Thursday, September 15, 2022

Weekly MMM - Set List Yom Kippur Primer 2022

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[**for the Holy Day**]

Dear venturers into the beyond…….dear messianic universe adventurers who know that the time is at hand [as we step into the calendar's annual promised light land]….so they find the light inside that lights up their own and many others' lives…..because the rendezvous of these courageous few –ironically-- can only be reached by going deep inside of you ---and the deeper that you do ---you precious inner space travelers--- will uncover all that is new –even exotic points of view bespeaking future unfoldings—holding endless secrets--reality folding itself onto itself in inter-inclusion—a fusion of the gentlest purity----a healing of paradisiacal eternity….all on board---find yourself a word and jump on in ----and climb in to these poetical whims ---and hold on tight ----and maybe you'll catch a peek deep inside ---where we're all headed to on the other side of this long exiled night


**There are thoughts that come from a place of open heart

**When the heart is open its all effortless We don’t need to think about it

** It's like prayer that we pray to Hashem and we say, "Hashem please See my prayer before I pray it Give me what I am looking for before I even ask for it "

** and there is a kind of prayer a 'shoot from the hip payer'

What comes out is what needs to come out

We become channels

Channels of heart speak

and when we do

we draw down the highest lights

lights of essence

lights of truth

lights that can only come from us

and the whole world is lit up by these lights

**may we be worthy


Dear Beloved One,

*Open up our ears to hear what we normally can’t hear

The hearing that comes from You

Let us hear the voices in between the lines

Let us hear You calling us at all times

*Help us to see..... to see

from one end to the other

to see a world that never ends

a world that keeps on coming

*Help us find the gentle light


Inside the completeness of our souls

And everyone we know

*Help us experience the allness

Of all we do

and all that we are going through

*Help bring down into our lives

A whole new way of seeing

A whole new way of being

*Help us be exactly who we are meant to be

and to go beyond who we thought we were

*And help us to find all of our soul family

And bring them into our lives

to complete us with all their truths

and all their news and all they have to say

And all their feelings

And all their ways

*And help us all connect to You in everything we do


***the words unravel

a deeper level

profound insights hidden

in the recesses

of the subconscious

***and we speak

our way into consciousness

our words

our flashes of brilliance

our conceptual conceptions

tap into the wave-lengths

of timeless soul-ing

of an unmistakable knowing

***and the greatest of the seers and sages

across the spectrum

of time and the ages

see how the words spoken

reveal the story of the lives

of all the speakers

they are presented with

featuring all their vivid details

and all the exotic tales

without fail

and their inner ears

hear the inner voices

and how all the choices

that they chose

brought them into close encounters

with all

that they now face in life

and they point out

the sign-posts

they are to look for

the unraveling letters

and words

that will help them

see clearly

the desired sights

in order to get it right this time

without needing

to come back another time


**and the pulse of life beckons......

a Heavenly Voice hiding in the shadows

reminds us invites us

engrosses us captures us

subtlely secretively surreptitious-ly

**show us how to choose

the most important selections

how to go in the most meaningful directions

how to bond with the most loving connections

**show us

how to be so alive

that we have no doubt that all we do and say

and think and feel

will plant seeds of endless purity and alive-ness

and love and light

that will last forever



an enticing state of affairs

if we only knew how to remain there


an expression of the I and Thou

interconnected with great prowess


it would surely be nice

if we knew--we'd happily pay the price


the knowing that we all have inside

a taste of eternity that we know --we've been there --we 've tried


life lived with elegance , life lived with finesse

enchanting visions of transcendent bliss


wellbeing mindfulness presence and love

every detail clearly sent from the One Above


in the presence of the One who sees

in the light of the eternity


Dear diggers into the depths of your being….take note of all that you are constantly see…..don't let anything escape your full attention and your deepest seeing…..because deep inside there resides the I will be and the I was and the Iam----and that's the place where they're giving away free tickets to the promised land ….try to find the deep spot inside ---intensified , magnified -------and to undeniably see and be seen by the progenitor of all Creation----a situation ----that you just can't pass up on ---and there deep inside our own Holy Land----He shows me who I am ---and uncovers the whole plan and He is constantly showing me---and all I have to do is to just keep on seeing and keep on going …keep on going and trust my inner knowing that with all of life's tribulations ---I will be constantly growing ---and ultimately be asked to show my knowings to all those who are thirsty –like me-----and I'm praying and hoping that

at least some of this poetry can show you and me who we are and who we can ultimately be


