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PASSION [**a few poetic vignettes**]
Dear passionate ones….those who experience life in it's primal form….those who defy the norm….those who call up the forces of no choice …..those who know—that if you don't go for it now—you may miss it forever…..those who live from a place called 'irresistible'…..those who live their lives as if there is no tomorrow…..those who simply see that passion is the only possible way to be…… those who live from the core……let's hope some of this poetry will help you and me to be a bit more like those primal will warriors who constantly soar through the skies and never bother getting stuck on asking why [fly on you passionate ones]
and the pulse
of life
beyond life
a Heavenly Voice
hiding in the shadows
reminds us
invites us
engrosses us
captures us
it show us
how to choose
the most important selections
how to go
in the most
meaningful directions
how to bond
with the most
loving connections
when you live from your core
there is so much more
that will be opened up to you
life will take you by the hand
and lead you down into her
secret garden and share with you
her secret delight the love which you share
will penetrate hearts will open up eyes
will make everyone around you
feel a little more alive
the changes you go through
will transform you effortlessly
all that you do and see
from trivial things
to the life alterings
The challenges and confusion
the sadness and strain
will quickly come and go again
freeing you up
to know again who you are
when you live from the core
***and here's to you
You precious few
who dare to stare down
anyone who poses
impossible conditions
or anyone who closes
irreversible partitions
because you chosen few
who dare to take a stand
thoroughly understand
that at the heart and soul
of any and every
woman and man
is the courage and passion
to say "Yes I can !"
when the World
says "No you can't !"
show us how to be so alive
that we have no doubt
that all we do and say
and think and feel
will plant seeds of endless
purity and alive-ness and love and light
that will last forever
*** *And when we walk this earth
with a true grasp
of what it' s worth
with a vision
of what will soon be known
with a passion
that won't leave us alone
****that's when we fearlessly become
the initiators
that's when we fearlessly become
the motivators
that's when we fearlessly become
the instigators
****and all else in life
only exists
to carry out our passion
Every piece of information
that I learn, every person
that I encounter,
every challenge
that I am faced with,
every thought
that comes into my awareness
is G-d Sent
is sent to guide me
is sent to heal me
is sent to complete me
has infinite value
I write them all down
My pockets are overflowing
With these Holy Sparks
Dear designated ones …..listen to the inner voices guiding you to make the inner choices----of what is meant to be-----he and she learn the language of harmony----sing the ancient melody----dance the dance that only they can feel-----take a chance on a once in a lifetime romance---a romance that can grow and blossom with every passing day---a rare love that is only known to those fortunate ones---to those special ones whose entire beings are focused on seeing how two can become one….the heart knows this exclusive language that only he and she speak----and they reflect every nuance of their loved one----completing the circuit that generates life long electricity---only she and he---can share this rare love….only he and she can taste each other's words and recognize their echoes from lives gone by…..only she and he can come inside to the inner sanctum of each other's lives----and only he and she can share a love so pure and whole- that anyone whose soul senses this unique phenomenon-----will be inspired to find their own designated one…….
