Thursday, June 30, 2022

Weekly MMM - The Poetry of Extra-Ordinary Seeing


Dear amazing see-ers…..out of the ordinary perceivers…..intense gazers… obstacle fazes you…….the sights that you see elevate you……the might and light that come to mind when you close your physical eyes intoxicate you……the darkness doesn't hold you back from seeing signs of life and hints of light peeking out from behind the thick silhouettes that threaten to blur the clarity that we all can see if we only would fix our gaze with belief and serenity----fully believing that His Hiddenness is only a mirage ---and there is nothing else but His Majesty to behold endlessly ---constantly ----eternally and that's when all of His invisibility becomes visible---that's the essential principle----an indivisible principle of invincibility ------will become accessible to you and me when we begin to recite the poetry of extraordinary see-ing


***When we see eye to eye we close a circuit

my eye meets yours and the sparks fly

and the new found union draws down to us

a well lit path never traveled before

right outside of our door and we are bound together

as we have never been before

***When we see beyond the limitation of comprehension

and tap into the intoxication of endless perception

then that which seemed superficial and dull

partakes of a realm we once thought of as impossible

***When I close my eyes and see an alternative reality

right there inside of me and I realize

that no more will be the limitations that have always been

placed on me I am finally free to see whatever I want to see

to be what I was meant to be


***when you see

that all the gifts

that you have ever received

when you can truly believe

that they are all pure love

from the One Above especially for you

then you'll come to realize

that all that has happened to you

has made you who you now are

and this knowing will open doors

you never thought possible to open before

***when you see

that the love that you feel inside

is the greatest ride

is a gift from the One who created day and night

all gifts meant especially for you

then you'll see too that it is the perfect thing

that will help you to sing the song of life

morning , noon and night

from now onwards forever more retroactively


**when we see

and we like

and we act


without hearing

what we saw

we can get burned

**but when we see

and then we silently hear

what we have just seen

and only then we act

then what we saw

proves to be



the best thing

that we could have

possibly seen


have you ever seen the eyes of an artist?

no--I don't merely mean

the outer surface features

I am talking about looking deeply

into how their eyes are seeing their world

eyes of wonder eyes of awe

eyes of seeing that which no one else saw

and when you look a little bit deeper

you can see

peeking out at you

a reflection of your

essential being

beckoning you

to see

a whole new reality



of the darkness

is light

********a light that

has been



to shine

since the

beginning of time

************and this light

will guide us all

to see

that what

seems to be


is ultimately


***********is actually the very best

thing we could ever

hope to have

**********and He saw

all that He Created

was good


when He saw

this darkness light

He saw that it was very good

and that everything

comes out to be

just like it should


**the righteous ones see through the negativity that others see as being only a part of reality

**so they weave together the highs with the lows the yesses with the nos the hidden with the revealed the openings with the concealed the music with the words the sanity with the absurd the life with the death the healing with the breath the sacred with the profane

**the selfless with the vain **that's how they soften up the hardness here that's how they lighten up the darkest fear that's how they sweeten up the atmosphere


**The more I see that G-d is really with me

** The more I trust in my spontaneity

**The more I trust what’s coming out of me

**The more I trust In what I have to say The more I see that G-d is really with me every single minute of my day in every way


****We can live In the past and the present And the future At once

****All of our past Is one big preparation for the present And our present Is one big preparation for the future ****This all happens At the same time When we Fuse with G-d-Seeing

****because He was He is He will Be Is His Holy Name

****When you look at a friend When you look at a good friend When you look at a loving friend When you look at a trustworthy friend A loyal friend With the eyes of He was He is He will Be You see where they came from You see them with great compassion

****I see that everything you do right now Everything you say right now Everything that you feel right now Everything that you emanate right now And everything that hurts you right now And every relationship you have right now Results from where you've been