***in tune----that's what the echo inside of his head said

***in tune---- with life's unraveling melody inside of him

***alone----- with no one to bother him

***nevertheless--- he didn't realize that there was someone

***someone----- he never knew who was listening

***someone -----he never knew even existed before

***his soul---- kept calling out for him to reach out

[*and the soul is such a subtle voice most people can't hear it at all*]

***the inner call was insisting and he gave up resisting

***and he sent out a cry from the depths of his life

***and the cry came from a place of limitless love and timeless yearning and a passion that has never stopped burning in a hidden place inside of him even before he could recall when

***and the cry echoed from one side of humanity to the other until one special one one he never knew before came knocking at his door and with mystifying grace shook him out of his comfort place and told him that she has waited for his cry since the beginning of time

***and for rest of their lives all they could do was to try to realize the unfathomable miracle that had reached out to them right on time


***Find inside of yourself, the yearning---the great yearning to be born---to be a brand new , pure, unhindered, fully expressed, unlimited being

***a being that is constantly & primally in a state of expansive consciousness—a state of being where life is full of pleasure and meaning and authenticity and G-dliness and love for everyone ……..

***Now draw this yearning into every cell in your being---draw it into yourself with such impact until it’s almost unbearable---and apply this unbearable yearning for primal consciousness to all in your life that is out of sync---even partially…..

***And with all of your heart--and in as much detail as you are able to express verbally ---cast away all that which has held you back -----

***and then, like a new born child--- step into G-d’s infinite loving embrace, knowing that you are well on your way back to where you originally came from and always yearned to return to…….


Ribbono Shel Olam---Master of the Universe

***You saw fit to plant into the mechanics of Reality

a need for brokenness to proceed rectification and a need for darkness to proceed light...

***In your Infinite wisdom, You saw that this would be the best way ultimately, to give of your endless abundance to deserving, transcending, appreciative receivers of your light

***But nevertheless, it's so hard for us when we are broken, Hashem …….broken---with out any real idea of how to fix ourselves up....

And we feel confused and our thoughts are scattered and we feel that we can't move because we have no motivation or inspiration.....

***And we are scared with no one or nothing to calm our fears and prove to us how all is for the best

and all is for a reason....

***And so we clutch at straws and fall in and out of love with every new person, idea or direction that offers us a bit of hope... A hope of being rescued....

***But we really don't trust anyone or anything and so we remain alone, unconnected, bitter, weak and in despair

***And then suddenly We hear a 'still small voice' a Divine Fatherly Voice of comfort and caring and guidance and endless love.... A voice that assures us that this too will pass that this is all for the best the best possible thing that could happen to us... And we cry out to You, my Father in Heaven


***Take all our worries and troubles and burdens. .. We toss them up to you knowing that You will take care of it all And we thank you for feeling relief... And we feel humbled... And we feel a deep empathy with all those who are also broken....

***Help us truly internalize these feelings ... Help us to truly appreciate all that you do for us at all times, and help us to see how all of our brokenness is a stepping stone and a launching pad towards Tikun -- a wonderful, pure and amazing rectification of our very being... Amen


***Yom Kippur is the heart
of the entire year
yom Kippur is the bina ---Ima Ilaah

**Ima--the sublime Mother
is the space time upper world dimension
that we journey to on yom Kippur

***and Ima is the heart
of the year
and is filled with love
and it's the kind of love
that will set us free
the kind of love
that will lovingly
tell us who we can be
the kind of heart filled love
that has got our backs

***the kind of love
that when you have it
when you feel it you are fearless
fearless to do anything
you set your mind
and heart to do
because you have that love