**My heart trusts where I need to go
in order for me to be shown
what only I can be shown
don't ask me how he knows
he just knows
**My heart understands what I need to know
in order to clarify What I need to rectify and why
Don't ask me how he knows
he just knows
**My heart desires that which is best for me
even when it's too dark for me to see
Don't ask me how he knows
he just knows
**My heart breaks and nevertheless lets me know
that there's nothing more whole than a broken heart
Don't ask me how he knows
he just knows
**And the male in us
seeks to melt in self nullification into Hashem
and the female inside us seeks to receive
the endless seeds of possibility
and turn them into the ultimate person
that we can be
**and the void that constantly beckons
seeks to overcome
all lackings
all needings
until the private well
that we protect so dearly
becomes an overflowing
constant emanating wellspring
**and there are doors that have been closed
that are beginning to open
**Dearest one Speak to him from your deepest Depths—
a whole new language
That only you and he can understand:
***always on the lookout
for what he knows is the missing link
the sought after puzzle piece
that he can't help but think
Will be the one thing
that will take him
to the next level
***home--she knows-- is where the heart is
it always will be
it always has been
if only she could find her way home
***and the images
and the inclinations
from a previous life
from a different time and place
a different voice and face
but the same chase
chasing that sacred space
that life
full of light and grace
All he longed for was to have another glance at her other worldly beauty
All he could see was her silent mystique,
All he could taste was her other worldly allure,
All he could think of was her untold depths
All he wanted to know was who she really was
All he saw at all times of day and night was her reflection in everything
All he desired from morning till night was to bask in her light
All he dreamed of when he lay down was the time when she would be with him
All he wanted in life was for her to agree to be his wife
All he experienced when he saw people's eyes
–was hers staring back at his
And his love Was so powerful
That she and he Became one
Immersed in a love That few could believe
could actually be so profound
And no one Could stay the same Nor remain unchanged
Whenever these lovers came around
**we can't easily take for granted
the pervasive electricity pumping endlessly
that goes beyond stops or starts
that goes beyond till death do us part
**and the heart never stops beating
and the beat goes on
and the heart's thoughts pour out
in a cascade of color and seeings
in a parade of memories and feelings
compelling telling all intensity endlessly incessantly
and she calls out like a mysterious midnight mermaid
and these are the words I hear she said
''come inside come take a ride there are endless
levels to explore there are so many closed doors
that you can open if you'd let yourselfexplore''
** **and who can resist
so he jumps in and he says to her
''you too come on in the water's fine it'll be that way
till the end of time''
**He tastes her words He breathes in her name
He drinks in her sighs His heart longs to engage her in heart dialogue....
**His words wait to be assessed,
at the gates of the elders of the heart tribes...
they inform him that he can speak if he has someone
who will speak back to him...
**He then dares to reach out to her and he says,
''please, dearest flower ,flower of love---water love,
speak to me from the heart,
speak to me of the love of water and fire too,
speak to me of passion
my eyes seek to see you in the light of the dawn
my heart longs to know you
in a way that only hearts can know
speak to me of the night speak to me in silence
speak to me in sacred song speak to me from the mystery
that lies hidden inside you from time immemorial..."
and the love they share
the love they dare to share
melts away all their pain
and their love perpetuates more love
endless love and the love
they share they will feel it
everywhere in the conversations
they hear in the sights
and sounds both far and near
and the love they share
inspires others to dare
to share love with their loved ones
and with everyone
and the love they share
without a care
whether people will stare and glare
they just continue to share
and the love they share
emulates the love
that HE shares with all His children
Dear other half-ers …super conscious searchers for the other side of the coin….for the completers of your being ….driven to constantly seek for the only one who can make you whole…the one and only soul who can truly know you like a book knows it's cover …like child knows it's mother…there is no other …and the search continues feverishly …intensity shows it's face every time some special one shows their face ….but the search will never stop until this insane polarity is replaced by a feeling of clarity that you no longer have to run …because this special someone will join you in the holy task of transforming two into one……some poetry to guide you
***and the images
and the inclinations
from a previous life
from a different time and place
a different voice and face
but the same chase
chasing that sacred space
that life full of light and grace
***and those souls
who people my life
those satellite souls
who inspire me to know
what I would not otherwise know
**** who are you?
From where do you come?
and where will you go?
will you be there
when I seek your company?
these are a few of the endless questions
that I'd like to know
***And we spend our time
searching for a match
searching for the other half
searching for that one special thing
' that can make everything whole
that can fill this lifeless body
with a soul
***He moves through his day Through the patterns
And the rhythms Of varying intensity
***And as he sets out on his way
The translucent Image of their love
Appears before him
***He goes through the motions
Reaching and stretching Through the ebb and flow
But anyone with eyes can see that this Soul
Is searching for something
***And they say
that You are where Your thoughts are
And his are with her
***And time stands still
Or moves in it’s own propensity
And he finds him self In this heated spiral
Craving for her
**an exploration
into this new exquisite virgin consciousness
that you display with such grace
**an exploration
into the wonder of another
into the breathless splendor
that lights up your face
intertwined with each other's souls
could it be?
