Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Weekly MMM - Set List - Netzach Week



[**in honor of the sefirat ha-omer week of Netzach]

Dear fellow spiritual warriors…the lines are drawn….the enemy sits in camouflaged midnight alleys…in the rock bottom valleys … ….despair—it seems--- shows it's ugly face everywhere …..but you my faithful fellow warriors must be strong… you must sing your stubborn victory song all day and all night long…because basically you have no other choice …..so listen to that deep inner voice--- …and never stop listening…the whole World is waiting for you to defy all the illusions…all the confusions…and raise your victory flag on high…and every battle you win can make the difference between death and life--- for yourself and for so many others…..some poetry to smooth the way through a bit


*****and here's to you

You precious few

who dare

to stare down

anyone who poses

impossible conditions

and closes

the irreversible partitions


you chosen few

who take a stand

thoroughly understand

that the harder they come

the harder they will fall

all those who dare to put up a wall

****and the deeper that

you awaken your desire

the more certain it is

that no one or nothing

can put out your fire

****and the creative spark

that's lit in the dark

elicits the deepest creative voice

that is born in a sacred space

called ' no choice'


[**from the teachings of R. Tzvi Meir Silverberg shlit'a]

*****embrace your efforts even when things didn't , don't and won't go so smooth

*****embrace the importance of every battle

*****embrace your role as a spiritual warrior

*****embrace tribulations as being opportunities for growth

*****embrace the spiritual weapons at your disposal --such as prayer and trust and knowing that G-d is all there is and your inner voice guide

*****embrace the love of the fight

*****embrace going into the inner trenches of your life and your spirit to redeem the hidden sparks

*****embrace the knowing that the descent cause the ascent

*****embrace the knowing that the battles fought here stave off the need for them to be fought after this lifetime

*****embrace every baby step you can take

*****embrace the knowing that what you face right here and right now is the best possible thing for you

*****embrace any bit of clarity you can achieve

*****embrace the knowing that The One Above is helping you every step of the way


lovers of the overcoming….

defiant ones ---who refuse to take no for an answer…..

you are the great hope of all those who get locked out and refused---

who get spit out and abused---

who get locked in behind closed doors---

and never are really told what for….

the mystery of life's personalized trials and tribulations

beckons you to use your imagination and break through ------

so find the key and unlock locked doors

and set yourselves and everybody else--- free---

you are the reason that the world was created for ….

you are the World's destiny--------

you are the very thing that the whole world is waiting for------

you know very well that when one door opens ---

ten more open in it's place…

send a message to the whole human race ----

that the time has arrived ---- humanity will survive and thrive

and a new time will shine ---

a time that will reveal the mystery of Creation------

namely --the realization ------

that all that was closed was only closed ---

so that some brave souls

would open those closed doors--- for evermore


*'The voice is the voice of Jacob
The hands are the hands of Esau'

*our legacy
if you open your heart to really see
is to speak from the essence of our totality

*and when you do
then the hand of any man that threatens you
will be subdued will melt away
in the morning dew will let you go on doing
what only you can do

*to speak your deepest truths
and pray your deepest prayers
until all the slayers of the righteous
and the holy ones will burn up in the unsheathed sun
and their wicked deeds will be done

*and all the holy voices of history
will flourish eternally
just as it was always meant to be


** the greater the obstacle
the greater the desire
to make it work

**the greater the hurdle
the greater is the passion
to get it done

** the greater the obstruction
the greater is the vision
to realize the goal

** the greater the darkness
the greater is the light
that hides on the other side
that will shine away
all the darkness

**the greater the hiddenness
the greater the revelation
that waits to shatter
the illusion that there is anything else
but His Divine Majesty

** the greater the complication
the greater is the simplicity
that will be discovered
when we learn to uncover
the veil


[**in honor of the sefirat ha-omer week of Netzach]

Dear children of the transcendental…..experiencers of the transformational…..travelers of the transpositional …..story-tellers of the transcriptional …..and The Lord ----upon seeing that the Patriarch submitted himself to the Brit –to the ultimate Covenant-----blessed his precious one saying, " Walk before me and be whole—be Tamim"-----walk through the gates of infinity---that you can now see with complete clarity…..no need to lose consciousness—you are now whole….no need to struggle anymore…..the Angels of light will lead you to the shores of transcendent sight----enabling you to leap into a whole new way…..enabling you to sing the song of life ---like it's never been sung before----and there's so much more to be bequeathed to your precious progeny------but above all---let them know that the Divine Blessings of allness and wholeness is actually the most precious gift that you leave to them---then they can pursue this blessing—all the days of their lives ----with the knowledge that every step and every breath and every word is unique and rare beyond compare---and when you share this priceless knowing—then your progeny—will be constantly growing----never satisfied that they know enough---and such a blessing---is the key to living a life of eternity