***that sublime mother's love
kindly nurturing you
loving you guiding you

***and when we
fill ourselves up
with Mother's love
we're able
to express
our love to others

Endlessly unconditionally


*happiness hides
inside trapped places
when we mine
the hidden confine-ments
with an urgency
that leaves us no choice
but to penetrate
deep inside
the world of lies
and deception
and dive
into the dark pockets
of stale memories

* then we can unleash
sweet love
from the endless night
and behold
the most stunning
and spectacular sight
a transformation
of dark into light
a rejuvenation
that allows our souls
to take flight
because happiness hides inside
trapped places


Any part of infinity
is as infinite
as the whole
of infinity.
If you tap
into one aspect
of infinite G-dliness,
you tap into all the rest!

Since G-d, Torah and Yisrael
are all one--the same rule holds
true by all of them.
The entire Torah
can be revealed
in any specific
word of Torah.

The totality of a person
can be found
in any specific
body part
or character trait...etc..

and even more
important than this----
the rectification
of one character trait
of one person,
can rectify
that identical point
in many other people ,
and even in all of mankind,
depending on how thorough
the rectification was

.All the realm of space
can be tapped into
by tapping
into one area
of space--

[King Solomon, with his amazing wisdom, knew exactly which underground veins in the earth of the land of Israel, matched the corresponding terrains and plants all over the globe and was able to thereby grow all the earth's plants in Israel]!

The same is true
of the dimension of time
[ into the unique power of a certain Holiday, and that same power is activated the entire year].


Dear pure ones…….refined soul beings…..always seeking the quiet pristineness………knowers of the endless depth of simplicity…….watchers of the amazement that paints the faces of new borns encountering the sights ----overcome with delight ……..sowers of heart—filled love for all that moves……keepers of the garden-sanctuaries of purity……bonders of disparate manifestations of reality ….atoners for all of the stains that have got in your way…..returners to a brand new day…


deep inside there resides a sanctuary of purity

an indestructible power point

a transcendent alignment

a defiant invincibility

a knowing place

a reservoir of truth

a future world perspective

an all is perfect as is being

an interconnected interinclusivity

a face that we know we can be

a life that is completely free

an inability to do anything bad

we can go there on the holy day

if we believe

if we can receive

maybe we can go there every day

if we knew the recipe

if we knew the way to be

and when we touch this sacred reality

we unleash a host of Angelic beings

that show us whole new ways of seeing

that give us a taste of eternity

and usher us in to a sanctuary of purity


in this place

we only want to connect,

to bond,

to fuse,

to interconnect,

to unify all of the scatteredness

to transform all of the partial-ness into wholeness.

in this place

right and left,

dark and light,

day and night

heaven and earth

all come together as one

in this place

we say yes

instead of no.

we say go

don't stop ever

…. in this place

light is sown for the righteous

light is sown for the good-hearted

light is sown for the person of faith

Or zarua latsadik,

in this place

eternal light is sown

for the one

who turns dark into light

for the one who turns bitter into sweet

in this place

in the tzila d'mehainuta

in the shade of Emuna

we are protected by Her loving arms

The supernal Mother

there is no other


she embraces all that's inside her

and everything


...her body is a sanctuary

she welcomes every sensation ..her heart pumps with endless love

for all who dare to share with her

their heart

[and even those who don't]

..she sees miracles constantly

in the sun setting

in the shy smiles

sneaking their way

onto shy faces

and into her heart

..her mind is always aware

of the gift that's presented to her

right here

right now

no matter how big or how small

..she sends up her prayers onto a cloud

she knows that The One

will come through for her

just like He has a thousand times before

..she trusts that all that comes her way

in G-d's own time

will be exactly what she needs

and she accepts one and all

with the sweetest of countenances

..and they all accept her

with the deepest love


*How does a person do Teshuva?

*How does a person get back

that which is disconnected

that which is uncontented

that which is unrelented ?

*How does a person re-embrace

How does a person re-compensate

How does a person re-integrate

that long lost part of their being?