**it's all new we feel our way
like a blind man making his way
into the perpetual night
and the voice of eternity
beckons us tantalizes us
we revisit the endless future the limitless past
we open our eyes and submit ourselves
to G-d's guiding light
***always on the lookout
for what he knows
is the missing link
the sought after puzzle piece
that he can't help but think
will be the one thing
that will take him to the next level
***home--she knows--
is where the heart is
it always will be it always has been
if only she could find her way home
****and then in the midst
of some non-descript day
they both find their way
to the same place
and the same time
such is the reason and rhyme of life
that some lucky souls find
when they cry out
from the deepest parts of their hearts and minds
****and they both look up
at the same time
and what they saw
sent a chill up and down their spines
and they knew deep inside
that they would find one another
how could it be any other way
it was just a matter of time
and the rest of their lives
began on this serendipitous day
**When two become one
** sublime desire is unleashed
love is released
love that heats
love that heals
all of reality
**Keter and Malchut
** Source unfolding
to reveal the manifest weekday
giving way to Sabbath rest
**Cause and Effect on display
The surrounding light
encompassing the inner knowing
for the perceptive select few
to see in plain view
**Sun and Moon
** Revolutions of interplay
Eternal time-keepers
of night and day
complimentary lovers
of Nature's mystery at play
**Heaven and Earth
** Stars shining through the trees
hinting to all of us
how heavenly life on earth
can truly be
**Man and Woman
** They dance the ancient dance
and the world keeps on spinning
and all of existence
comes to it's resolution
**When two become one
** sublime desire is unleashed
love is released
love that heats
love that heals
all of reality
Dear innocent children trapped in pockets of polarity…repulsed to the core—yet feeling that there's got to be something more ….dear stumblers onto one of life's deepest secrets ---that the thing that seems to be the very thing that could never be ---may just prove itself to be the one thing that you absolutely need…..…and in the still of the night—providence opens up your eyes and shows you the only sight that you will ever need to see –from now till the end of eternity—simply because it is what completes you…it's what intrigues you it's what seeks you out in everything you do …it will never leave you until it conceives inside of you the knowing that it is the other side of who you are…maybe it's not too far away to pray that these poems will help you to begin seeing how this vital lesson is at the core of your being
*underneath the happenings in between the words
inside of the interactions
there are found sparks of hidden light
and only with the sight of one who sees more
than that which meets the eye
can one see
the essence of reality
the heart beat the soul speak
the way things are meant to be seen
and this type of seeing
actually creates reality
actually reveals
the unfolding Divine story
in all of it's glory
*and there is nothing more real
than the feeling that you feel
when you unleash a Light
that's been hidden
since the beginning of time
that comes unhinged from
a restricted state of mind
and like diamonds unearthed from a mine
your will now see how the unleashed light
will shine until the end of time
Not in a million years
Were the words
That went through his mind
The first time
He saw her
Polar opposites
Never the twain shall meet
But there was something
That didn't leave him alone
And followed him around
Inside and out
Everywhere he would go
And now , he's driven to seek out
The love that magnetizes
The soft light that hypnotizes
And the lesson internalizes
When he's consciously mesmerized
And that's when he realized
That she is his other half
And he's baffled to the core
And every day he sees more and more
That there is nothing greater to strive for
And the deepest story
That we can possibly know
Is when our other half
Shows herself to us
**we interface with the transitioning
into the gray mist
where the old notion of aliveness pales
in comparison with the new one
**and when we flirt
with the image of a new un-familiar
[and at the same time -painfully familiar]
all encompassing home world
then suddenly all of the old
fears and concerns melt away
into the inconsequential past
**we are born and we die
into a new birth headed towards
a new death-birth
constantly indelibly inevitably
**and the pulse of life
beyond life beckons......
