Thursday, October 12, 2023

Noach 5784



Dear immersers into life's multi-dimensional shelters ….step into the many splendored arks that are available to you ---at all times in all ways—with a little bit of imagination ---experience the sensations of being sheltered and safe ----safe from the floods that threaten to wash you away---floods of indifference and monotony and loveless faces and fearful places-----open up your heart to the endless antidotes----surrounding you at all times---once you open up your eyes ----they come in all sizes and shapes---they are found inside you and inside words of higher oscillations--- and manifestations of consciousness---and the sweetest destinations of love's bliss ---and unmistakable sensations of the truth's deepness---and liberating mind and heart journeys into exotic lands of endlessness ---and immersions into holy concept consciousness ----step inside my beloved one—--listen closely to the echoes of those who have come before you and all those who come after----all waiting for you to compose new poetic chapters in the epic tales of life's protective shelters------the elders of the generations in their Heavenly abodes await breathlessly to partake of your splendid story


****We can go into the ark

*We can go into the ark

that becomes the antidote

to the floods that threaten to wash our souls away

Every single night

Every single day

****We can go into the ark of believing

that every little thing that we do

that we see

that we encounter

is for the best

*** *We can go into the ark of loving each other

With all the love in our hearts

****We can go into the ark of eternity

of infinity

of belief

of G-d

of his Divine Word

*** *We can go into the ark of courage

of believing in ourselves

in our inner voice

of believing that we are loved

by The One Above

****We can reach out and invite someone into our Ark

or into their own ark


**He saw her face

Her eyes conveyed

What only eyes can convey

''Speak to me

You move me,

Your words

Transport me

To a place I want to go" ,

**These were the words To her

That he spoke

''My words come

From my heart

They come from My soul

My words Convey the love I have for you",

**And she began to speak

In rhyme

In colors

In passion

In poetry

In love

**And he waited

For the right word

And when it came

He jumped right in

And he has never been

So happy

So alive

As the time

When he went inside


*** inside of a holy concept

there is found endless depth

we can study it

we can analyze it


we can immerse our entire being inside it

swim inside it

and immerse it

completely inside of us

till we are saturated with it

*** then we are fused with the concept

then we are one with the concept

then all that we see and feel

is this concept

and all that this concept sees

is you and me


***step inside of consciousness

take a look around

smell the aroma with your sense of knowing

touch the undertones with your sense of wonder

see the life-force with your sense of equilibrium

taste the exquisite blend with your sense of discernment

hear the many splendored melodies with your sense of awe


***hear the melody of surrender

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of

____ let go and let G-d

sweeping you off of your feet

into the free-fall swoop of the eagle

on her daily air-borne search

to nourish her nested young ones

***hear the melody of embracing

every aspect of living

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ mindfulness

pulling you in to the essence

of all you encounter

with the wonder-filled eyes

of a baby seeing all for the first time

***hear the melody of sharing love

with one and all

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ heart-speak

melting the hearts

of everyone you know

and everyone who knows you

with the blush of one

whose true love

has been discovered

uncovered and recovered

after yearning for it

for ages

contagious love

***hear the melody of perfect as is

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ elevated bliss

in the realization

that this this very reality

just the way it is

is all you've been waiting for

is the key to unlock the door

of the Divine

inside of and beyond space and time

sounds of Heavenly rhyme the melody of the sublime


***feelers of the deepness….

seers of the endlessness….

breathers of consciousness….

***surely the thirst that you have felt for so long –

is what brings you here to this sacred song fest…

***and the promise of expansiveness

enlists your heart to join us

here with the full time meditators….