*How do we do Teshuva?

How do we get it back

How do we get back the life force

in our lives ?

How do we get back the expression in our eyes

How do we get back the sychronizing of our mind ?

*I'm not entirely sure

but this I do know

Our hearts and our minds

will open

When we know the truth

about who we are:

*The truth

The whole truth

and nothing but the truth

so help me Gd

*Without any alternative agenda

Without any slip sliding pretending

Without one thing coming out of our mouths

and quite another inside our hearts

*and when we do get to that knowing truth

when it saturates us

and infatuates us

through and through

when it's what we think

and say

and do

When we Feng shui

mind body and life

When we have a flow

going all the time

when what's coming out

is what's coming in

and what's coming in is what's coming out

*Then and only then

we will begin to walk

that path back home again



Dear heart-filled emanators….heart warming creators….heart-speaking communicators…..heart knowing instigators-----listen to the wisdom of your hearts------a wisdom that goes deeper than you may think-------words that come from your hearts go into others hearts----and that's just the start of the story-----for when you truly sing it's song all day long -----the hearts of all who you sing to---will come alive too ---and the deeper that you go ---the more that you will come to know things that you've never known before----and the inner voice of your heart knows more than the cerebral calculations of your brain ------and nothing for you ---will ever remain the same-----and when you learn the heart speak ---you will be able to show others the direction their life must go….and when you listen to the subtle messages of the hearts constant poetry---you will feel feelings that the brain could never feel …..and when you never stop exploring the endless wellsprings of your heart----you may be able to tap into the the Davidian heart of all of humanity---and transform your heart and all hearts that feel you--- to be hearts of flesh and to melt their hearts of stone and on that day -----love will lead the way …..pure selfless love will lead the way


מַ֣יִם עֲ֭מֻקִּים עֵצָ֣ה בְלֶב־אִ֑ישׁ וְאִ֖ישׁ תְּבוּנָ֣ה יִדְלֶֽנָּה
Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. [Proverbs 20\5]

*** the heart whispers to us constantly with wisdom with guidance with knowing

***listen to the wisdom of your heart letting you know when to stop and when to start with whom to be careful and to whom to give it all you have

***listen to the guidance of your heart informing you when to stand still and when to let go even though you don't know where you will end up going

***listen to the knowing of your heart knowing with one word what takes thousands of words to understand

***listen with your heart to another's heart listen to what they are truly saying listen to what they truly want listen to what they are afraid of

***and then listen to the endless healing wellsprings and wisdom of your heart and share it with them freely lovingly


Experience your heart…
Experience how your heart is overflowing with love…

***feel how deeply you feel ---
how sensitive you are ---
how compassionate you are---
how loving you are….
Feel how soft your heart feels---
how sympathetic and empathetic you are
towards everyone that you encounter….

***experience the deepest love emanating from inside of you….
***experience how you want to reach out and share love with everyone that you see, especially with those who you are closest to…

**Experience how you have become
a natural wellspring of love
and how everyone you meet
Is inspired by you
to share love freely
with everyone else…

***experience how much you love Hashem
and this love is so powerful
that it is almost
too painful to bear…


**sharing love

giving freely uninhibitedly

will light up the sky

and everyone who walks by

with a reflection of love

***love melts away

the practiced gentility the tactful aristocracy

the way things are accustomed to be

to let you express your love

loudly and freely

**give the heart

her voice

and she will give you no choice

but to follow her intoxicating allure

so eternal so pure

***and the love that you share

without a worry or care

if you'll get love in return

will cause a holy fire to burn

***in perpetuity

Interminably indestructibly

***and the heart-filled love

you share will reproduce

loving hearts everywhere


****King David would wake up
every night at midnight
the wind would play
at that time
the strings of his harp
As if the wind blowing
the strings of the harp
was a human being
Play music for me
David King of Israel
Play the music..
Sing the holy Psalms
for us at all times

****The divine inspiration
, ruach kodesh
words he sang
In that holy midnight hour
came from the heart
of all humanity
Devarim she balev
yotzim min halev
v'nchnasim el halev
Words of the heart- Enter the heart