*** I think that if we could Leap outside of ourselves
***if we could Leap outside of all of the Confinements
***if we could Leap into the land Of soul thoughts
and soul words Into the land
That we have never Ever been before
Yet we know this place Like we know our own bodies
A place that is totally new A place that has no rules
Or pre-conceptions Just a Knowing

*** Then we could leap into A whole new way
A whole new way of Feeling
and thinking and speaking And what we’d think, we’d be
And what we’d feel, we’d be And what we’d think, we’d speak

*** And Hashem would take us
To the place of the heart
And the place of the Soul
And the place that we know

***Bring me there
Bring me back
Bring me home
dear master of the Universe
hear my deepest yearnings
And take me there
I’ll follow your lead
And my mouth will speak your praises Forever


*sing your song about life

raise up your voice and let your heart speak

of all of the ups and downs and smiles and frowns

and a thousand nuances that only you notice

all around you

and articulate the truths and lies

the laughter and sighs that will be expressed

in your masterpiece song about life

*sing your song about humanity

raise up your voice

and let your heart speak freely

of all of the paupers and Kings

and wars and peace and a thousand nuances

that only you can see all around you

and articulate the hopes and frustrations

the deceptions and frustrations

the beauty and insanity that will be expressed

in your masterpiece song about humanity

*sing your song about Creation

raise up your voice

and let your heart speak with elation

of all of the wonders and miracles

that the Holy One has planted

into the fabric of reality

and everything that you

hear and see

let them come alive freely

with a thousand nuances

of divine synchronicity

that only you can notice

because you are

the one to give voice

and you therefore

have no choice

but to articulate

and celebrate

the awesomeness

of it all

and all that you will see

and all that you saw

that will be expressed

in your masterpiece

song about Creation


*I have an inner drive to not lose anything,
not losing a drop.
It’s all about knowing that everything is meaningful.
Every piece of information that I learn,
every person I encounter, every challenge I encounter,
every thought that comes into my awareness is valuable,
it’s heaing us, it's completing us,

*then life becomes incredibly meaningful
, and everything becomes valuable.and important.

*If this information and these people
and these thoughts are coming to me,
I see them as “G-d sent.
” I see them as sparks, I try to see them
as the Kabbalah sees them,
basically as lost parts of my soul,
things that are lacking in my life.
That’s the source of what’s going on here.

*This is a whole new way to live our lives,
and if we really pay attention,
to everything that G-d sends our way
as being invaluable, everything.
Every minute, every thought,
every feeling, every person we meet,
every idea, every experience,
every challenge, every accomplishment that we accomplish.
knowing that These are “lackings” or lost parts of our soul,


* to the extent that we are
real with that,
with the fact that they are coming from Hashem,
that Hashem is
in a customized, personalized way
sending these to us.
When we’re real with the fact
that these are things
that are happening to us
in order to help us along,
to heal us,
to complete us,
then life becomes
incredibly meaningful,
and everything becomes
supremely precious



she knew the feeling well


noone had ever suffered the way she did

love lost

it seemed like every time she let go-she lost her soul


despite all her efforts , she couldn't put the pieces back together


how in the world could anyone make it through


twisted and conflicted and tangled up in blue


begging for anyone with a knowing heart to listen


shadows lulling her into a deep sleep


of a simpler and happier time


by a distant spark of hope

stood up

and saw the dawn's early light

reached out

for the end of her endless night


by a warm and compassionate one


dominated her waking hours

starting over

allowing herself a second chance


allowing life's flow to carry her where it wants

*the nation was conceived

in a place of clarity

separated from all the rest

the world on one side

and this people

on the other

*How can anyone


the vulnerability

of having no one

who understands?
*a nation that dwells alone

will be shown

the inner sanctum

will be intimate

with the beings

who dwell

above the stars

*a lamb

among a pack of wolves

a Land that allows

no one else's seeds

to flower
*endless exile

until that day

when we all come home

showing the World

who we are

*a vision

of light and love

guided by the One Above

will one day be seen

by all who have eyes

if they allow themselves to see
*and only the few

and far between

will stand up

on that great and awesome day

and proudly declare

to all who are gathered there

I am a Hebrew

I have always lived

on the other side and now I have come

to claim what is rightfully mine


[**in honor of the sefirat ha-omer week of Netzach]

