Sunday, September 22, 2019

Weekly MMM - The Nesirah

Mystical Musical Meditations in Jerusalem

The Nesirah (Separation} is a kabbalistic creation dynamic that the kabbalists use to explain, among other processes, the underlying cosmic process of the entire High Holiday period from Rosh Hashanah all the way tthrough Simchat Torah. 
The imagery is a male and female divine paradigm, upon which is based the Adam and Eve corresponding story.The male sleeps, the female who has been attached back-to-back with the male is separated away from the male. Now that she exists independently of him, she then chooses to re-bond with him, upon his awakening, and they commence to intimately and thoroughly bond with each other and unite in unification. Their unification reproduces the"shefa" which is the life force or blessed abundance that keeps them going for the entire year.
The life application of this analogy is that Hashem is the male (Adam) figure and we, the Jewish people, are the female. Our back-to-back attachment represents our living our life in a state of rote, just continuing doing what we have been doing without any real self awareness or inspiration from within ourselves or from the One Above, just the same old same old.
Then the male (Hashem) sleeps, so to speak, and we, the female, separate from Him and remain in a state of self aware independence, meaning from Hashem’s perspective, that Hashem treasures our living our lives in a conscious way with a full dose of free will and re-choosing G-d from this perspective.
He sets us free from Him and closes His Eyes in a contrived sleep, thereby allowing us to be independent, and the meaning from our perspective, is that after being in a deep slumber about who we are and what we are and why we are we finally wake up and see ourselves.
We take a good look at ourselves together with the impact of our lives and decide if we like what we see, part or all of it, and then we realize that we can become anything we want. The sky’s the limit. We can live the life we love. And our newly chosen life is fused with G-d as our partner in all that we do.

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