**** And I see you now Becoming something new Something Better A new you The best that you can do

****And we lift them a and ourselves up to the highest heights:


***and life turns a page

and opens up for him

a brand new day

and it was evening

and it was morning

and G-d saw that it was good

and he could go there too

when he learned

how to know

how to read life's sacred text

***and the love exchanged

with the people and sounds and sights

and thoughts and plans

of his brand new day

open up his heart

to understand

what a lit up man

can understand

when he makes a plan

to learn how to read

life's sacred text

***and the depth is endless,

Sensational and unfathomable

but that doesn't absolve him at all

from trying at all times to read

in between the lines

for each and every

illuminating message he received


Dear far reachers……dear deeper than most thinkers….dear knowers that the common and the mundane are never really just a passing of time----rather---a rearranging of life at the core---and so much more….and the holy sparks are always at play—the ancient of days will have the final say ---in determining who comes out ahead and when----and only the one with eyes in their head

will realize the true direction that Creation is heading……


and when we see

in a righteous way of seeing

that reality is not just some

collection of





each one impeding

and competing

with the other

for our attention

but rather

a spectacular symphonic harmony

a multidimensional divine unity,

'..then the blind will see

and the deaf will hear

and the Earth

will be full

of the knowing

of the Lord

as the waters

cover the sea'

and all will be one


*underneath the happenings

in between the words

inside of the interactions

there are found sparks of hidden light

and only the sight

of one who sees more

than that which meets the eye

can one see to the core

can one see the essence of reality

the heart beat

the soul speak

the way things are meant to be seen

and this type of seeing

actually creates reality

actually reveals

the unfolding Divine story in all of it's glory


**see what the Soul sees….

**see all of the invisible influences at play.....

**see that which will be born out of the present circumstances….

**see a person not only for who they are now, but who they ultimately will be…

**see yourself able to see in more hidden dimensions as time goes by

**see the direction your life is ultimately heading in

**see the intolerable situation of today becoming the source of endless abundance tomorrow

**see yourself becoming progressively wholer through time

**see the whole world becoming progressively wholer through time


**** open your eyes
and see the hints
and the allusions
and the gentle lures
calling to youawakening your curiosity
lighting up your luminosity

****open up your heart
and hear the beckoning
and taste the temptation
and touch the resonation
and smell the determination

***** open up your knowing
and walk through the barriers
and sing away the deepest fears
and paint a portrayal of stunning victory
and compose a happy ending
where you are sending everyone you know
a dose of knowing so that they can
open up their knowing too


Dear fellow seekers of seeing the unseen dimensions......join us as we enter into this Chanukah week into this highest lights drawn down into th lowest places realm… into inner sanctum realms...into Worlds of perception within perception....into realities hidden inside of realities.....may these meditative poems help us uncover for us new realms of perception...


inside of invisibility

lives a potential visibility

with the capability

to be seen

in between

the lines

accessed through

the subconscious mind's

hyper receptivity

with meta- perceptivity

and hyper sensitivity

forging a bond

a sort of magic wand

with that which is

meant to be

if you'd only

stop to see

that which

can only be seen

with a healthy belief

in your

intrinsic invincibility


at the very least

relentless intensity

that won't refuse

to just let things be

until you begin to see

right through


into visibility


seeing life so profoundly;

that nouns turn into verbs

that things turn into seeings

that people turn into ways of being

that ugly bodies turn into soul-full beauty

that people's magical eyes are all I see

that ideas become transcendent kingdoms

that sweet sounds turn into symphonies

that childrens' wonder-filled glances become art masterpieces

that your responses to my inner sharings turn into pure love

that my feelings turn into beings

that my love awakens your love and everyone's love

that my eyes begin to see consciousness

that my soul becomes my fundamental sense


***she closed her eyes to physical sight

and her thoughts began to take flight

and she could see

how all that was


all that will be

….. ***and she leapt into a place of infinity

because there was no other place that she wanted to be

and the infinity liberated her thoughts

and her words and actions too

and it was all that she could do

from disappearing and reappearing

as something new

and all the scatteredness unified

and the chaos became rectified


***See with peripheral parts
of your lives
To not just see
what's in front of you
but what's above
and what's below
What's inside,
What's outside
And to fix all that is inside
The more we fix that which is inside
The more the world is fixed

***Realize that all
that you do, say, feel and think
has the potential
to influence it's corresponding elements
in appropriate people
in the world at large....