Dear timelessness seekers….surely you have experienced –at least in passing----that the passage of time—is not what it seems…it's not just a fleeting dream….that there is an endlessness that hides inside of any given second…there is an abundance of past and future that defines the now….there is a netzach / foreverness that extends an experience that you thought that you missed [but it actually will continue to reverberate with ever increasing bliss] …..some poetry perhaps will help us grasp this


****all that I do all that I say everyone I meet
all that I experience all that I love below and above
extends in sweet profundity into the Forever

****the love I feel today relives and resonates
and reverberates and reiterates
in deeper and deeper frequencies

****I see your face there too
with a knowing smile and I smile back

****I can hear them
call out my name and help me gain
a knowing I never dreamed of before I arrived
in the Forever


the words and feelings go on forever
they shine
until the end of time
they reverberate
with ever-deepening meaning
and even the crescendos
crescendo endlessly
and when you truly know this
you cannot remain listless
because all is pregnant
with meaning
you can no longer
ignore random feelings
because those feelings
will never stop
to manifest
in ever deepening profundity
laser beamed reality
magnifying eternally


a new day

you may say

same old day

that you've seen over and over again

but look again my friend

this new day will never come again

nor has it ever been

and the more that you know

this simple truth

the more you will see

that you are the chosen one

no one else

can elevate or motivate or instigate

this brand new day

or give birth to a brand new way

like you

can you see now

the power of a brand new day?

and when you allow

for the possibility

that there is no end to this reality

and all that you

want and think and feel and say and do

will be reflected back to you

till the end of time

then you must embrace

all that comes your way

with all your love

with all your life


and this new wondrous voice

that you will learn to articulate

you will have to disseminate

to all those holy souls

who will be driven to know

what you know

because once they know

that the flow never stops flowing

and all that we do is constantly growing

then there will be revealed

a new kind of knowing

and nothing else will replace

this holy space limitlessly


*** and when we begin
to see a wholer way
when we start
to piece together
the night with the day

*** when we see how
the past births the present
and the present gives rise
to the future

***then we will begin to know
that all
that we come across
that every thing
that we go through
is only a small part
of a story
designed for me and you

***and there's really
not that much to do
but to embrace
and believe
with a knowing
that this ever growing
and unfolding
wonder-filled reality
full of grace
and mystery
is bridging us
to eternity


[**in honor of the sefirat ha-omer week of Netzach]

Dear seekers of Infinity…passion players of that eternal melody…. feelers of the deepness….dear seers of the endlessness….dear breathers of ever-deepening consciousness….surely the thirst that you have felt for so long –is what brings you here to this sacred song fest…and the promise of expansiveness enlists your heart to join us here with the full time meditators….surely the sweet fragrant smoke of expanded consciousness seeping out of these oriental dens of the seekers of altered mindfulness states is what sways you to come into this inner circle camp-fire we all sit around …and the sage advice that we all seek is to know the depth of everything…is to touch the inner light of all we see…is to dwell in the sacred spaces inhabited by traces of our endless souls …and everybody knows that a piece of infinity contains all of infinity …….and the waters of infinity will liberate all that is inside of thee….and one point will expand endlessly –when you allow in this ancient intensity….and these poetic soliloquies –regardless of who is listening ---will hopefully help you and me to see a small glimpse of the deepness with which we can see reality


***she closed her eyes

to physical sight

and her thoughts began

to take flight

and she could see

how all that was

becomes all that will be

***and she leapt

into a place of infinity

because there was

no other place

that she wanted to be

and the infinity

liberated her thoughts

and her words and actions too

and it was all that she could do

from disappearing and reappearing

as something new

and all the scatteredness unified

and the chaos became rectified


Every person and every matter –great and small----everything that is found in this place that we call Olam [our hidden World]---they all have an appearance of being limited and bound ---what you see is what you get ---is what everyone says

But we know that this World is a place that hides it's true nature-----and nature itself is hiding Super-nature ---and the bound is hiding the boundless

And when we open our mind to see this hidden seeing---then we will truly see that when the Red Sea Splits—then all Seas split----at what can manifest at the core of anything and everything is boundless Infinity –when we truly allow our eyes to see

[***a few poetic pieces of Infinity {inspired by Allen Aftermann's 'Kabbalah and Consciousness}***]