a Heavenly Voice
hiding in the shadows
reminds us invites us engrosses us
captures us
subtlely secretively surreptitious-ly
** it show us
how to choose
the most important selections
how to go in the most
meaningful directions
how to bond
with the most loving connections
**it shows us
how to be so alive
that we have no doubt
that all we do and say
and think and feel
will plant seeds
of endless purity
and alive-ness
and love and light that will
last forever
Dear seekers of the ultimate relationship-----yearners of the ultimate encounter with The One and Only ….the One that none can replace …The Creator of and instigator of all that happens in time and space---and beyond….and the realization that this sacred space is at the core of your being ----drives you on—even unconsciously ---to see with your own eyes how the Holy One sees you and feeds you and knows you and loves you ---and shows you how all is meant for you ---all is custom sent to you --- and everything that happens to you ----renews you …infuses you with the most amazing realization ---that all that you need is all you will get ---and gently and lovingly sent to you…and all you need to do-is to believe that this is really true---and then all that you pray will turn into holy sparks every night and day…and show you the way to complete your soul---after all ---that's what you've come here for….may these prayers and poems and yearnings light a burning flame of hope in the depths of your soul
**** every day is completely new
nothing you've ever gone through before
nor will it ever happen anymore
and you are the chosen one
no other one will do
your time has come to shine through
all the angels and the souls
are rooting just for you
****and when you can begin to see
that the world was created exclusively for thee
than you will know with certainty
that all that comes to be
each and every new day
is completely unique
and it's all meant for you
in each and every way
nothing else will do
no one else will do
it's all meant for you
and the whole of Creation
waits for you
[part 1]
***and every minute counts
because this candy store world
never stops tempting this young boy
in the guise of a man grabbing all that he can
****the day breaks and his spirit aches
and he reaches out with a hopeful shout;
''when can we start?'' screams his mind and heart
seeking out newly discovered treasures
supernal pleasures some worth little
others eternal game changers
***perspective re-arrangers
spanning the entire range
of strange new worlds
and never before
nor never again
will there be for him
such opportunity
presented so beautifully
as there is today
and every other day
****because he knows
in the deepest niches of his soul
that there is no poverty
in the gifts of G-d's majesty
****and he fears not
because what he got today
in his daily spark harvest
is the absolute best of the best
customized personalized energized electrified
lost parts of his soul sent from Above to help him grow
****and so too
will it be tomorrow and the day after
until the harvest of sparks
will complete his soul
and perfect his heart
[part 2]
****And I’m not quite sure
what or who or why
And I’m not yet aware
of my deepest sigh
****And I live by your grace
and your warm embrace
And I seem to be wondering
all over the place
****And I’m all alone
and yet being constantly watched
And I extend a hand to you
Because I know you are with me
**** And I love this space
that you place me now
And I seek your face constantly
****And all of these incoming sensations
capturing my imagination
And I seek out
the source, the root, the essence of me
**** And I seek out your guidance
and my soul jumps in elation
And I want to know
who I am and who I am meant to be
****And I want to see you
in the morning
And I want to hear you in the afternoon
***And I want to take a walk
into your arms
And I want to clear a space
and make you room
****And I take note
of the people and the insights
And I follow the patterns
that point me to my destination
**** And I ask you
for the inspiration and the interpretations
And I ask you
for the right way to light up my life
Dear soul family….we may or may not be close soul family-ers…but that doesn't matter ---it's all about seeing each other through those eyes…through the eyes of one who knows that all you do matters just as what I do matters to you too ….your goodness is mine and mine is yours…and the pain and suffering throughout the years and all the tears that you shed---I shed them with you---for you are my soul brother and sister ---and I insist that all that you do ---you do for me too—and I for you….and in this spirit of mutual admiration and cooperation ----we will lift up all soul family-ers across the nation --- to a level of inspiration such has never before been known or even shown in our wildest imagination---to a time that they speak of when the love of the lion and the lamb will be felt all across the land…….some poetry to try to help me to realize who I am [and you too—if you want it to…]
LONG LOST SOULS IN THE ANONYMOUS NIGHT llong lost souls in the anonymous night
generations and reincarnations of endless flight
and yet here we are amidst myriads of stars
and providential circumstances from near and far
and we were simultaneously selecting
a path a selection
composed of hidden inclinations
all carefully engineered
by the One who sees and hears
all there is to see
with ultimate grace and delicacy
and He's hiding these revelations
from the likes of you and me
but fully aware in His conscious way
of the seed that He planted firmly
inside of us
into our unconsciousness
until we too will recover
the family of souls
that we've been yearning to rediscover
since the beginning of time
let that time
be very soon
a seed that set into motion
an unstoppable notion
that brought us
to the same
time and space coordinates
in a seemingly ordinary way
but anyone with eyes can see
that the extra-ordinary
is what was at play