***surely the sweet fragrant smoke

of expanded consciousness

seeping out of these oriental dens

of the seekers of altered mindfulness states

is what sways you

to come into this inner circle camp-fire

we all sit around …

***and the sage advice

that we all seek

is to know the depth of everything…

***is to touch the inner light

of all we see…

***is to dwell in the sacred spaces

inhabited by traces of our endless souls …

***and everybody knows

that a piece of infinity contains all of infinity …

***and these poetic soliloquies –

regardless of who is listening ---

will hopefully help you and me

to see a small glimpse

of the deepness

with which we can see reality


**this love they feel now from another lifetime





their lives now

**this love they feel now

takes on all kinds of forms

and combinations

and reunifications

and manifestations

in their lives now

**this love they feel now

is not merely a discovery

it is a recovery

of the time-less lessons

from the ancient womb

of the puzzle pieces

coming together

with great allure

now for him and her

**this love they feel now

draws them in to places

they've never been

but they must go

that much they know

if they can let themselves go

places they have not yet known

and enter into an infinite zone

**this love they feel now

reverberates forever

connected together

a sound

a sight

a thought

a light

extending in ever deepening profundity

eternity of eternities


Dear immersers into life's multi-dimensional shelters ….step into the many splendored arks that are available to you ---at all times in all ways—with a little bit of imagination ---experience the sensations of being sheltered and safe ----safe from the floods that threaten to wash you away---floods of indifference and monotony and loveless faces and fearful places-----open up your heart to the endless antidotes----surrounding you at all times---once you open up your eyes ----they come in all sizes and shapes---they are found inside you and inside words of higher oscillations--- and manifestations of consciousness---and the sweetest destinations of love's bliss ---and unmistakable sensations of the truth's deepness---and liberating mind and heart journeys into exotic lands of endlessness ---and immersions into holy concept consciousness ----step inside my beloved one—--listen closely to the echoes of those who have come before you and all those who come after----all waiting for you to compose new poetic chapters in the epic tales of life's protective shelters------the elders of the generations in their Heavenly abodes await breathlessly to partake of your splendid story


****We can go into the ark

*We can go into the ark

that becomes the antidote

to the floods that threaten to wash our souls away

Every single night

Every single day

****We can go into the ark of believing

that every little thing that we do

that we see

that we encounter

is for the best

*** *We can go into the ark of loving each other

With all the love in our hearts

****We can go into the ark of eternity

of infinity

of belief

of G-d

of his Divine Word

*** *We can go into the ark of courage

of believing in ourselves

in our inner voice

of believing that we are loved

by The One Above

****We can reach out and invite someone into our Ark

or into their own ark


**He saw her face

Her eyes conveyed

What only eyes can convey

''Speak to me

You move me,

Your words

Transport me

To a place I want to go" ,

**These were the words To her

That he spoke

''My words come

From my heart

They come from My soul

My words Convey the love I have for you",

**And she began to speak

In rhyme

In colors

In passion

In poetry

In love

**And he waited

For the right word

And when it came

He jumped right in

And he has never been

So happy

So alive

As the time

When he went inside


*** inside of a holy concept

there is found endless depth

we can study it

we can analyze it


we can immerse our entire being inside it

swim inside it

and immerse it

completely inside of us

till we are saturated with it

*** then we are fused with the concept

then we are one with the concept

then all that we see and feel

is this concept

and all that this concept sees

is you and me


***step inside of consciousness

take a look around

smell the aroma

with your sense of knowing

touch the undertones

with your sense of wonder

see the life-force

with your sense of equilibrium

taste the exquisite blend

with your sense of discernment

hear the many splendored melodies

with your sense of awe


***hear the melody of surrender

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of

____ let go and let G-d

sweeping you off of your feet

into the free-fall swoop

of the eagle

on her daily air-borne search

to nourish her nested young ones

***hear the melody of embracing

every aspect of living

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ mindfulness

pulling you in to the essence

of all you encounter

with the wonder-filled eyes

of a baby

seeing all for the first time

***hear the melody of sharing love

with one and all

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ heart-speak

melting the hearts

of everyone you know

and everyone who knows you

with the blush of one

whose true love

has been discovered


and recovered

after yearning for it

for ages

contagious love

***hear the melody of perfect as is

let it's exquisite melodious strains

take you to a place of____ elevated bliss

in the realization

that this this very reality

just the way it is

is all you've been waiting for

is the key to unlock the door

of the Divine

inside of and beyond space and time

sounds of Heavenly rhyme

the melody of the sublime


***feelers of the deepness….

seers of the endlessness….

breathers of consciousness….

***surely the thirst that you have felt for so long –

is what brings you here to this sacred song fest…

***and the promise of expansiveness

enlists your heart to join us

here with the full time meditators….