***The amount of influence
that you can actually affect
depends on the intensity
of what you do and think and feel and say
as well as the level of Soul
that you possess......

***With this realization in mind
, be as mindful as possible
of the potential influence
of all that you say, do, think and feel
and notice how this mindfulness
opens up your consciousness
to the abundance
that is accessible to you


****See the vastness
of what there is to see
[that is normally not seen]

****See the vastness
of the normally
overlooked gifts
that people give you

****See the vastness
of wisdom
accessible to you
that you normally overlook

**** See the vastness
of coping tools
that you constantly create

**** See the vastness
of salvations
that Hashem sends you
all the time

**** See the vastness
of guidance
that G-d constantly
sends to you

****See the vastness
of love
that you have in your heart
[usually unexpressed]

**** See the vastness
of experiences
and life lessons
that you have experienced

**** See the vastness
of esoteric energies,
soul stirrings
calling to you

****See the vastness
of as yet untapped
that you will
send out
when the time
is right


Dear masters of manifested seeing …..lovers of transcendent beings….your eyes can bring life to places where life didn't exist before……your sight can touch potential profundities and so much more………your perception can infuse conception of new realities----especially when your seeing lights up the blindness of the darkness…… hearken to the eyes inside of your mind----and you will find the hidden light guiding you to see from one end of reality to the other----and no other being except you can see it all so profoundly ---that you can see things into being and give birth to those aspects of the Creation that have been waiting for you to infuse them with life ---since time immemorial ---and the biggest wonder of it all is that that which there is here and now---- right in front of your eyes ----can be transformed from small to large----from simple to sublime---------come on you chosen ones –------the time is right and the fabric of the entire Universe awaits your gaze--------turn the nights back into days you amazing ones


***seeing life so profoundly that nouns turn into verbs
that things turn into seeings
that people turn into ways of being
that ugly bodies turn into soul-full beauty
that people's magical eyes are all I see
that ideas become transcendent kingdoms
that sweet sounds turn into symphonies
that childrens' wonder-filled glances
become art masterpieces
that your responses to my inner sharings
turn into pure love




who I am

I am impregnated

with a new me

I was conceived

at the genesis

of this last year's reality

and I'm stepping into

new ways of being

new ways of seeing

and my pregnancy is showing

I'm starting to show and be shown

to grow and become slightly known

wild oats becoming sown

my pregnancy is starting to show

showing me

the direction my life is heading

is starting to show me

who I am becoming

and what is unfolding

this child inside me

is growing

and starts knowing


it's place

and on the face

of it all

it still seems pretty small

not much to talk of

at all

until I listen close

than I discover

brand new

eyes and ears

and nose


hidden sensings

I've never seen

the hidden light

starts opening

it's pristine sights

that I've never dreamed

I could see

in the old me

and the new me


new ways to be

new ways to be me


***a single point
expands to touch
every parallel point
in the entire universe

***a single minute
reveals deep inside itself
all the single minutes
that make up eternity

*** a single heart filled sharing
penetrates all the hearts
in the world
that somehow have experienced
what this heart speaker shares

*** a single ray of hope
lights up all despair everywhere
and creates a cosmic bouquet
whose heavenly aroma
sweetens up and inspire infinitely
all the hopeless
down and outers
to hope for salvation

***a single person
can serve as the extension
of the Divine plan
and go where no man or woman
has ever gone before
in transforming the entire world
into a heavenly kingdom
forever more

***a single thought
in between the lines
in between the raindrops
holds the key
to turning reality
into eternal bliss

***a single 'I love you'
can do
what no other words
could ever do
and turn all the me-s and you-s
into lovers too



Dearest love seekers…sweetest human be-ings ---not settling for anything less than a love that endures---a love that is more pure than the pre-dawn song of the Angelic chorus---calling all of Creation to attention—--and the loving intentions will blend with the most beautiful expressions---of enduring love---a love that won't fade away---'stay with me—please stay'— he whispers to her ---'forever and a day'-she whispers back to him---because she had the eyes to see in him what no one else could ever see---- and their love brought out in each other-- the rarest beauty—a beauty beyond skin deep –a beauty that was deeper than deep---and he learned that when he must seek her out –like one who seeks out the World's greatest treasures---he would soon discover that there is no other thing that could come close---that she would become his eternal home---and she would have eyes for him alone—and this eternal story of love is a truly a blessed gift from the One Above