there can be no other way
to explain this magnificent display
and this unconscious driveto reunite
is what guided us though the darkest nights
and our ultimate harmony
I eventually come to see
is what was driving me
our electricity is what was inspiring me
to go beyond what I never knew could be
but now I know as you sit here beside me
**she was predestined his soul mate from the beginning
**they originated in the primordial mold of the creation of souls
**theirs was the most fundamental desire the desire within all desire
**no one can lay eyes on them without feeling at least a trace of the irresistible David fist spotted Abigail's leg the light whisked him a distance of three miles
**all other considerations are nullified in it's presence even life and death
**when the time arrives-- no choice, but to jump in ,come what may
**and all who witness such intensity must either look away or be swayed to discover their own pre-destiny
**even if it means searching all the rest of their days
And we have to find all the people outside of us
And bring them inside of us
All their truths and all they have to say
And all their feelings And all the ways they walk in in the world
And all their thoughts
And all their contributions
All the different puzzle pieces
that make up their whole being
And bring them inside of us
so that we can see
truly see so that I can see
that though you may be you
and I may be me if I can see thee when I see me
than we can be as one
there is nowhere else to go
You are the only one I know
your words are truth
they soothe my soul
they draw me to You
like the dark to the light
when it realizes the difference
between wrong and right
when i am nothing at all
that's when I begin to hear your call
and all I want is You
there's no one or nothing else at all
and I've come from so far away
to be here with You every day
seemed liked years
to get past my deepest fears
and now I am here
there is no place I'd rather be
to me now this is crystal clear
Please take me with you
into your endlessness
into your eternity
into your infinity
there is no place I'd rather see
nor will there ever be
Dear believers in the mystery of love —conceivers of the essentiality of love —receivers of the synchronicity of love-----inter-weavers of the intricacy of love---elevators of the possibility of love---alligners with the co-signers of love—breathe it deep into your being---even words will no longer be necessary to convey what you are feeling---allow yourself to be guided by it's mysterious ways---pay close attention to every single word it says---allow her mystery to guide you ---take a ride with her into forever---listen to her sublime message speaking through you heart----and when her message fades away---you must insist on making a brand new start
neither of them almost never spoke anymore
words were not the modus operandi anymore
that was then
but now
they just stare
into each other's eyes
or let their heart-beats
tap out their messages to
each other's hearts
or just sit there
and know
each other
they allowed themselves
to be guided
by the not knowing
by the mystery
and she turns to him
with her eyes of mystery
and he sees
why he has come into this life
Mystery----- was the driving factor
not knowing----- was the raison d'etre
she wanted to know everything
he ran away when she started digging
they couldn't stand this cul-de-sac
but there was no turning back
even if they wanted to
they knew
they couldn't resist
being together
even if they tried
he loved her feminine mystique
she loved when his masculinity
became weak
and when he came a little undone
because then and only then
could she get a peek
at who he really was
and she loved who he really was
she knew him intimately, deeply
even more than he knew himself
he sensed that
underneath all of her fight
she was a 'canela'
she had limitless affection for her man
and her deep love
would bring out the greatness in him
they both knew
that their only hope to
make it through to the end
was to allow the mystery to guide them
****all that I love
below and above
extends in sweet profundity
into the Forever
****the love I feel today
and resonates
and reverberates
and reiterates itself
in deeper and deeper
**** I see your face
there too
with a knowing smile
and I smile back
and all of the love
that you have been expressing
all the days of your life
echo endlessly
in this enchanted place
they call Forever
****My heart trusts
where I need to go
in order for me to be shown
what only I can be shown
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows…:
****My heart understands
what I need to know
in order to clarify
what I need to rectify and why
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
****My heart desires
that which is best for me
even when it's too dark
for me to see
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
****My heart breaks
and nevertheless
lets me know
that there's nothing
more whole
than a broken heart
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
**** My heart meditates
on the proper step
that I must take
on the proper move
that I must make
on the correct word
that I must say
on the meaning
of all I encounter
on my way
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows:
****My heart purifies
all the thoughts
that come to me
all the desires
that won't let me be
all the spirit
that animates me
all the intentions
that set me free
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
****My heart softens
my way of feeling the pain
written on your face
the hardness of the way
I experience the human race
the notion that all is random
without rhyme or reason
the ocean of constant obliviousness
without time or season
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
****My heart loves
from a sacred place that defies time and space
with a passion that is beyond bold
that never grows old
Don't ask me how it knows
it just knows
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