***And when King David
composed his holy Psalms
which are the heart and soul
of our people's prayers,
He did that
in a place of receptivity
G-d's presence
coming through him

***all the prayers
all the emotions
all the yearnings
all the drives
and he placed
those same emotions drives yearnings, & prayers
into the hearts souls and minds
of every single person
who have ever spoken
his holy words


****the love that is available
to us right now
is endless and free
it's there for one and all
just open your eyes to see
just open your hands to receive
just open your hearts to feel

****it shows up in the middle of a conversation
when we least expect it
in the way that someone's voice
gets softer unintentionally
in the way that their exterior falls away
just a little bit
and their true self peeks through
just a little bit

**** it sneaks up on us
in the middle of the night
when we wake up
from some hazy dream
and realize for the first time
how much we really love being
around someone

****and when love shows up
in our hearts
it challenges us to share it
[if we dare to go there]
with someone we love
even though
we only feel this love
just a little bit for now
trust me
to the extent
that we share it
to that extent
it grows endlessly


****My heart trusts
where I need to go
in order for me to be shown
what only I can be shown
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows…:

****My heart understands
what I need to know
in order to clarify
what I need to rectify and why
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

****My heart desires
that which is best for me
even when it's too dark
for me to see
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

****My heart breaks
and nevertheless
lets me know
that there's nothing
more whole
than a broken heart
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

**** My heart meditates
on the proper step
that I must take
on the proper move
that I must make
on the correct word
that I must say
on the meaning
of all I encounter
on my way
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows:

****My heart purifies
all the thoughts
that come to me
all the desires
that won't let me be
all the spirit
that animates me
all the intentions
that set me free
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

****My heart softens
my way of feeling the pain
written on your face
the hardness of the way
I experience the human race
the notion that all is random
without rhyme or reason
the ocean of constant obliviousness
without time or season
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

****My heart loves
from a sacred place that defies time and space
with a passion that is beyond bold
that never grows old
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows

Let the Heart Speak

When you let the heart speak

Then you’ll be able

to see what can’t be seen

When you let the heart feel

Then miracles will happen

That you’d think

Couldn’t possibly be

When you let someone’s pain

Fill your heart

Until you heart becomes

A Void that you’re unable to bare

Then your heart will be able

To speak what will happen

In their life

And your heart will be able

To erase their pain

And sweeten their life

When you let someone’s joy

Fills your heart

Until your heart

Becomes a wellspring of joy

That overflows

Then your heart will be able

To speak

Of things that no one knows

And your heart will be able to feel

The direction that their life goes


Dear lovers of the overcoming….dear defiant ones ---who refuse to take no for an answer… are the great hope of all those who get locked out and refused---who get spit out and abused---who get locked in behind closed doors---and never are really told what for….the mystery of life's personalized trials and tribulations beckons you to use your imagination and break through ------so find the key and unlock locked doors and set yourselves and everybody else--- free---you are the reason that the world was created for ….you are the World's destiny--------you are the very thing that the whole world is waiting for------you know very well that when one door opens ---ten more open in it's place… send a message to the whole human race ----that the time has arrived ----humanity will survive and thrive and a new time will shine ---a time that will reveal the mystery of Creation------namely --the realization ------that all that was closed was only closed ---so that some brave souls would open those closed doors---for evermore


and the morning
finally spoke to him
in bright tones
and assured him
that he can speak now finally

he's been waiting
for the chance
to show
anyone who would listen
what he really felt
without having to
censure his words
lest he would
be misunderstood again

and we live in a time
that poetry and music and rhyme
are beginning
to open up to one and all
in waterfall fashion
with unlimited passion
and all these words
can be truly heard
in the hearts and minds
of everyone who
is looking to find
who they really are
and what they have to say
to the world
that no one else can say
but that everyone else needs to hear
to complete them
to elevate them
to inspire them