***surely the sweet fragrant smoke

of expanded consciousness

seeping out of these oriental dens

of the seekers of altered mindfulness states

is what sways you

to come into this inner circle camp-fire

we all sit around …

***and the sage advice

that we all seek

is to know the depth of everything…

***is to touch the inner light

of all we see…

***is to dwell in the sacred spaces

inhabited by traces of our endless souls …

***and everybody knows

that a piece of infinity contains all of infinity …

***and these poetic soliloquies –

regardless of who is listening ---

will hopefully help you and me

to see a small glimpse

of the deepness

with which we can see reality


**this love they feel now from another lifetime





their lives now

**this love they feel now

takes on all kinds of forms

and combinations

and reunifications

and manifestations

in their lives now

**this love they feel now

is not merely a discovery

it is a recovery

of the time-less lessons

from the ancient womb

of the puzzle pieces

coming together

with great allure

now for him and her

**this love they feel now

draws them in to places

they've never been

but they must go

that much they know

if they can let themselves go

places they have not yet known

and enter into an infinite zone

**this love they feel now

reverberates forever

connected together

a sound

a sight

a thought

a light

extending in ever deepening profundity

eternity of eternities


Dear riders on the storm …..into this world we're thrown…..what do we do when the storm refuses to let up ….all we can do ----if we are true to ourselves…..if we don't want to lose ourselves in the endless struggle ----if we want to stay alive-----the only thing we can do ---is to go inside……step inside our innermostness…….maybe there we can look closely at the reflection of who we are ----and who we are headed to be----unless we take a sharp right turn -----and learn a new way to exist----for this we will need no GPS----G-d will guide us to our destination---He'll plant our road map firmly inside of our imagination….all we have to do is step inside and trust the process---all the rest will be effortless….step inside the word….step inside the idea….step inside the panacea…..step inside of any and every process that comes your away….life is much sweeter underneath it all ……


***The ultimate self expression that I yearn for

is where everything converges together…..

***where all aspects of my personality come to the fore

and they express themselves

in every word that I say,

where all aspects of my knowledge

are integrated and injected

into every word that I say…..

***where every aspect of my awareness,

where I’ve been,

where I’m going,

where I want to go to,

where I am now

is expressed in every word

that I say.


Help us reach up to your eternity

Help us to embrace you with our whole heart

Help us to open our heart

Help us reach up to thee in the only way we know how

Help us reach up to you In the most incredible ways

We need Your smile to guide us on our way

Help us prepare for a whole new way

Help us make a completely new start

Help us see what we need to see

Help us step inside of YOU and then....

Help us step back inside of ourselves

in a completely new way

Help us step inside of a complete self-actualization

And manifestation Of who we are

And who we are meant to be here in paradise

***Help us step into this world Of healing flow

Show us where to go

Show us how to open up the flow

Show us how to purge away all the things that are in our way

Show us how to disappear in order to get ourselves completely out of YOUR way

Help us leap into paradise

It feels so nice


**deep inside there resides a sanctuary of purity

an indestructible power point

a transcendent alignment

a defiant invincibiilty

a knowing place

a reservoir of truth

a future world perspective

an all is perfect as is being

an interconnected interinclusivity

a face that we know we can be

a life that is completely free

an inability to do anything bad

***and when we touch this sacred reality

we unleash a host of Angelic beings

that show us whole new ways of seeing

that give us a taste of eternity

and usher us in to a sanctuary of purity


***step inside of your innermost-ness

peel away the layers

*strip away the façade y

ou won't need that anymore

not in this place

not in this sacred space

not when you truly face

the essence of who you are

***step outside of these room

s these rooms that have deluded you

these masquerades that have intruded on your truth

these charades that have polluted your youth

external choices

foreign voices

be relentless--- cut them out with the sharpest knife

it's what you've been wanting to do your entire life

***step inside my friend

the water's fine

immerse yourself into the healing water

let the angelic voices permeate your spirit

venture closer to the precipice

look out into the vastness

jump off the edge

free-fall into the void

with full trust

the hands of déjà vu will catch you

just like they have a thousand times before

what are you waiting for?