The day to day

And the same old same old

----when they discover

Inside of themselves ---

Their hidden source---

Then they uncover

A reservoir

Of more

---forever more

Infinitely more


Experience this moment

Listen to your heart beat

Pay attention to your inner voice speak

Know what you know

Feel the love that surrounds you

Feel the colors that astound you

And then stop to realize that just like the sky

Is liberated Infinity----so too is your consciousness

When you allow it to be


And this is illustrated

By how Kabbalah is the

Poetry of Judaism

And it's where the microcrocosm

Meets the macrocosm

And where Judaism meets the I and Thou

Mastermind consciousness

And Kabbalah is the map

Of transcendent experience

And all of this

Comes together in all of it's splendidness

And brings out the true bliss

Of this consciousness


***a single point expands to touch
every parallel point in the entire universe

***a single minute
reveals deep inside itself all the single minutes
that make up eternity

*** a single heart filled sharing
penetrates all the hearts in the world
that somehow have experienced
what this heart speaker shares

*** a single ray of hope
lights up all despair everywhere
and creates a cosmic bouquet whose heavenly aroma
sweetens up and inspire infinitely
all the hopeless down and outers to hope for salvation

***a single person
can serve as the extension of the Divine plan
and go where no man or woman has ever gone before
in transforming the entire world into a heavenly kingdom forever more

***a single thought
in between the lines
in between the raindrops
holds the key
to turning reality into eternal bliss

***a single 'I love you'
can do what no other words
could ever do
and turn all the me-s and you-s
into lovers too


Any part of infinity is as infinite as the whole of infinity.

If you tap into one aspect of infinite G-dliness, you tap into all the rest!

Since G-d, Torah and Yisrael are all one--the same rule holds true by all of them.

The entire Torah can be revealed in any specific word of Torah.

The totality of a person can be found in any specific body part or character trait...etc...for example, a proper foot massage sends healing to the entire body

and even more important than this----

the rectification of one character trait of one person, can rectify that identical point in many other people , and even in all of mankind, depending on how thorough the rectification was

All the realm of space can be tapped into by tapping into one area of space--[King Solomon, with his amazing wisdom, knew exactly which underground veins in the earth of the land of Israel, matched the corresponding terrains and plants all over the globe and was able to thereby grow all the earth's plants in Israel]!

The same is true of the dimension of time

[..ie..tap into the unique power of a certain Holiday, and that same power is activated the entire year].


[**inspired by the classic Kabbalistic work-Kabbalah and consciousness by Allen Aftermann**]

KNOW------------Know that the Creator is Infinite.......

Know that the Creator's whole design of the Creation was to hide His infinity from us , until we could discover how to reveal once again that all is infinity.....

Know that one of the essential points of all Kabbalistic teachings, is to reinfintize the finite---thus;

a. the goal of the Tzimtzum [ the creation process of contracting Hashem's infinite prescence to allow for a creation to exist] creation process is to ultimately reinfinitize it all

b. the goal of the evolution process seeking the maximal synchronization between the lights and the vessils that contain them, is to produce a setup of vessels that can contain infinity

c. the goal of the Mitzvot [according to the Kabbalistic consciousness perspective] is to infinitize [and thus liberate] the ACTIONS of reality that we take/do

d. the goal of Mystical Consciousness is to infinitize [and thus, liberate ] THOUGHT

e. the goal of Ratzon [a Kabbalistic state of fusing our WilL with Hashem's Will ] is to infinitize [and thus liberate] our WILL and our calling in life and our capacities to be the right arm extensions of G-d's Tikun Olam process

f. the goal of the Divine bridge traits referred to as the Sefirot, are to infinitize all processes and all structures , [including those of our own persona]

g. the goal of the Tikun [rectification] of cosmic brokenness, is to transform reality into a conduit and conductor and environment for infinity

h. the goal of all upper and lower world interpersonal relationships is to tap into each other's infinite wellsprings and thereby unify with each other, and thereby reproduce infinite shefa[ abundance] for all of the world to be nurtured from

i. ''the innate desire of the soul, is to reunify with the infinite...this is the root of every wanting; noother object, idea or love can satisfy it's desire. It's not only what the soul wants, but what all of existence wants.'' [Alan Afterman in his work, '[Kabbalah and Consciousness]

j. Humanity's goal of returning to the Garden of Eden's Paradise state, as well as the Messianic state, is to arrive at a consciousness and a reality , where all that which was lacking, will be complete---and all that which was finite will be infinite

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