the possibillity, to open up our ultimate essential Jewish consciousness---a consciousness that would realize our chosen ness or special ness, our priestliness, our unique enlightenedness, our unique Holiness--
-With Hashem's constant and intimate help, let us begin;
Know that the ultimate essence of a Jew is a being who's innermost motivation is to be connected in any way possible with G-d.........Know that to the extent that we remove those external aspects of ourselves which are blocking our essential Jewishness, to that extent, we experience this ultimate essence....... Know that we are hard-wired to seek out at all times, in everything that we do, how to do G-d's will, and the more aware we are of this inner essence, the more we are guided from 0n High to carry this out..........Know that if we truly realize our essential Jewishness, then it would be impossible to go against Hashem's Will even if we try---deep down, the intentions would be for G-d's Sake [this is the reason that our Sages say that when we are unintentionally prevented from carrying out a Holy intention, it's as if we did the action, and when we have an intention to do something against G-d's will, it's as if we really don't want to do that thing, and is thus considered as null and void in most cases] --- In the future, retroactively, it will become clear that even all of our sins were in line with Hashem's Will..........Know that deep down, we know that despite all of the efforts that we make to control and make things happen on the ground---we know that it's not really us doing it---it's all Hashem's efforts....
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation that is unique, special and different from all other nations....Experience being a member of a nation that is refered to as the The Holy Nation.......Experience underneath all the confusion and other forms of spiritual blockage, your primal motivation to be connected with Hashem......Experience that all that you really will is actually Hashem's Will.....Experience the certainty that all that you engage in, and every effort that you make to control and influence your fate in life is actually Hashem working through you and activating you in order to carry out whatever he wants to carry out --through you
Know that we are referred to as a Chosen or Special Nation—an ‘Am Segula’….The word Segula means a type of spiritual charm or gift that’s received—not necessarily deserved--- not as a result of a direct cause and effect process—and not something that’s even understood so much….it’s just something special and effective and extraordinary that’s received…it comes wih healing powers to effect transformation in hidden ways….We are a nation ---full of contradictions and paradox….yesses and nos and everything in between….rightists , leftists …in betweenists…..hated and loved ,connected and disconnected and many other paradoxical multi-dimensionalisms…..on the other hand---when it all comes down to it –our destiny is one of Segula—or Unique Specialness…..whether we believe it or understand it or not—our destiny is different than that of other peoples, and in mysterious way , in a super-conscious soul type of way—we know it—we acquiesce ---we march forward to the unique place that we are being led to…..
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation that is unique and special….Get in touch with the feeling that your destiny is unique and special---something you may not comprehend , but something you just know….Get in touch with the power of Segula—the power of being able to walk through doors and accomplish things, not necessarily because you deserve it, but rather because you are special….feel the responsibility of having a special destiny …..feel the responsibility for the entire world somehow on your shoulders….feel how the world was created just for you, and therefore you need to see to it that all goes well and smooth in the world, that all that you hear and see about your people and about the world is a personal calling for you to pray and act and do what you can to help out the situation….be humble in your role and in your destiny knowing that it’s all a gift and a beckoning from the One Above…..
Know that we are people with a very crucial role---that of being priests….priests that first of all are witnesses to the reality of G-d in the world –especially in those areas where G-d is normally not felt….and priests in the sense of service---serving the One Above as well as helping to enable others to be connected to Hashem…to be the bearers of G-d’s message and Will in the world----- and to be the teachers by example and by conveyance of G-d’s Will and light and presence and love…and therefore all personal acts that not only have the ramifications of an individual doing something right or wrong, but of someone who is part of the team—the priest, the teacher, the bearer of the message testifying to G-d’s way…..