** *step inside of this holy place

you're the hope of the human race


She fell into a dream

She saw there

Some of the deepest feelings

that she has never seen before

and she felt there

Some of the most hopeful things

that she has never seen before

***and she woke up

and it was just a dream

but she knew that something had changed

She opened her eyes

And saw that underneath it all

there was a harmony

there was rhyme and reason

and the leaves were changing colors

in this brand new and ancient season

and she greeted the passing cars

and the raindrops

and the mountain tops

and her love was reignited

and everyone that caught sight of her

was sure that they'd seen her

but actually no one

had ever seen her before

at all

it's just that underneath it all

everyone and everything

is all one

with everyone

and everything else

'GO INTO THE WORD' ---POETRY Dear people of the Book…..just take a look around ---see for yourself how history has designated you to show everyone else all about the awesome power of the word ----seeing it in ways that have never before been heard of before…….'go into the word' is what the Holy One says to anyone who has eyes in their head----------to anyone who knows the power of every word that is said…… to anyone who knows that a word is not simply a collection of letters---all brought together to convey some message ----but rather the word is a living being with feeling and heart and soul ----- and just like someone who really wants to know someone else---must explore them to the depths of their soul----so too-----you can rest assured that when you go inside of the word ----the way the enlightened ones do when they look deeper into the essence of of the story of Noah and his Teiva —they knew that the word that can save ya--- and true shelter from the storm in every shape and form ---is accessible to all those who know how to go inside the word --------------------and when you do go inside the word---the word will go inside of you too---and it will lead you all the way through to the other side---into the light -----into the end of the night….maybe one of these poems will give you some insight on how to go inside the word ---it sure is worth a try……

AWAITING THE WORD ****awaiting the word the word spoken to all of us but rarely heard ****awaiting the word the word elaborates what we can see what we can be if we could only hear the word ****awaiting the word the word lights us up in electric pageantry in ceremonious imagery lit up just like we're meant to be

HER WORDS MELTED THE HEART **her words could be heard in the farthest reaches of space in the hearts of all who looked at her in the face ***her silence spoke louder than myriads of Angels who finally have gotten their one chance to sing the praises of the Holy One Blessed be He **her broken heart evoked tears from anyone and everyone who hear her story who felt her hidden glory who saw her fall into a trap not of her own making ***her words melted the Heart of The One Above whose endless love was unleashed from ancient wellsprings because this thing He knew right from the start that there is nothing wholer than a broken heart

THE WORDS UNRAVEL **the words unravel a deeper level profound insights hidden in the recesses of the subconscious ***and we speak our way into consciousness our words our flashes of brilliance our conceptual conceptions tap into the wave-lengths of timeless soul-ing of an unmistakable knowing ***and the greatest of the seers and sages across the spectrum of time and the ages see how the words spoken reveal the story of the lives of all the speakers they are presented with featuring all their vivid details and all the exotic tales without fail ***and their inner ears hear the inner voices and how all the choices that they chose brought them into close encounters with all that they now face in life and they point out the sign-posts they are to look for the unraveling letters and words that will help them see clearly the desired sights in order to get it right this time without needing to come back another time

WORDS words letters brought together a most profound endeavor themselves combinations of forms and resonations forged from the divine anvil when Creation was still in potentia lacking the differentia multidimensional spectacle that we know so well

HE WENT INSIDE OF HER WORDS **He saw her face Her eyes conveyed What only eyes can convey ''Speak to me You move me, Your words Transport me To a place I want to go" , These were the words To her That he spoke ''My words come From my heart They come from My soul My words Convey the love I have for you", These were the words To him That she spoke **And she began to speak In rhyme In colors In passion In poetry In love **And he waited For the right word and when it came he jumped right in And he has never been So happy So alive As the time When he went inside


****This prayer is based on my pray-ing collection, mainly from the Baal Shem Tov and R. Tzadok HaCohen of some of their teachings about prayer****

Master of the Universe,

Please open up for us the Gates of Prayer

Help us know that all is from You

Help us know that no prayer goes to waste

Help us see that one powerful prayer raises up hundreds of weak ones

Help us realize that the joy we feel after a good prayer is a sign that this prayer is received

Help us know that anything and everything that we pray for will manifest in some way

Help us understand that our prayer can and will unlock locked up and blocked up decrees

Help us know that no two prayers are alike---because our hearts and our realities are always changing

Help us intend our prayers for the benefit of revealing the Divine Presence

Help us experience our hearts when we pray

Help us witness how our prayers can raise up the broken souls to the highest realms

Help us focus our prayer efforts on minimal quantity with maximal quality with full hearts

Help us dive deeply in prayer into the thoughts that we resonate with and are meant to embrace at the time

Help us pray so deeply that we become oblivious to our physicality

Help us pray with all of our might

Help us pray together with all of Creation

Help our prayer awaken and heal all those in need of that which we pray for

Help us pray with the deepest yearning

Help our prayers join with the righteous ones of all generations

Help open our lips to pray to you and our mouths to speak your praise

Help our prayer open up our love for you and your love for us

Help us become prayer

Help open up for us the Gates of Prayer

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