*****and she beheld his presence

and she was struck with a longing

a need to somehow fix him

to somehow redeem him

to somehow release him

*** *only she could see

others would turn away

too much pain as it is for them

just let me go my own way

they would say maybe some other day

they would say

****but she had the eyes

to see in him what no one else could see

and she focused on a side of him

that drew her to him

and she saw nothing else

but this side of him

**** and soon all she could see

was his stark beauty

and all he could see

was what she could see in him

*and soon enough his entire demure

so meek and shy and pure shined for all to see

and what once was the epitome of flawed and ugly

transformed into the epitome of beauty


****he looked at her for the first time ever

and he saw how beautiful she truly was

and she looked at him for the first time ever

even though she had seen him every day for many years

but this time she saw how beautiful he truly was

****we can go for years without noticing the extra-ordinary beauty

of the ones we are closest to

maybe it's habit

maybe it's fear

either way their glorious beauty has no place with us here

****and when we open our soul's eyes

and really see beyond skin deep

deeper than deep

we awaken from a life-long sleep

and see with clarity the endless beauty

the way it's supposed to be seen

of those who are closest to us

****and on that day

in the most splendid way

the sun will shine for all to see

the incredible beauty

of everyone we know

and everyone we see

and especially the one

who we share our life

with every day


****and he says to her, "how can I possibly tame the wild beast?

how can I contain the tempest storm?

How can I stifle the insatiable longing I have for you?"

****and she says to him

"many waters cannot quench the love

that I feel for you night and day

There's nothing else I can do

this love will be forever

it will never go away "


***when you seek her out

like you seek out the greatest treasures

you will find her

***then she will be a part of you

she will be a part of who you are

and how you see

she will show you how to be

***and she will be the sweetest experience

that you have ever experienced

and when she will call you will come running

***and she will light you up

and she will set you on fire

and become your only desire

and you will be with her

all day and all night

***and she will lift you above the stars

and you will be with her forever

and she will reveal to you the deepest secrets

of life of love of the One Above

***and she will protect you

when you walk in dangerous paths

and she will open your eyes

to show you how to get through each and every challenge

that comes to you

***and she will save you from death

and she will heal you from sickness

and she will help you help others

and she will open up your essence

***she is all you'll ever need

and all you'll ever want

she will plant inside you

the ancient seed of eternity and Infinity

she is the one and only way

to get yourself free


******He tastes her words

He breathes in her name

He drinks in her sighs

His heart longs to engage her in heart dialogue....

******He then dares to reach out to her

and he says, ''please, dearest flower ,

flower of love---water love,

speak to me from the heart,

speak to me of the love

of water and fire too,

speak to me of passion

my eyes seek to see you

in the light of the dawn

my heart longs to know you

in a way that only hearts can know

speak to me of the night

speak to me in silence

speak to me in sacred song

speak to me from the mystery

that lies hidden inside you

****and he says to her,

" the hunger is never stilled

there is no cure there is no magic pill

I continue to roam these desolate streets

searching for any clues

listening for any news I may hear about you"

****and she says to him,

"I remember your voice

I remember our dance

I remember our joy

I remember the bliss I remember the love

the endless love the love that no one can live without"

****and he says to her

"and the search goes on it always will

we can never still the hunger we feel

once it becomes real

when the walls come tumbling down

and the truth makes itself all too clear

Take me back Take me back home to you"


[*slightly revisited]

****and he says to her,

" the hunger is never stilled

there is no cure

there is no magic pill

I continue to roam these desolate streets

searching for any clues

listening for any news

I may hear about you"

****and she says to him,

"I remember your voice

I remember our dance

I remember our joy

I remember the bliss

I remember the love

the endless love

the love that no one can live without"

****and he says to her,

"and the search goes on

it always will

we can never still

the hunger we feel

once it becomes real

when the walls come tumbling down

and the truth makes itself all too clear

Take me back

Take me back home to you"

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