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation of priests….feel the awesome responsibility of being the one who gives testimony to the world that G-d exists—that there is in fact nothing more important than G-d---that there is essentially nothing else but G-d…..fill yourself up with this role and with the responsibility that it carries to enable others to be connected to G-d , to know G-d, to follow G-d’s ways and will, to reveal G-d where He is normally not found, to teach others how to do all this, how to live this……..feel the pleasure and awe in opening up this reality for one other person and for more than one person, and for all of humanity……Feel the awe of the responsibility of your actions---feel that you don’t only represent yourself, but you represent G-d to all whom you encounter—and how being a representative of G-d lifts you up to act in a higher and more serious and passionate manner……
Know that the ultimate essence of a Jew is a being who's innermost motivation is to be connected in any way possible with G-d.........Know that to the extent that we remove those external aspects of ourselves which are blocking our essential Jewishness, to that extent, we experience this ultimate essence....... Know that we are hard-wired to seek out at all times, in everything that we do, how to do G-d's will, and the more aware we are of this inner essence, the more we are guided from 0n High to carry this out..........Know that if we truly realize our essential Jewishness, then it would be impossible to go against Hashem's Will even if we try---deep down, the intentions would be for G-d's Sake [this is the reason that our Sages say that when we are unintentionally prevented from carrying out a Holy intention, it's as if we did the action, and when we have an intention to do something against G-d's will, it's as if we really don't want to do that thing, and is thus considered as null and void in most cases] --- In the future, retroactively, it will become clear that even all of our sins were in line with Hashem's Will..........Know that deep down, we know that despite all of the efforts that we make to control and make things happen on the ground---we know that it's not really us doing it---it's all Hashem's efforts....
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation that is unique, special and different from all other nations....Experience being a member of a nation that is refered to as the The Holy Nation.......Experience underneath all the confusion and other forms of spiritual blockage, your primal motivation to be connected with Hashem......Experience that all that you really will is actually Hashem's Will.....Experience the certainty that all that you engage in, and every effort that you make to control and influence your fate in life is actually Hashem working through you and activating you in order to carry out whatever he wants to carry out --through you
Know that we are referred to as a Chosen or Special Nation—an ‘Am Segula’….The word Segula means a type of spiritual charm or gift that’s received—not necessarily deserved--- not as a result of a direct cause and effect process—and not something that’s even understood so much….it’s just something special and effective and extraordinary that’s received…it comes wih healing powers to effect transformation in hidden ways….We are a nation ---full of contradictions and paradox….yesses and nos and everything in between….rightists , leftists …in betweenists…..hated and loved ,connected and disconnected and many other paradoxical multi-dimensionalisms…..on the other hand---when it all comes down to it –our destiny is one of Segula—or Unique Specialness…..whether we believe it or understand it or not—our destiny is different than that of other peoples, and in mysterious way , in a super-conscious soul type of way—we know it—we acquiesce ---we march forward to the unique place that we are being led to…..
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation that is unique and special….Get in touch with the feeling that your destiny is unique and special---something you may not comprehend , but something you just know….Get in touch with the power of Segula—the power of being able to walk through doors and accomplish things, not necessarily because you deserve it, but rather because you are special….feel the responsibility of having a special destiny …..feel the responsibility for the entire world somehow on your shoulders….feel how the world was created just for you, and therefore you need to see to it that all goes well and smooth in the world, that all that you hear and see about your people and about the world is a personal calling for you to pray and act and do what you can to help out the situation….be humble in your role and in your destiny knowing that it’s all a gift and a beckoning from the One Above…..
Know that we are people with a very crucial role---that of being priests….priests that first of all are witnesses to the reality of G-d in the world –especially in those areas where G-d is normally not felt….and priests in the sense of service---serving the One Above as well as helping to enable others to be connected to Hashem…to be the bearers of G-d’s message and Will in the world----- and to be the teachers by example and by conveyance of G-d’s Will and light and presence and love…and therefore all personal acts that not only have the ramifications of an individual doing something right or wrong, but of someone who is part of the team—the priest, the teacher, the bearer of the message testifying to G-d’s way…..
Experience the feeling of being part of a nation of priests….feel the awesome responsibility of being the one who gives testimony to the world that G-d exists—that there is in fact nothing more important than G-d---that there is essentially nothing else but G-d…..fill yourself up with this role and with the responsibility that it carries to enable others to be connected to G-d , to know G-d, to follow G-d’s ways and will, to reveal G-d where He is normally not found, to teach others how to do all this, how to live this……..feel the pleasure and awe in opening up this reality for one other person and for more than one person, and for all of humanity……Feel the awe of the responsibility of your actions---feel that you don’t only represent yourself, but you represent G-d to all whom you encounter—and how being a representative of G-d lifts you up to act in a higher and more serious and passionate manner……
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