and so--the man with the big appetite
to spread the word
to one and all
began to sing a new song
not as a performer
not as a reformer
but as one
who gently invites
anyone who is willing to
give it a try
to let their own voice
be heard
in the middle of the night
in a way
they haven't dared to yet

your voice is everything
the whole world is waiting
the world was created for you

speak up sweet souls in the way that only you know


...a door closes

another one opens

...the flow is stopped up

like it has so many times before
...and there is no choice

but to close your eyes

shut your ears

and jump on in


...but when the will

is activated

there is nothing

that can

stand in it's way

...and David

was the fighter

par excellence

...and all that

stood in his way

was brought low

because he knew

the language of war

...until one day

he understood

so much more

...and all the doors came flying open

because his heart became a void

...and all the opposing forces

from within

and from without

were shut down for\ever more

...and to the extent

that you have no doubts

your life will leave you

in peace

your inner struggle

will cease

...and you'll know

no more fear

and the only thing

you'll hear

are all the walls

come tumbling down

and all the closed doors

open up

like they never

have before


see your reflection; in all that takes place;

in all the faces you meet

in the love they share

in the thoughts in your mind

in the feelings you feel

in the unexpected twists and turns

in the miracles that only you can see

in the words that come to your ears

in the signs and hints presented to you

in the knowing glances surrounding you

in the subtle messages expanding you

in the fearlessness embracing you ....


***The absolute commitment To be in a state of acceptance, Accepting all that comes down From the One Above As being the very best possible Of all possible scenarios

*** Elicits measure for measure The ultimate Divine response That all that we do, Though we may make A thousand mistakes and blunders, We are nevertheless Unconditionally accepted as we are

*** I am for my beloved And my beloved is for me I receive my beloved with allness And my beloved Receives me in allness:

***My world manifests itself to me As I see it , When all I see is it’s goodness Even when others would see No goodness at all Then my world responds And shows me Nothing other than her absolute goodness

*** Be and see and think and feel That all is good And all that you will encounter Will be absolutely good In response


*so how in the world

are you supposed

to keep yourself

in a mindful state of being

when you are being

bombarded by

the world of lies

and the world of deception

--day and night?!

*and how in the world

are you supposed

to be mindful

in a mindless world

when every step you take

is met with a frontal attack

of people, problems and situations

that are forcing you

into mindlessness

[or at the very least

---small mindedness] ?!

*the answer, my friend

is blowing in the wind---

if you're receptive enough

to hear the call

of the wind ....i

f you're quick enough

to oscillate at the speed of light

....if you're sensitive enough

to see how the darkness

is hiding the light

: *and G-d Hides his Face

and hides His ways

and plays hide and seek

with everyone He meets

--but when we see past

this world's facade...

when we see

that the wizard of Oz

is pulling the levers--

then the clever ones

look behind the curtains...

and learn

that the one thing

that is certain---

that the purpose

of it all

is to reveal to one and all

that He is waiting

for us to find Him

and show that

the essence of His ways

are enchanting and amazing

and once we get it all

untangled and unfurled --

we will know

how to be mindful in a mindless world

Dear friends,
May your upcoming year be filled with
May you be blessed from the Source of Blessings
May you be loved from the Source of Divine Love
May you be guided by the Source of Divine guidance
May your fate be drawn down from an above-nature place above the stars and the astrological realms
May your heart be so opened up , that it kindles the hearts of others
May your mind be expanded to see the allness always
May your love be an endless love of water and fire
May your thoughts be the thoughts of your Soul
May you transform all your descents to ascents
May you know the One who Knows All
May you be surrounded by those who love you
May you be occupied fully with what you are here for
May your joy be a joy that is so full that it gladdens all those around you
May you live to see the world elevate to a whole new level
May you truly actualize your higher calling
May you be receptive enough to see and hear and be blessed out by the myriads of spiritual abundance that is present every minute
May you be blessed to create your life’s masterpiece and to become a work of art
May you tap into the eternal and endless wellsprings of creative living
May you unleash yourself from all that is holding you back
May you join hands with the Master of the Universe in all that you do and say and feel and think….
May you be blessed to live in Paradise in your lifetime

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